Untitled Part 25

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wouldn't have made me say all this." Castiel nodded slowly, understanding dawning on him. It was his own fault, he just should have left. Dean kept on walking closer and Castiel kept on stepping back until his back was pressed against the door. Dean's face was angry. He didn't expect the finger that poked him in the chest and gasped. "I feel sorry for you, Cas." At least he's still calling you by your nickname, Castiel said. "So naive." Dean was unbearable close now, caging Castiel with his arms beside his head. Castiel squeezed his eyes shut, heart fluttering. And then, Dean's lips were on his.It was different than the first time, more demanding and desperate and it made Castiel feel sick. Maybe he'd enjoyed it if Dean wouldn't have said all those awful things to him. Maybe. But this felt wrong and it just made everything ten times worse. "Stop." Castiel pressed out between his lips, not daring to move them too much. Dean groaned frustrated and pulled back, resting his head against Castiel's shoulder. His body vibrated and Castiel only then realised that Dean was crying. "Dean?" He took Dean's head in his hands and made him look at him. "Hey, Dean, please, sh, it's okay." He pushed Dean towards the bed, holding him in his arms. This was so confusing, it was one hell of an emotional roller coaster. "I tried." Dean sobbed and covered his face with his hands, falling back in his bed. Castiel sat beside him, rubbing Dean's thigh soothingly. "I really tried," he repeated and took a deep breath. "But it's so hard and it doesn't matter what I do, you won't leave and you should leave. You deserve better, you said that yourself. Why didn't you leave? Why are you still here?" His voice broke at the end. "Even now, you're still here." Castiel saw tears falling down Dean's cheek and it broke his heart. He's never seen Dean so vulnerable and hurt and from what Sam had told him, Dean never cried. "Dean, you need to calm down and then we can talk about this." Castiel wasn't stupid, the words still stung in his chest, but he couldn't leave without making sure that Dean was alright. Always putting these who hurt you first, huh, Castiel said, you're so weak. "I don't know what's wrong with me, Cas." Dean dropped his hands from his face and looked at Castiel, eyes pleading. "You got issues." Castiel stated and smiled softly. "But that's okay, we all got them." Dean nodded and sat up. "I shouldn't have kissed you again." "No you shouldn't have, not after what you've said." Dean bit his lip and fumbled with the hole in his jeans. "I'm sorry, Cas." Castiel pointed at the plate. "Eat your pie. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that he left Dean's room, shaking on the inside. "I have to leave." Castiel said and waved at Mary and Sam, panic rising up.Sam followed him outside, grabbing him by his arms to pull him back. "Castiel, what's wrong? What happened, you've been up there quite long." Sam's grip on his arms made him wince. It didn't hurt, but it felt too much. He couldn't handle getting touched right now, not after what happened in Dean's room. His heart threatened to jump out of his chest and the adrenaline in his system made his limbs twitch, ready to run. "Uh, nothing. We just talked. It's fine. We're fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine. My mom needs me." He pulled away from Sam's hands and slowly walked backwards. When he looked up at the house, he saw Dean standing in the window. "I need to leave. I'm fine." With a thumbs up, he ran down the street, ignoring Sam's shouts. ~ When he ran up the few stairs to his porch, he saw a note sticking on the door. He took it, hands shaking. 'Hey, Cassie, mom and dad had to leave and won't be back until next week (I know it sucks) and I'm out with friends. Will be back home later! Love 

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