Chapter 18

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Raikou's POV
I was looking at myself, This is too girly....Chikuso...

"are you bothered?" A voice said, then I looked up. It was Kyousuke "I don't think you're liking what you're wearing for the festival eh?"he assured

"Yeah..." I trailed

"our main job here is only distraction" Kyousuke said looking at the festival's entrance

"We need to do a good job if that's the only job were doing" I said seriously. Then he nodded

"Ne, What do think about those children we saved that played kemari?" He asked quietly

"the kids that the White Geer Gang stole? I think they'll be fine with Kemari, they'll soon improve"I said.... though Beta...


I was watching Tenma play Kemari... or rather.. 'soccer' and the ball fell down the small hill and as I was just chiling having my back against the tree and my arms crossed, I noticed...and I saw people take the child, or rather.... kidnapp, then I went running towards them then Tenma and the others noticed....

"Hold it right there!" I screamed, as I ran to the guys, as fast as I can

"Raikou!" Tenma and the others exclaimed

Then I jumped high, and went infront of them

"What's with you!?" The guy screamed, as they tried to punch me, then I kicked them, and fought them, until they fell flat.

"Hey, child. We need to go back"then I took the child off the roll,

"Raikou! abunai!" They screamed

"Huh?" Then I heard a swipe, luckily I avoided it. Then a Soccer ball came rushing near me, I had my arms crossed infront of my face,

Time skip

We went to save tasuke and the others from the white deer gang... and the time we went in the place where they are.... we saw


"Well if it isn't Maho no Chan~?" Beta teased

"t-the protocol omega 2.0?" They questioned

"Beta..." fei and wondeba trailed

"Oh... wondeba san and fei san as well" beta added. Then I went infront of Wondeba and fei having my arms out

"You can't take them as long as I'm here" I said seriously having my eyebrows met up

"R-raikou..." fei and wondeba trailed as they looked at each other

"You can't be reck---" fei said as he gets cut off by beta

"Then I also have to take you as well, El Dorado told me the information of your existence...there is a missing puzzel piece we cant get through"N-nanda to?"

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