Untitled Part 30

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every word Dean said. He shouldn't forgive him so fast, but it was hard not to when Dean was opening up to him like that. "It's okay, Dean. Thank you for telling me this." And if it was the most natural thing, he grabbed Dean's burger and took a bite, smiling cheekily at Dean when he pushed the plate back to him. Dean grinned. "I never share my food, consider yourself lucky." Castiel moaned at the taste and rolled his eyes to the ceiling. He's never had such a good burger. When he looked back at Dean, he saw that his eyes were dilated and his cheeks even more pink. Dean looked down at his plate and laughed awkwardly. "You know,maybe you shouldn't eat any more of my burger."Just to provoke Dean, Castiel snatched the burger out of his hands and took another bite. Dean didn't look impressed, until Castiel groaned again. He covered his face in his hands, dropping his head on the table. Flustered Dean was Castiel's favourite Dean from now on. Castiel laughed, somewhat proud that he could make Dean react like this. He put the burger back on Dean's plate and leaned back. "I really like the burger, it taste so good." Dean groaned, head still on the table. His voice was a bit muffled when he spoke next, "I'm not sure if I regret this or not." Castiel rolled his eyes and reached over the table to punch him in the shoulder. "Have some self control." ~ They ended up laughing a lot, giggling about the weirdest shit - like the website Dean showed Castiel, of cute cat gifs and videos - and shared some stories, nothing too personal yet, but something to bond over. Around eight in the evening, Dean drove them back to Castiel's house. They sat in comfortable silence and just enjoyed the music coming from the radio. Castiel was stuffed and happy and felt content and the buzzing from the radio made him feel tired. He rested his head against the window and watched the road, trees and houses passing by. Dean stopped the car in front of Castiel's house and sighed. The lights inside were turned off and Castiel didn't know if he should be happy or sad about it. It meant that Gabriel wasn't at home and Castiel couldn't talk to him about his day with Dean. "Thank you, Cas." Dean said, staring out the windshield. He looked at Dean and then back at the house and back to Dean, contemplating whether he should ask him or not. He decided to just ask. "You know, if you want you could come inside and we could, uh, you know, watch some old classic movies, because those are my favourites as well and," he took a deep breath. "I would like to spend some more time with you." He licked his lips. "Only if you want, because I don't want to force-" Dean pressed his hand over Castiel's mouth, stopping him mid sentence. He chuckled at Castiel's babbling. "I would like that, Cas." Castiel exhaled relieved, watching Dean climbing out of the car."You remember where the DVDs are?" Dean grinned and nodded, walking backwards. "I'll make us some snacks and, you know," Castiel made a weird gesture with his hands and Dean gave him a thumbs up, turning on his heels. Castiel followed him with his eyes until he went into the living room. Once he was alone, he leaned against the wall and took a few deep breaths. There were a million questions spinning in his head, making him feel dizzy. What would happen? How would Dean act in school? Where they friends? Can Castiel actually forgive him (fuck, yes)? Would he survive tonight? When would Dean leave? How did this work? You know, Castiel said, for someone who has his crush sitting in the living room, you sure as hell take ages to get your ass moving. "Oh god." Just saying, you know? Castiel dragged a hand down his face, groaning. He needed help, in so many ways. ~ After he got his 

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