A Moody Maya and A Thinking Lucas

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"All I asked for was some chocolate and you make me fucking bacon and fucking eggs without any goddamn chocolate?! What the fuck?!"

Yes, I've been quite moody and you know what, if Lucas messes up that's his problem and he shouldn't look as scared as he does when I yell at him for it. I'm a women and he should be used to my womanly mood swings.

Which is why I don't feel bad at all when he pouts and says, "I've been trying to make you happy since you got on your period this month, Maya. Do you not even care?"

I frown at my husband with confusion and anger all rolled into one. "First, I'm not even on my period. And second, you should know I fucking care!"

"Wait, you're not on your period?" He questions me, looking very shocked and concerned for me, "Shouldn't you have it this week?"

"Yes, and I'm probably gonna get it tomorrow or something," I roll my eyes at his stupidity, "Why do you think I'm moody and craving chocolate?"

Lucas laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "No reason, my beautiful queen. I just want you to know that I love you with all heart no matter what, ok?"

A kiss is placed on my forehead when Lucas leans down and cups my face. "I love you too and I love chocolate a lot too."

For some reason, it's like he realized that he actually should listen to me and do what I ask because he kisses my forehead again and says. "I'll get you some chocolate ice cream, gorgeous. Would you like that?"

I nod my head, now smiling and talking in my baby voice. "Yes, please."


While Lucas had bacon and eggs and actual breakfast for breakfast, I got to have chocolate ice cream and now I'm really happy again.

But one thing I'm not happy about is why Lucas went from being super confused about me to being super nice and getting whatever I want. I'm not complaining at all, I'm just curious as to what made him switch so fast.

Anyways, I'm laying on the couch while talking on the phone with Riley and Lucas is also sitting on the couch, under my feet that are on his lap, watching some game.

"We always watch your movies on movie night, Riles," I groan at my best friend, "Let's just watch one horror movie and that's it. Then all your movies."

"But, Peaches, you know I'm scared easily. And so is your own husband so let's not watch a horror movie. Ever. Ever. Again." Riley responds

Due to me having my phone on speaker, resting on my chest so I don't have to hold it, my huckleberry hears what we're talking about and adds on. "Yeah, I agree. No horror movies, literally any other genre."

Sadness suddenly is what takes over me. "That's not ever fair to me. Do you not realize how unfair this is? I always have to watch some stupid Disney movie and I just want to watch one movie I like."

"Are about you to cry, Maya?" Riley question through the phone, "What the hell? Lucas, what did you do to her?! Why is she emotional?! Just two days ago she was talking about how she's a pro at hiding emotions! What the hell happened?!"

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