The Return of A Legend

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The 7 are prisoners in Point Alpha-Delta, and have met the man in charge, Lieutenant Bill Moore. The same Bill Moore that fought in WW3, in Turkey, India and Vietnam. While in Point Alpha-Delta, the 7 take a tour of the city they're being held in. Jason and Christy are with Lieutenant Moore. "How did you and your guys survive 'Nuke-Day'?" Asked Jason. "Alpha Company stayed in the base for 3 days after 'Nuke-Day'. The closet nuke to hit Point Alpha-Delta hit just under Canada." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Interesting." Said Christy. "Yes. Interesting. Look, you being my prisoners is only a temporary thing, you and your group will be released tomorrow." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Why not just let us go right now, we're not going to kill you." Said Jason. "I know. But it's a precaution I must take." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Why?" Asked Christy. "5 months ago, I let Talon Co. soldiers in my city, knowing they were bad company, but I let them in anyway. They ended up slaughtering 8,310 people. Since that day, I've been stuck up about my security concerning Talon Co., or anyone in general." Said Lieutenant Moore. "But if you know we won't kill you, why are we still here?" Asked Christy. "It's what the city prefers me to do. I will do it either way, but to you and your group, they'd prefer me to have you here." Said Lieutenant Moore. "I understand, you want to keep the support of your people and your soldiers." Said Jason. In the city, Ben, Norman, June, Emma and Nick are with Private Victor, Private Carlos and Corporal Valentina taking their version of Point Alpha-Delta. "So, why Point Alpha-Delta?" Asked Nick. "Lieutenant Moore named it Point Alpha-Delta, after 'Nuke-Day' and for the remembrance of Delta-one and Delta-company, his best friend who was killed in 'The Vietnam Slaughter' and Alpha-company." Said Private Victor Henson, a 34 year old man from Rhode Island. "Oh, that's why it's called Point Alpha-Delta." Said Nick. "Is it really necessary for us to still be in these handcuffs though?" Asked Nick. "Yes, it is necessary. For the safety of our people and Point Alpha-Delta." Said Private Carlos Ponce, a 33 year old man from Puerto Rico. "Dammit." Said Nick. "Where are you taking us?" Asked Ben. "Does it really matter?" Asked Corporal Valentina Anderson, a 30 year old Russian-American woman from New York. "In here, all of you." Said Private Carlos. "What the hell? We're in a brothel, are you fucking with us or something?" Asked Nick. "If you're going to be here as our prisoners, you might as well have a good time." Said Corporal Valentina as her, Private Carlos and Private Victor leave the 5 at the brothel. "Can I get you guys anything to drink, or perhaps, a woman for today?" Asked a whore. "Alright, I'll start off with you." Said Ben as he grabs the whore and takes her to a room to fuck. "Will it count as cheating if I have sex with a brothel whore?" Asked Norman. "In my opinion, no. Go on, do your men thing." Said June as Norman goes to find a whore to fuck and she heads for the bar. "Nick, follow me." Said Emma as Nick follows her just outside the brothel. "Ok, what is it-." Said Nick as his sentence is cut off by Emma kissing him. "I've wanted to do that the day we met." Said Emma. "Me too." Said Nick as him and Emma start to make out. Emma wraps her legs around Nick's body. Nick smoothly starts touching Emma on her sides, and slowly going down towards her ass, and places his hands on her ass, feeling the curves of her sides. The next day, after the 7 have had their interesting day, they pack their stuff to leave Point Alpha-Delta and go to Storm City to get back on track to cut off the war between New Manhattan. "Well, you're all packed up for your trip to Storm City." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Yeah, besides the fact you, hit my best friend in the face with a Glock 17, and having us as your prisoners, it was, interesting to be in Point Alpha-Delta." Said Jason. "I hope you actually come with us Lieutenant Moore. You're fucking awesome." Said Nick. "Yeah, come on, you should with us. Just don't arrest us this time." Said Emma. "Sorry, I can't, I have to take care of Point Alpha-Delta. That is my top priority." