Untitled Part 32

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hair, massaging his scalp. The images on the screen blurred, as Castiel closed his eyes, humming approvingly. Whenever Dean would stop, Castiel would wiggle his shoulders, motioning Dean to continue, which he did. ~ Castiel didn't want to sit up when the the credits started rolling over the screen; it didn't feel right to do so. Dean didn't seem too eager either. "I should go home," he said after a while and ran a hand up and down Castiel's side. "You don't have to, my parents aren't home and Gabe doesn't seem to come back any time soon either." Castiel told him, but when he realised what that could imply he froze and added, "You know, we could play some xBox or just chill in my room." Dean's body vibrated slightly, which meant he was laughing and it made Castiel feel stupid; he tensed even more, but then he felt Dean's lips on his head. "I'd like that, stop worrying, Cas." ~ They tidied up the living room and put the used dishes in the sink, not bothering to wash them - Castiel would do that in the morning. Once they were in Castiel's room, Castiel locked the door behind them and even though Dean noticed it, he didn't say anything. Dean sat down on Castiel's bed, jumping up and down a bit, hands moving over the fabric of the blanket. "It's not as comfy as your bed, but it'll do right?" He felt awkward and very, very young and seeing Dean on his bed didn't help him, so he continued leaning against the door. Dean crawled on top of if, flopping on his back and patting the place next to him. "We could continue what we did on the couch," he offered with a sly grin playing around his lips. Castiel felt his heart stutter and for a second he was worried that he'd actually get a heart attack. Get a grip, he thought. Dean started fidget and sat up, eyes worried. "Cas, I'm sorry if it's going too fast, I-" He looked down in his lap.Castiel pushed himself off the door and joined Dean on the bed, taking his hand to reassure him. He couldn't believe that he always ended up trying to comfort Dean, when he himself was so close to freaking out. It was endearing though, Dean always seemed to be so collected and tough in school and around his friends, it gave Castiel some sort of satisfaction that Dean was just as insecure and unsure as he was. "It's not, I'm fine. Stop thinking I can't handle anything. I'm still here, right?" Dean nodded and Castiel grasped his chin with his other hand to tilt Dean's head up. When Dean opened his eyes to look at him, Castiel leaned down and gave him a quick peck on the mouth. The surprised gasp that left Dean's lips, made Castiel smile. He wrapped an arm around Dean's middle and rested his head on his shoulder. Now that they were on a bed instead of a couch, Castiel snuggled up against Dean and hooked one leg around his hip. "Okay." Dean breathed and wrapped his arms around Castiel, pulling him impossibly closer. Castiel listened to Dean's steady heartbeat, drawing invisible patterns on his arm. It was nice like this, just lying on the bed, enjoying each other's warmth. Dean's breath hitched, when Castiel brushed his fingers over his neck and into his hair. Castiel's own breath became a little faster as he pushed himself up on his elbows and looked down at Dean. "Can I," he asked and flickered his eyes to Dean's lips. Dean's lips twitched in a smile and he nodded once. It felt like they were in a movie, where people's first kiss happens slow and the anticipation grows with every second. Castiel didn't close his eyes until his lips hovered over Dean's, barely touching. He felt Dean trembling and mouthing 'please'. It almost was too much to handle, he's never felt something so intense before. Every nerve ending was on fire, making him feel hot and cold at the same time. He had this weird feeling 

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