Chapter 37"no one-"

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For Kyousuke, Fei and everyone....

Watashi wa.... Shinanai( I won't die) Minna wo tame.(For everyone's sake)

Time skip

Raikou's POV

Jikan desu(It's time)Tanumazo Tenma(i'll leave this to you... Tenma) 

In the field, the team advances...

and there we saw

and there we saw

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my mind was confused and worried.... moshikushite....(could it be...)

Fei, is our opponent..!?!

Then I felt a contact

<sou darou, Fei is the original captain of Garu... isn't that admirable? hehahhah...> damn Saru... there he goes again...<after this match ends, its already settled... and then our kind will--->

<Damatte(Shut up)> i  said in a monotone

<Uh..?>Saru wondered, and after a few seconds I hear a clap <subarashi(impressive)> he paused <I never knew your such a fast learner, you began controlling your illusion and contacting powers. well, the contacting was the main point of that happening...>

As the match starts, not a single member of Garu moves and as Taiyou uses his Keshin Armed to shoot, Fei suddenly comes in and stops it with his foot, after this Fei rushes through the field, and shoots with , bouncer rabbit.... and scores a goal...

<w-when did Fei ever...>

<hm? well the Fei you knew was different from who he really is. infact I'd rather--->

<Damatte kure...(I told you to shut up)>  I said in a monotone. as I left Saru with a big sigh.. but it sounded like he still grinned

Fei continues the rough plays and steals the ball  , injuring Torb in the process. 

 Fei shoots without a hissatsu and Shinsuke Mixi Transes but is unable to stop it, making two goals in favor of Garu.

"FEI! Why are you doing this!?" Tenma shouted

 but Fei still doesn't listen to Tenma and continues the harsh plays with tackling Taiyou, Hamano and Hayami and shooting at Shinsuke. While shooting, 

 While shooting, 

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