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Alright then, maybe another day." Said Jason. "Maybe." Said Lieutenant Moore as he watches the 7 leave Point Alpha-Delta. "Well, that place was nice." Said Nick. "Yeah, it was." Said Jason. "Well, good thing Lieutenant Moore gave us some food and water for the trip." Said Norman. "Yeah, true to that." Said Christy. Meanwhile, In New Manhattan, Ke'Shawn tells his group about Anthony's terms for soldiers. "So, we get Milena out and come back with her, she has to be a Stripper for a day?" Asked Kacey. "Yes, that was Anthony's term, but we need to all agree on it." Said Ke'Shawn. "Hell no, Milena sure as shit won't agree to those terms, why the hell should we?" Said Nikolai. "Here's another side of the term; if we fail in bringing Milena back from The Leo Brig, Anthony will kill me." Said Ke'Shawn. "But, that's if we go with the soldiers, which, we don't have to." Said William. "So, William, you want us to try, by ourselves, and break Milena out of The Leo Brig." Said Jordan. "Yeah, pretty much. If, we don't want to agree to Anthony's terms. Because I escaped with the help of only 6 prisoners. So I think we actually have a chance." Said William. "What the hell, I'm in." Said Nikolai. "I'm in." Said Jordan. "I'm in." Said Kacey. "Ok, we'll go on there on foot, I know it'll take longer, but they'll never see us coming. Get prepped to get going." Said Ke'Shawn. The 5 in New Manhattan gather their weapons and gear. It doesn't take long for them to pack their weapons and gear and leave. As Ke'Shawn and his group are on their way to break Milena out of The Leo Brig, the 7 are still on their way to Storm City. After leaving Point Alpha-Delta, the 7 have been on the road for 8 hours. They pass by the border sign of Ohio, the state New Manhattan and Storm City are having a war for. By dark, they pass at least quarter of Ohio. They end their day by staying at a cabin for a day. "Alright usual drill, we stay here for the night, refuel the Suburban in the morning." Said Jason. In the night, with everyone asleep, Christy wakes up in the midnight to talk to Jason. "Hey." Said Christy. "Hey, you alright?" Asked Jason. "Yeah, my head's alright, Lieutenant Moore hit it hard." Said Christy. "Yeah, I saw." Said Jason. "Listen, about the other day, I don't know what came over me." Said Christy. "Yeah, I don't know what came over me either. But it was, nice." Said Jason. "It was only, a one time thing. But I will say, yes, it was, nice." Said Christy. The next morning, they drive a longer distance than the previous days. They drive up to a gated city, which, they are hoping, is Storm City. "Get out the SUV!, now!" Said a soldier of the city. 5 soldiers make the 7 get out of the Suburban. "Walk through the gate where you will be searched for weapons." Said one of the soldiers. The 7 are search at the entrance if the city. Upon being searched, Jason notices a picture Ben has of his siblings. "Ben, who are they?" Asked Jason. "My sister and other brother." Said Ben. "What happened to them?" Asked Jason. "They're dead." Said Ben. "How?, how'd they die?" Asked Jason. "Mark, the other guy, He got shot in the back by a Raider. Gabi, the girl, the oldest sibling, we were in a fight with some more Raiders, and she got shot in the chest. Me and Norman were forced to leave where she was." Said Ben. "I'm sorry." Said Jason. After being searched, the 7 are put on their knees and a man approaches the 7 and questions their intentions. "What the fuck are you New Manhattan bastards doing near my city." Said the man. "We're on our way to Storm City to-." Said Jason as he's cut off by the man. "To try to fucking attack us?!, I'm not stupid." Said the man. "Look, sir, we don't even know who or where we are?" Asked Christy. "You, have to be fucking joking with me?, you're in Storm City. And I'm Vic Bennett." Said Vic Bennett, a 30 year old man from Indiana, and the President of Storm City. "You're Vic Bennett?, ok, we have a message for you-." Said Nick as he is cut off by Vic punches him. "Shut up." Said Vic. "No, look, we do, it's true. We do have a message for you." Said Christy. "If you did have a message for me, you wouldn't come to me in a New Manhattan Suburban. Yeah, the Suburban is Cletus Cox's choice of war vehicle. Let me guess what you are, mercenaries, assassins, or wait, I got a better guess, Cletus sent you to kill me, and if you don't kill me, he'll kill you." Said Vic. "No fucker, listen, we have a message from New Manhattan, Cletus Cox is dead." Said Emma. "The day I hear Cletus Cox is dead, is the day I call off the war. After all, it was all Cletus that started this war." Said Vic. "Well, we're hoping you do that." Said Norman. "Yeah, well, if he is dead, I need proof he is dead." Said Vic. "Yeah, about that. There is no proof." Said Ben. "You expect me, to take your word for it?, that my greatest adversary is dead?" Asked Vic. "If you go to New Manhattan, right now, everyone will tell you, he is dead." Said Norman. "I'll still need proof. Plus, if I go to New Manhattan to find out if Cletus really is dead, they'll think I'm there to attack." Said Vic. "Yeah, so you'll just have to take our word for it." Said Jason. "No, I'll go to New Manhattan, and 1 of you is coming with me. So, which 1 of you is coming with me?" Asked Vic. "I'll go, on the condition my group be released out of these handcuffs and be allowed to roam Storm City." Said Jason. "I'm in no hurry to get to New Manhattan. But