Untitled Part 7

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lips. Castiel returned the smile, rubbing his neck uncomfortably. "Sam and your brother, huh," he asked after a while, cigarette long gone. Castiel didn't dare to move nor suggest to go back inside, though he started to freeze a little. "I don't think anything's going in there," Castiel admitted. He was pretty sure that Gabriel didn't like Sam like that, but if Sam liked Gabriel like that then Castiel was just sad for the boy. "Why? You homophobic? Can't accept your brother might like taking it up his ass?" Dean sounded angry and Castiel blushed at his words. Him, of all people? He'd be the last to judge someone for their sexuality. It was just the fact that he knew Gabriel, or at least he thought he knew him. He didn't realise he was crying until Dean stepped up to him and cupped his cheeks with his hands. "I'm sorry, Cas. I didn't mean to," he trailed off and wiped the tears away with his thumbs. "Sometimes I don't know what's appropriate to say and what not," he offered. Castiel shrugged his shoulders and pushed Dean away, not forcefully, but enough for Dean to stumble backwards and looking taken aback. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm not homophobic, Dean. How could I? When I, let me quote you here, like it taking it up my ass?" And with that he stormed back inside and into his room. Well shit. "How to not make friends, a novel by Castiel Novak," he said to himself as he got ready for bed.Two weeks had passed since Castiel got to know Dean and left him standing on the porch. Ever since, when Dean came to their place, Castiel had ignored him. It wasn't fair nor nice, he knew that, but he couldn't help himself. He felt so embarrassed and didn't want to make things awkward, so he kept them from interacting. In school, Sam would spend time with Castiel. Sam was fairly popular, he had friends from every High School cliché clique there was. Most people left Castiel alone these days. During lunch, Sam would go eat with Castiel and sometimes a few of his friends joined them. At first he had trouble remembering their names, but they were patient with him and never laughed or judged. It was nice. He finally started to feel accepted. "Do you like Gabe?" Castiel blurted out and Sam stopped unwrapping his sandwich. They were alone today and sat against a big tree behind the school building, Sam's jacket under them. "Yes? He's nice." Castiel huffed. "You know what I mean." Sam punched him in the shoulder, not hard enough to hurt but enough to sting. That boy grew up so fast and gained strength with every day. It freaked Castiel out a bit. "Gabriel won't tell me anything anymore. It's like he things I'd judge him and you two ... I mean even Dean pointed it out." Castiel shrugged his shoulder and took a bite off his own sandwich, chewing slowly and flavouring every taste. "What do you mean "even Dean"?" Sam crossed his legs, studying Castiel's face. "Dean has a good gay radar, if that's what you mean." Sam laughed and Castiel perked up at that. "Don't look so shocked, Castiel. He's not gay," Castiel shrank. "not fully I mean, but that's not my story to tell. Anyway, I like your brother and I think he likes me The rest of the day past by quickly. By the time Castiel was home he felt exhausted and tired and all he wanted to do was sleep. He was greeted by his mom, who was cooking something that smelled delicious. "You okay, honey," she asked and wiped her hands off her jeans to squeeze Castiel in a quick hug. He nodded and filled a glass with water. He noticed her staring, but didn't react. If he looked like shit, then that was because he had tired himself out by over thinking and creating scenarios in his head that would never happen - and no, he totally didn't imagined Dean kissing him, nope, not at all. 

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