Untitled Part 22

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and Sam trouble, he had to fix it. "It's because I wanted to be alone," he apologised. "Gabe just respected my wishes." It didn't seem to work. The tension between the two only grew. Castiel opened his locker and grabbed the books he needed. "We should have lunch together today, you two and I." They deserved to be happy and Castiel wouldn't let them hate each other for something that wasn't their business. Sam nodded once, giving Castiel a concerned look before he turned on his heels and walked away. The bell rang and Gabriel waved goodbye. Castiel slid down his locker, breathing heavily. What had he done? Just because he couldn't keep his shit together, other people had to suffer as well. He hid his face in his hands and groaned. "Fucking great." He didn't know how long he sat there, but when he heard footsteps coming towards him he jumped up and he regretted he ever checked to see who it was. Dean and Lisa walked towards him, hand in hand. Lisa smiled brightly at Castiel, waving, while Dean was looking at the ground. "Hello, Castiel," she said. "It's Castiel."Dean said.Lisa brushed him off, petting his cheek. "It's just a name." Castiel shrank, staring at Dean in disbelief. He didn't care that this girl, whom he despised with everything he got, had mispronounced his name. Dean had told him that Lisa wasn't enough for him, that she wasn't what he wanted, needed. He didn't understand why he'd go back to her. They must have been a thing again for a while now and Castiel had been too oblivious to notice. Or maybe because they never really talked. "Since when?" Castiel breathed and Lisa stopped talking, looking between the two. Dean shrugged his shoulder. "Two weeks." Peng. His breath caught in his lungs and he suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe anymore. "Does it matter?" Peng. Castiel felt his heart drop. He grabbed his books from the floor and left, running down the hallways. When he'd turned around a corner he stopped running and caught his breath, head resting against the wall. It took him a bit to sort his head, taking everything that was Dean and putting it in a box, storing it safely. He wasn't going to break just because of unrequited love. Once he felt like he was okay, he went to class and apologised. He must have looked awful, because his teacher had just nodded and motioned him inside, face washed in concern. The hours passed by and when the bell rang for lunch break, Castiel almost felt normal again. He went to his usual spot behind the school and waited for his brother and Sam. Sam was the first who arrived, smiling shyly. He sat down next to Castiel, handing him a chocolate bar. "It helps," he said, simply, and Castiel knew that Sam knew. "I'm sorry, Castiel." Castiel shrugged his shoulders. It wasn't Sam's fault that his brother was an ass. "I should have never made assumptions about my brother's sexuality and let you believe they were true." He ducked his head, wrinkling his nose. "He kissed me, Sam." Sam inhaled sharply, eye wide. They didn't speak for a while, Sam processing the information, until Gabriel joined them, sitting down next to Castiel. "Dean kissed Castiel." Sam told Gabriel. Gabriel startled, looking surprised at this piece of information. "I'm gonna kill him."He wanted to get up, but Castiel stopped him and pulled him back down. "Guys, please, I'm okay." He earned a huff from Gabriel and a sad smile from Sam. "Really, I'm fine, but what is up between the two of you? Last time I checked you were all lovey-dovey about each other." They both looked away and didn't answer. So, it was Castiel's fault. They'd probably fought during the weekend and if Castiel wouldn't have been so oblivious, he could have prevented them from ... whatever they were now. "Listen, 

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