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(Emily's POV)

Zach was rushed to the hospital and my Dad was arrested, again, for attempted murder. Right now, we're at the hospital, in Zach's room. Sadly, they said he was in a coma, and they don't know how long it will last.

They said coma's can last for years. Its been a few days and they say he shows no sign of waking up at the moment. They say to talk to him, because supposedly he can her us. I think that's awkward though. I still do sometimes, asking him to give me a sign, or to be strong.

I close my eyes tightly letting tears roll down my cheeks. He'll wake up, he has to. I know he will. "Please.." I mumble squeezing his hand, resting my head against the wall. No response. He looked so.. Lifeless. All the tubes and wires, his face was pale, and they said there was a machine breathing for him.

So he's not even breathing himself. Which is bad. If he never starts breathing by himself.. Doesn't that mean they'll pull the plug? No. I won't let them. Not my only true friend I've had. The only boy I wasn't scared of from the start because he seemed so happy, full of life and friendly. No. They'll have to kill me before I ever let them pull the plug. I look at him, and lean over pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Em.. I'm sure he'll be okay. He's strong." I hear Jemma say and I just grip his hand in mine again and him, as I let tears fall down my cheeks. "We're gonna go get some food, we'll be right back okay?" Dan says and I nod and watch as they leave. The thought of food made me sick. I haven't eaten since Zach has been here, to be honest.

How can I? My boyfriend is in a coma because of my dumbass "father". I stand up, and get into the bed with Zach, lightly laying my head on his chest. The I remembered something. Tomorrow's my birthday. I don't even care. All I care about is Zach getting better. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


I wake up to a loud, dragging on beep. My eyes shoot open, and suddenly doctors and nurses fill the room, and I get off the bed. "We need to to leave the room." One nurse says and as I was leaving I could see a straight line on his heart monitor, and just as they close the door in my face, I break down crying.

I can't lose him. My best friend, he means so much to me. Stuck with me, despite my issues. The only one whose cared. "Emily? What's going on!?" I hear Dan's voice ring through my ears. "He..he- His heart monitor, straight line." I say not able to form a full sentence through all my crying. "Oh my... Em, he's strong.. He'll.." Jemma tries to comfort me but I stand up and slam my hands on the door, tears streaming down my face.

I wanted to curl up in a ball and forget everything. I punch the door again and cry harder at the pain that goes through my wrist. I stumble back, and bump into someone. Knowing its either Dan or Jemma I turn around and hug the person, burying my face into their shirt. "Em, it'll be okay.." They say rubbing my back. Its Dan.

That only made me cry harder. Zach is not okay, he's in there dying. After, about five minutes, I have no more tears, and I stand there hiccuping into Dan's shirt. I hug him and squeeze my eyes close and try to forget everything.

"Em.. How about you and Jem go home, rest, relax, try and take your mind off things, and I'll stay here and I can call you guys to tell you how Zach is doing. You need to eat, and sleep regularly." He says.

"But-" he cuts me off by saying "Emily, please. This isn't good for your health. You and Jem can go have a girls' Day. Try to be happy. I don't like seeing you like this, and neither does Jemma." He says and I sigh and nod pulling away from him. I look at his shirt to see it stained with my mascara, the black smeared a bit. "Dad, I'm sorry.." I say.

He looks at the stain and shrugs giving me a warm smile. "Come on, Em. Let's go get your mind off this.." Jemma says wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "Bye Dan." She says kissing his cheek. "Bye." I say looking once more at the door before Jem led me out.


Well, Jemma's gonna try to help her get her mind off things! Do you think it'll work? How do you feel about Zach's heartbeat stopping? Do you think he'll survive? Hope you enjoyed! Bai!

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