Almost a Great Day

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"Why couldn't we just buy a fake Christmas tree?" Maya groans, still upset about being awake and outside at this hour, "This is fucking stupid."

"Just relax, darling," I take her cold little hand in mine, "This is more fun."

"Not when you're sixteen weeks pregnant and all ya wanna do is sleep." Maya rolls her eyes at me

It's eight in the morning and today we are all awake and going to pick our Christmas tree and cut it down so everyone can put the decorations on the tree together while listening to Christmas carols and watching fun movies.

I'm having blast out here as everyone walks along the trail on the snowy road, everyone bundled up in their winter gear. I think everyone but Maya is having fun but that's acceptable considering she's the only one carrying another little body inside her.

"Lets just ditch this, baby," Maya stops in front of me, hands placed on my chest as she leans into me, "We can go back to the cabin, cuddle up under some warm blankets and make out for as long as we can."

I shake my head as I pick her up bridal style and continue walking. "Nope, sorry, cutie, even though that sounds like a great idea."

Maya just sighs. "Whatever, put me down, I want Riley."

When I place her small little body back down on the ground, I make sure to give her a quick little kiss and that instantly puts a smile on her face, even if she tries to hide it.

My girl walks up a faster to catch up with Riley and Farkle, leaving me back with just Zay. "You know, Zay, realizing I'm gonna be a dad is incredible."

"I'm gonna be Uncle Zay," Zay smiles, "I think that's even more incredible."

A small laugh escapes my lips. "Austin will love you."

That makes Zay's smile grow as he pats my shoulder. "I'm really excited for you and Maya though, man. Austin is gonna be one cute little baby because you're both so good to look at, you know?"

"I hope he has her beautiful blue eyes," I smile, "And those cute little freckles that she likes to hide."

"And let's hope he's got her lips too because we want him to actually have a lips unlike his dad, to be honest." Zay states, shrugging his shoulders

"Hey, I have lips!" I exclaim, making a kissy face, "I have very kissable lips."

"Saying that you have very kissable lips is like saying Maya doesn't have the sexiest ass in the entire universe," Zay chuckles, "Lies."

"You horny or something?" I ask him, rolling my eyes at the diss, "Because stop thinking about my wife's incredible ass, if you are."

With a dramatic sigh, Zay groans out, saying, "I'm so alone. I heard you and Maya banging last night and Riley and Farkle were banging too and I realized just how alone I am without a girl."

In hopes to make him feel a little better, I pat his shoulder. "You're gonna find the perfect girl for you, Zay. Don't worry."

Zay pouts. "But what if she dumps me and I'm all alone again and too heartbroken to find anyone else and I'm alone forever, stuck watching you and Maya continue to have babies until her little tiny pussy can't take it anymore!"

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