15 Years Before "Nuke-Day"

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In the year 2027, Japan has recreated the Japanese Empire and has created the first Super Nuclear Bomb and America wants to purchase it. The emperor of Japan, Niko Namashoshi doesn't want to let the President of the United States, Thomas Franklin purchase the Super Nuke from Japan because he knows that Thomas will pretend that his country made it first and will try to have rival countries fear America. Even though Niko doesn't allow America to purchase the super nuclear bomb, Thomas invades Japan and has declared war over a Super Nuclear Bomb made by Japan. "Thomas is a fool, I can't believe he is this stupid, why would he declare war and invade Japan over a fucking super nuclear bomb." Said Niko. "Because America is a greedy country, they always want the best of everything and will risk everything for it. Even if it means total destruction of their country." Said General Daichi Himura, a Japanese General. "Give America the super nuke, or I will order a million soldiers to destroy your palace. I am still giving you time however to let America buy your nuke, if I have to ask again...no, I won't ask again, because I'll just take it by force." Said Thomas Franklin. "Just give me the order and I will send a million troops and armor to take the Palace and take the Japanese Empire down." Said General Willis Jackson, the US military commander. "Truth be told General, I do not wish to destroy Japan or Niko, he was my best friend in college, I can't destroy him." Said Thomas. "I don't think you have a choice sir, in my honest opinion, I would just send all the men we have now and just get this over with." Said General Jackson. "I know my country will hate me more if I continue to make threats against Japan, but we need that super nuke, it will keep all of our rival countries in check and keep us safe from anything." Said Thomas. In Japan, Emperor Niko addresses the threat America had made. "Citizens of Japan and the Japanese Empire, do not panic, America and it's president are fools, they invade our land to steal a weapon we possess so they can keep the world in check. I will assure, we will prosper from America and it's threats, and it it does send a million soldiers to our land, than we will deploy 3 million troops to defend our precious land." "Well said Emperor, but what will we do? We can't pretend America won't attack our land and the heart of your Empire. You must invade America to assure your dominance and position on selling our most recent possession." Said General Daichi. Niko decides to follow General Daichi's advice and invade the west coast of America, and after his invasion, he sends President Franklin a message saying, "Japan will not sell a powerful weapon, a more powerful version of one that you used against us in WW2 to defeat us, we will not give up the nuke, so you will just have to try and take it from us, then again, you said you will Thomas, I expect, a million men at my palace and country anytime soon."

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