Santa's Coming Tonight!

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It's been a hard a few days for Maya from seeing her little brother, to being very moody and tired recently so I decided letting her sleep would be a good thing.

So instead of waking her up along with me, I put on some sweatpants and a hoodie and went downstairs with everyone else, leaving my beautiful wife to sleep upstairs.

"She's ok," I answer Zay's concerned question, "I just think seeing Mason kinda scared her a little bit."

That makes Riley frown in confusion. "Maya could watch a billion of the scariest horror movies in a row and not be scared at all so how did a sweet little boy scare her?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. Just the fact that Mason has his heart condition scares her."

Farkle gets what I'm trying to say and translates it so everyone else can understand as well. "Seeing Mason scared Maya because she just realized the fact that this baby may not be born super healthy."

"Exactly." I nod as I take a sip of my hot chocolate from my blue mug that has a little cartoon cowboy hat on it

Riley understands now. "Oh, that must be terrifying for her."

"How are you not freaking out, Lucas?" Zay questions

"I don't know," I answer, "I mean, of course I want Austin to be the healthiest little baby ever but I also know the chances of him having anything like what Mason has are very slim so I'm not as worried as Maya."

"What the fuck, Huckleberry?!" Her voice suddenly fills the room, "You know I don't like to be alone when I'm sleeping and so you left me alone when I'm sleeping! Fuck you!"

"Maya, calm down, baby," I walk over to her, "No need to get all mad."

"Yes, there is," I can see tears start to fill her eyes, "I always ask you to stay with me when I'm sleeping and you left me alone."

My hands take hold of her face and gently caresses it. "I'm here now, ok?"

Maya sniffles, blinking back all the tears then softly mumbling. "Ok."

I lean down to press my lips against her forehead for a little longer than normal just so she knows I love her so much.

"How are you feeling, Maya?" Farkle questions, "Any better?"

"Morning sickness was pretty bad and still a little sad for some reason," Maya sighs as she takes a seat next to Riley, "But it's Christmas Eve so I'm feeling better."

Zay perks up with this huge smile on his face. "Santa's coming tonight!"

"Remember what Santa got us when we were nine," I smile at Zay, "Matching bikes!"

"Yeah, yeah, but I've asked for something much better this year," he replies, "I asked for a real hot girl who's lookin' for love."

"That's not better than matching bikes." I lean back in my seat and cross my arms over my chest with pout

Riley is the next to speak. "Yes, it is. Love is the greatest gift of all, isn't that right, my little genius?"

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