Chapter 17"Dancing with the wind"

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Kyousuke: I usually am not intrested watching dances, but this one has a different thing in it.

Who is this girl figure dancing infront of the moon?

Then the figure turned around... I saw her face...









The girl looked familiar,






"R-raikou?" I whispered.

Then she stopped dancing, as she has her eyes closed, then there was a disturbance on the wind...

it blew so hard that my vision went blurry

Then as It went back to clear....
She was gone

Wait.. am I dreaming or what? Where is she?

"What the--" I said as I stepped once then I heard the wind rushing as someone was holding my neck Up to the tree ,it was incredibly tight.

"Who are---" the voice was familiar. Then my vision went back to normal  then she said"K-Kyousuke?" It was Raikou holding my neck up having my back against the tree, then she loosened her hand a bit

"H-Heh, I finally found you" I said weakly as her eyebrows met up looking annoyed

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a serious face and tone

"I saw you dancing, it was...." I paused "nice" I said weakly with a smirk

Raikou's POV
"N-nice? W-what the?"  Then I felt my face heating up.... "WHAT THE HECK! WHY WOULD HE COMPLIMENT ME FOR ME DANCING, EVEN THOUGH I'M JUST HORIBBLE AT IT, I think...God... that signature smirk of his though,"  I had my eyes in a shocked form looking at him as iI looked away blushing, then allowing myself to breathe. "I am, not. Blushing. kill me~"Then I looked back at him with a serious face"you're not answering my question, bakero...."I trailed

"Let me go" he said weakly

"Heh, now... don't you underestimate me anymore, pointy-head baka" I paused. as I gave him a smirk and spoke with my chin up"Now tell me, why. are. You. here?"

Kyousuke's POV
"I was kind of looking for you, don't know why. But, it does sound weird If I say that, If It were her, she will tease me"

<Lie>"Everyone was looking for you"I chose to lie
Then she looked a little satisfied
Raikou's POV

"fine" Then I took my hand off his neck quickly making him bump into the tree as I look at the opposite direction

"Tsk..." he trailed weakly

"One lesson you need to learn" she paused"You shouldn't look for the owl at night" I said in a serious tone, then I looked at him "kyousuke~" I mentioned with a grin

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