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When Peach and I pulled up in my driveway, I pulled the keys from the ignition and hopped out the car, slamming the door behind me.

"Ruby didn't do anything to you." Peach says, trying to cheer me up. I give her a light smile and unlock the front door to my house. I stormed up to my room and stripped out of my clothes and threw them in the hamper. "Calm down Baijha. Stop letting him get under your skin like this." I ignored her and walked into my bathroom, slamming yet another door. I ran the water for a steaming hot shower and soon hopped in. As the water hit my body, I thought about Braxton. He is really starting to piss me off. I mean I knew he was possessive because he was kinda like this before we started fucking, which was about a year ago. He's the one that doesn't want to get into a relationship but as soon as someone starts liking me,  he wants to play the jealous role. But when I do it, he says "We not together. I can fuck who I want." That really makes me mad. I hate those two sentences. After I wash my body in some shower gel that I got from Bath and Body works, I get out the shower and step into my body dryer. I go into my bedroom and Peaches is laying in my bed, still in her outfit.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you Peachy." I tell her as I slip on some black underwear with my towel wrapped around my body.

"It's cool. I understand what you're going through and you know that I'm here for you 24/7." she tells me before she disappears into the bathroom. I thought about the time that she was feeling this guy but he kept messing with other girls. She started talking to other guys and he would act just like Braxton. I love Peaches like a sister. I met her before Mille and we've never gotten into an arguement or a fight. We're inseperable. I put on some black basketball shorts, a white wife beater and my tall pink socks that have breast cancer ribbons on them. I go downstairs into the kitchen to make me and Peach something to eat for dinner. As I'm frying us some chicken, my phone vibrates letting me know that I have a text message. I look at it and sigh heavily.

Braxton- Sorry about the way I was acting Baijha
Me- You need to stop. We're not together.
Braxton- I just can't stand to see you with another nigga.
Me- Well you need to get over it..
Braxton- No matter what Bai, you're mines.

I didn't text him back but I made sure that I opened the message so that he can see that I read it. He hates when I do that, and at this moment I don't really care. How dare he say that I'm his?! I decided to text him back.

Me- I'm not yours until we're in a relationship and since we're not, I can fuck who I want.
Braxton- Yeah iight. Ain't nobody gone fuck you like me though. Think about that.

Yeah I'm done texting him for the night. I pulled the chicken out the grease and sat it on a papertowel covered plate. I took the dinner rolls out the oven and turned off the pot of mac and cheese.

"Ooh I knew ju lubbed me." Peaches says in some fake accent that she got from watching Wolf Tyla on Vine.

"Yes I do." I say and make her plate first. "It's some peach Ciroc in my room." I tell her and hand her the plate before making my own. She smiled at me and grabbed two cups as well as her plate and went upstairs. I fixed my plate and went to my room. When I got in there Peach was sitting on the bed waiting on me to bring the cups so she could start pouring Ciroc into them. I sat on the bed and took it, drinking all of it without stopping. I pulled the glass from my lips and felt my chest burn a little. We ate in silence, watching NCIS. Peaches phone rung and she answered and put it on speaker.

"How dare yall bitches leave me?" Mille's voice came through.

"Um bitch you left us for the bouncer guy. We looked for you before we left." Peaches tells her.

"Why didn't yall call my phone?" She asks.

"Nobody was thinking about that." I tell her.

"Where yall at?" she asks.

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