what the hell, fine, you'll have to obey my men and women. If your group tries even a single god damn thing, my soldiers will fucking kill them. Do you understand?" Said Vic. "We understand." Said Ben. "Good, what's your name?" Asked Vic. "Jason." Said Jason. "Ok, Jason, get your weapons and gear. For the 6 of you, my Vice President, Amanda White will be in charge while I'm gone. Amanda, this is Vic, get The Night Brigade. They will be my escort on my trip to New Manhattan." Said Vic. "Yes sir, contacting The Night Brigade." Said Amanda White, a 37 year old woman from Virginia. Vic, Jason and the Night Brigade head off to New Manhattan to prove Cletus is really dead. Meanwhile, Ke'Shawn and his group are still moving towards The Leo Brig. "William, are we close to The Leo Brig?" Asked Jordan. "Yeah, we're almost there, stay sharp." Said William. The 5 pull up on The Leo Brig and get ready to assault the prison. "Ok, so how are we going to do this?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "Well, they have a tank, the same one from Arms-Town, so we need to take that out first." Said William. "I got that." Said Kacey. "After the tank, we can pretty much just run in a gun them down." Said William. "Just like that?, Talon Co. is pathetic. It makes me wonder how we even lost Arms-Town." Said Nikolai. "Do you remember what room Milena was in?" Asked Jordan. "Yeah, I do; room 132. 1st floor." Said William. "Alright, we have our plan, now, let's bust Milena out of that shit show." Said Ke'Shawn as the 5 run towards The Leo Brig to attack it. Kacey fires her grenade launcher at the tank. The tank's left track is destroyed, but the tank still works. Talon Co. soldiers attack the 5 as drops a grenade down the cannon of the tank and the tank explodes. "Tank is destroyed, we can deal with the soldiers." Said Nikolai. Around 40 Talon Co. soldiers appear to stop the 5 from attacking The Leo Brig. "Sir, 5 people are attacking The Leo Brig." Said a Talon Co. soldier. "What!?, I want everybody at the ready for them. Send 12 guards to Milena's room, if it's Ke'Shawn and his group, they'll have to be here for her." Said Darren. The 5 kill half of their opposition in the courtyard of the prison. Nikolai is reloading his AK-47 as a Talon Co. soldier shoots him in the chest, by the heart. "Nikolai's down!, he needs medical attention. Pronto." Said Kacey. "No, fuck that, Milena comes first, I won't go down like a little bitch, now help me up." Said Nikolai. "Nikolai, you're hit in the chest right by the heart, you need to sit this out." Said William. "No, I can still fight." Said Nikolai. "No, you stay down, that's a god damn order Nikolai, it's for your own good." Said Ke'Shawn. "Fine, I'll help from down here." Said Nikolai as he grabs his P22, and kills 5 Talon Co. soldiers. It takes an hour and a half to kill all 40 of the Talon Co. soldiers in the courtyard. Ok, that's all the Talon Co., for right now at least." Said Jordan. "I found some painkillers, at least it's something." Said Kacey as she gives Nikolai the painkillers. "How you holding up?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "Fine, I'll live, I know I need medical assistance, but right now, I don't give a shit, Milena is our top priority. And I'll be damned if I sit out her break out." Said Nikolai. "I know, ok, let's move inside." Said Ke'Shawn as he gives Nikolai his AK-47. "Sir, they broke through the courtyard defenses, they're inside the prison now." Said a Talon Co. soldier. "I am aware of that, thank you. Now, I have an Idea. I'll leave with Milena, commander, you're in charge, make sure they die here." Said Darren as he hauls ass towards Milena's room to get her and leave The Leo Brig. "What is going on?" Asked Milena. "You're friends are here, and they've come for you." Said Darren. "Good, when they get me, I'll fucking kill you." Said Milena as Darren punches her and leaves The Leo Brig. The 5 enter the prison and are shot at by 20 Talon Co. soldiers inside the prison. It takes 15 minutes to kill the 20 Talon Co. soldiers. After that fight, the 5 are walking through a hallway with an intersection with bulletproof windows. "Ah fuck, we got more soldiers." Said Jordan. "How many?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "5." Said Jordan."I'll help you, go." Said Nikolai as he pushes the other 4 out of the intersection, the opposite end of the Talon Co. soldiers. "Nikolai, what the hell are you doing?