Untitled Part 31

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shit together, Castiel prepared a bowl with crisps (chips, wherever you're from) and two glasses of coke - it was Gabriel's coke, but his brother needed to learn how to share anyway. Once everything was set, he went into the living room. Dean had already picked a film and put it in the device, now he was sitting on the couch, clutching a pillow to his chest and resting his chin on top of it. Castiel smiled and put the tablet of snacks and drinks on the coffee table. It didn't take long until Dean had one hand in the bowl and stuffed his mouth. He chewed with his mouth open, grinning at Castiel. "You're disgusting." Dean shrugged his shoulders and filled his mouth with more crisps. "I will take these away from you, if you don't stop, Dean." Castiel warned, hand on the bowl to pull it away. Dean pouted and swallowed dramatically. "Good boy." He patted Dean's head,ruffling his hair. Dean leaned in to the touch and smiled softly. Castiel couldn't believe how things have happened and changed so fast in his life since he's met the Winchesters. He grabbed the remote and hit the play button, almost hugging Dean when he realised what film they were about to watch. It was one of his favourites and if Dean had picked it,it meant he liked it to. The Wizard Of Oz.Halfway through the movie, Castiel felt his eyes getting heavier and his body getting more relaxed. He sank into the cushions, looking at the TV through half opened eyes. Dean, next to him, didn't seem to have that problem. He laughed and 'oh'd at the right times, eating crisps and drinking coke. He even paused the movie once to get himself another coke and go to the toilet. That was the part when Castiel fought to stay awake, he couldn't just fall asleep and having Dean leave. Before he could wander into dreamland, Dean came back and shoved and Energy into Castiel's hands. "You look like you're about to sleep, so I give you two options." He pointed at the bottle of Energy in Castiel's hand. "You can drink this and hope it'll help you and won't give you a heart attack, or," He pointed at his shoulder. "You can use my shoulder as a pillow and sleep while I watch the rest on my own." He waited for Castiel to contemplate his choices, sipping on his coke. You better take his shoulder, Castiel demanded. "I'll have the drink," he said instead. Asshole, Castiel huffed. He was like both the angel and devil on his shoulders - or maybe Castiel just slowly but surely went mental, who knew? Dean nodded, looking somewhat disappointed. Castiel opened the bottle and took a long swig. He didn't like fizzy drinks, but if he wanted to have a chance at spending more time with Dean, he'd gladly drink as much of this disgusting, unhealthy liquid. Once he put the bottle down and gave Dean a thumbs up, Dean hit the play button again. The drink helped, though he still felt tired. All it did was making his heart beat faster, not enough to make him panic and tell Dean that he was about to actually have a heart attack, but enough to make him sit up straight and concentrate on the film. Twenty minutes before the film would end, Dean reached around Castiel and pulled him closer. The warmth of his hand burned through the fabric of Castiel's shirt, causing goosebumps to raise on his skin. He swallowed hard, but let himself be pulled in. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but Dean was soft and warm and smelled nice and Castiel liked it and forgot about his worries.Without thinking twice, Castiel wrapped his arm around Dean's middle, snuggling into his side. To make it more comfortable, he put his legs on the couch and pulled them to his chest. He probably looked like a dog or cat right now, but he didn't care because this felt nice. Dean raked his fingers through Castiel's thick dark 

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