Chapter 2"Saving soccer"

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Tenma: The match is about to start eh?
Fei: I guess so
Chapter 2 "Saving Soccer"


The match begins

"The match with, Tenmas and Protocol Omega is about to start!" The whistle blew "there goes the kick off!"
The bal goes back and forth "None of the Teams are giving in!"I have the ball and one of our rivals as running in

"Agressive Beat!" shin hisatsu technique! I easily got through. "Yosh(Alright)"

"Way to go Tenma!" Fei shouted tgen another one came rushing. Then I passed the ball to fei

"Bouncer Rabbit!"he shoots. Cool! A rabbit eh?

"Keeper Command 03" then he got the ball. Then they started rushing towards the goal,

"D-Defense!" Then one just got in time

"Fractal House!" Then they elbowed through the player

"Shoot Command 01"

"Excellent Breast!" Then the goalkeeper caught it. Whew

"Yokatta, I was worried then" I said having a sweat drop

"Then, IKSO!(Let's Go!)" Fei said happily. Then one of our players dribbled the ball

"Dash Train!" The ball back

"I can't believe you have enough strength to control all of these by yourselves, what are you?"alpha asked

"I'm human obviously, and I'm here to protect soccer like Tenma!" Fei said smiling.

Then the first half ends...
Then I saw the Inazuma TM Caravan flying

"Ahh! Just in time!"fei said

"Ohayo! Fei! Tenma!" Ehh???? A-a talking bear? Then the TM caravan landed

"Have you finished what I asked for?" Fei asked

"I sure did. Infact I almost died because of it..... but THATS NOTHING TO WORRY!" The bear said

"A-A talking B-Bear?"

"Ehh? Bear!?"the bear exclaimed


"Tenma this is---"Fei was explaining then...

"Allow me to introduce myself.. ehem... I am Clark Wonderbat, you can call me Wondeba! I am one of the greatest coach-" then I was distracted by the caravan and was amazed of it it. Not hearing what wondeba said

"Ahh! This is the Caravan? Sugge!" Then Wondeba went near fei and was holding a thingy??? Then I went near the caravan and went in it then

"OI!! Tenma! Don't go in there!" The bear said jumping up and down

"O-okay..." then I went out of it

"Sigh..." a sweat drop was on the side of his forehead

"Lets go back to places!" Wondeba said. Then I looked around

"A-are??(H-Huh??) Where are the others?" I said looking around

"Here" then Fei snapped his fingers then they all appeared


"They are Fei's duplis" d-duplis?

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