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "I'm slowing you down, I'll hold them off while you get Milena, if I die, make sure you get her." Said Nikolai as the door with the Talon Co. soldiers opens and Nikolai starts fighting them. "Come on, we need to get Milena." Said Jordan. "Agreed, let's go." Said Ke'Shawn. The 4 find Milena's room and discover it empty. "What?!, what the fuck?!. Son of a bitch, Darren has her, come on." Said William. The 4 find a large room with 50 Talon Co. soldiers and start firing. The 4 kill them in an hour, the room also has the Talon Co. commander inside. "Motherfucker, where is he?" Said William as he holds his .44 Revolver to the Talon Co. commander's head. "Who?, Darren, he left the prison, with the bitch Milena, they're probably long gone by now." Said the Talon Co. commander. "Where did they leave the prison. Tell me fucker." Said William as he shoots the commanders stomach. "They went out through the back of the prison." Said the Talon Co. commander. "Thank you." Said William as he shoots the commander in the head. "They left the prison, they went out through the back, we can still catch up." Said William. "How?, we've spent hours killing all the Talon Co. soldiers they've thrown at us. How can we possibly catch up to them?" Asked Kacey. "Because they're on foot. And walking. If we get a truck, we can catch them." Said William. "Alright then, let's get her and kill that son of a bitch." Said Jordan. Darren and Milena are walking on train tracks which is how the prisoners used to arrive to the prison during WW3. "Come on bitch. Keep moving." Said Darren. "No, no, let me go Darren, you've lost, my group killed all your men at The Leo Brig. Now, let me go." Said Milena. "Shut up, and keep moving." Said Darren as he hits Milena in the back with the bottom of his Glock 17. Darren and Milena hear a truck rushing behind them. Darren looks back and see's it's Ke'Shawn and his group. The truck stops just in front of Darren and Milena on the tracks. "Darren, let her go, you've lost." Said William. "No, I have lost nothing." Said Darren. "Little bitch, let Milena go, now you punk ass bitch." Said Ke'Shawn. "No assholes, I will not." Said Darren. "You're outnumbered fucker, you're best chance to survive is to run." Said Kacey. "Listen bitch, I've survived far worst things, I survived a Dire Wolf attack. I'm not afraid of you bitches. "You don't let her go, I'll blow your fucking head off." Said William. "Ask me one more time and I do the same to Milena." Said Darren as he points his Glock 17 at Milena's head. "Ah, not willing to ask again, Are you?" Asked Darren. "You know what, what the hell, you're right, I am outnumbered, and I know you will kill me, so here, Milena's all yours." Said Darren as he let's go of Milena and let's her walk towards the 4. "See Milena, I told you we'd get out together." Said William as Milena hugs him. William looks back at Darren and see's him pointing his Glock 17 at Milena's back. William spins Milena towards the 4, taking the bullet for Milena, instead of her getting shot. "William!" Yelled the 4 as Milena grabs William's .44 Revolver and shoots Darren in the right eye. "No, no, no, William, you can't die, you can't." Said Milena as she holds William in her arms. "Don't worry, I'll be fine, I got you out, didn't I?" Said William. "Kacey, give me some bandages, now." Said Milena as Kacey gives her the bandages for William. "No, no, don't waste them on me, I know I'm a dead man." Said William. "Don't say that, please don't say that." Said Milena. "I told you I'd get you out to, I know I did." Said William. "Yes, you did. And you were right, you did get me out, thank you." Said Milena as William took his final breath of air, and dies. "William?, William?, William?!, can you hear me?, William?!, William please, don't go. Please don't." Said Milena as she cries and holds his dead body close to her. "Milena, I'm sorry, he's gone, come on, let's get you to New Manhattan. Kacey, Jordan, get William, put him on the truck." Said Ke'Shawn as he picks up Milena and Kacey and Jordan pick up William's body and put it in the back of the truck. The 4 leave Darren's body on the tracks, with him still bleeding. They return to the prison to find Nikolai all bloody. "Comrades, you got Milena, yes!, all Talon Co. soldiers will burn in hell." Said Nikolai. "Yeah, they will, what the hell happened to you?" Asked Jordan. "I killed the 5 Talon Co. soldier from the intersection, and I had to kill more soldiers to get out here. Hey, where is William?" Said Nikolai. "He's dead, Darren fired a bullet to Milena, William took it for her." Said Ke'Shawn. "Ah fuck, damn, Milena, I'm sorry." Said Nikolai. "Yeah, come on, we're going back to New Manhattan. "What about fuck face known as Darren?, he was the one who shot William." Said Nikolai as he gets in the truck and Ke'Shawn drives them towards New Manhattan. "Milena shot him in the eye, we left him on the tracks to die." Said Kacey. "Just leaving him like that is nothing compared to what that ass fuck deserves." Said Nikolai. The 4 return to New Manhattan with 1 life short. Ke'Shawn's friend and Military General was shot and killed, it was his choice to take the bullet for Milena. The 7 at Storm City have no idea what happened at The Leo Brig, the day Milena broke out of The Leo Brig.

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