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The Storm City forces returned from the attack from The Leo Brig. "Ben!!!" Yelled Norman as him and Mike Tyson run towards Ben. "Hey, hey, hey, I told you I'd make it." Said Ben. "Yeah, I know you did." Said Norman. "You know he was very worried for you Ben." Said Sasha as she approaches Ben. "I know." Said Ben as he kisses Sasha. "Christy, how were things here?" Asked Jason. "Nothing, no Talon Co., nothing at all. The men from the previous battle are recovering including Emma, Nikolai, and Kacey." Said Christy. "That's good news." Said Jason. "Jason, it's good to see everyone back in one piece." Said Vic. "Not everyone, we lost some men." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Yes, their sacrifice will pay off in the end." Said Vic. "Vic, we need to talk, only certain people can know about this. It's important." Said Jason. "How important?" Asked Vic. "It could mean the end to us." Said Jason. "Understood, come with me." Said Vic. Jason, Vic, Ben, Lieutenant Moore, Knick Knack and Ke'Shawn enter a bunkered down room, underneath Storm City's Capitol Hall. "Lieutenant, shut the door." Said Vic as everyone enters the room and Lieutenant Moore shuts the door. "So, what's the problem?" Asked Vic. "We may have a security issue, I think there is a mole in our ranks." Said Jason. "What makes you say that?" Asked Knick Knack. "Talon Co. managed to sneak behind us, and knew what our plan was." Said Ben. "This is a major security threat, and I think there is only one possible suspect: Alexander Gomez." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Think about it, Alexander used to work for Talon Co., and told us he left because they cut his pay, but what if he lied to us." Said Ke'Shawn. "It makes sense, but, we won the battle though, how do you know there even is a security threat?" Said Knick Knack. "Because we hid in the perimeter around The Leo Brig. Talon Co. used Cloaking Tech to sneak behind us. How else would they know where we were and attack us?" Said Jason. "I understand, so, how do you expect we find out if Alexander is the mole?" Asked Vic. "We keep an eye on him, watch his movements, watch what he does, and I know the right person for that job: Milena." Said Ke'Shawn. "Why Milena?" Asked Vic. "Milena and Alexander already know each other, he's tried hitting on her." Said Ke'Shawn. "And what if he isn't a threat to us?, what if it is someone else?" Asked Knick Knack. "If it isn't Alexander, then we have to find the bastard that sold us out, simple as that." Said Lieutenant Moore. "So is it settled?" Asked Ben. "It is." Said Vic. They leave the bunker, set with what to do if they find the mole. Ke'Shawn finds Milena, telling her what she must do. "You want me to what?" Asked Milena. "Hear me out Milena." Said Ke'Shawn. "You want me to be Alexander's friend, when you think he is an informant for Talon Co." Said Milena. "Listen, I know it sounds retarded, but it's the only way we can find out if he is an informant." Said Ke'Shawn. "He's tried to flirt with me the day we met, which, if he knew me and know what happened to me at The Leo Brig, he would try to take it back." Said Milena. "I know Milena, but, this isn't just you, this...this is all of us, we need to know if Alexander is an informant feeding Talon Co. our information." Said Ke'Shawn. "Do you know what the worst part about about being there was?, being at The Leo Brig?, it wasn't the rape, it wasn't the beating, it wasn't the fact that William sacrificed himself to save me, it was that in all that time, I couldn't do anything, that I couldn't save William, that I couldn't save Marcus, that we couldn't save Arms-Town. I'll do it." Said Milena. "Thank you Milena." Said Ke'Shawn as he leaves Milena's house. As he leaves Milena's house, Alexander asks who it was. "It was Ke'Shawn, a friend of mine." Said Milena. "A friend huh?, how did you meet him?" Asked Alexander. "I met him, when I was found by one of his scouting crews 2 years ago. He and several others brought me in to Arms-Town and let me be a part of their lives." Said Milena. "Be a part of their lives huh?" Asked sarcastically Alexander. "Not sexual Alexander, they took me under their wing and let me live among them as equal." Said Milena. "I know what you meant babe, I was just fucking with you." Said Alexander. "I know." Said Milena. "Ok seriously though, what happened to The Leo Brig?, because I asked Jordan and Nikolai, and they said to not ask them about that." Said Alexander. "I'd rather not say, it was, it is depressing and it hurts me to even think about it." Said Milena. "Come on Milena, you trust me do you not?" Asked Alexander. "I do trust you, but what happened there was personal and tragic to me, and I'd rather tell no-one. And why do you want to know what happened to me in The Leo Brig?" Asked Milena. "I just want to know what happened there." Said Alexander. "I was raped, many times, beaten, many times, and I watched an old friend of mine sacrifice himself to save me while breaking me out of it." Said Milena. Alexander just looks at Milena in silence. "There, now you know what happened to me in The Leo Brig." Said Milena. "Milena, I'm sorry, I didn't think it was like that bad." Said Alexander. "I told you I didn't want to talk about it at all because of how it made me feel, I think I need some time off for a while." Said Milena as she leave her house and goes to a bar. "Milena, where are you going?" Asked Jordan who was passing by. "Going to a bar." Said Milena. "I'll keep you company then." Said Jordan. "No Jordan, please, don't." Said Milena. "What happened to you?" Asked Jordan. "Alexander made me tell him what happened to me in The Leo Brig." Said Milena. "Come on, I'll keep you company at the bar, let's get drunk together then." Said Jordan as him and Milena go to the bar and get drunk. Milena returuns to her house drunk, and barely awake. Alexander was unaware who had entered the house and pulled out an M9. When he found out the person that entered the house was Milena, drunk, and nearly asleep, he lowered his M9 and went back into the room, where he was giving Falcon information about Storm City.

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