Forest Fight Pt.2

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"I don't understand, why didn't you contact Storm City for the medicine and supplies that you needed to care for the troops?" Asked June. "Because Talon Co. cut our radio transmitters. They have us blind." Said Warlord. At the forest camp, the Storm City Army makes the final preparations for upcoming the battle with Talon Co. "Chances are, Talon Co. has night vision, which means, we won't be able to see them coming until the first shot." Said Lieutenant Moore. "True, but, your soldiers do have night vision too, right Lieutenant?" Asked Christy. "Yeah. We do, but we don't have enough to share with everyone." Said Lieutenant Moore. "You don't need to share, you need a spotter." Said Christy. "A spotter, what are you thinking about Lieutenant Moore?" Asked Christy. "We can use the US Army soldiers to be spotters, and then when Talon Co. is close enough, shine some light on them." Said Christy. "I like it, let's do it." Said Ben. "Alright, come on, we don't have much time." Said Jason. At New Manhattan, June, Norman and Sasha try negotiate with Anthony, Valerie, and Warlord to at least send the Storm City Army reinforcements. "Dad, please, lend us the men outside, at the gate." Said June. "June, please, believe me when I say it, I want to help you and Storm City, but right now, Talon Co. is my biggest threat, and I can't send Inferno Squad to fight Talon Co." Said Anthony. "So what can you send the Army?" Asked June. "Food, water, some reinforcements, but I need the radio transmitters repaired, and I need Inferno Squad. Inferno Squad is the first line of defense for New Manhattan." Said Anthony. "At least give us 3 of them, and keep 2 of them here. That sounds fair at least." Said June. "*sighs*Ok June, I'll give you 3 members of Inferno Squad including Sergeant De'Marcus. "Thank you dad." Said June as her, Norman, and Sasha leave New Manhattan to go to the forest camp. "We'll rendezvous with you at the forest camp, you'll know if we're there for sure." Said De'Marcus and the other 2 Exodus Armor pilots run towards the forest camp. Talon Co. is almost at the forest camp, unaware of the Storm City Army's plan to counterattack. "It's quiet, too quiet, everyone take off your night vision." Said Hercules. "What?, why Hercules?" Asked Falcon. "Storm City is being too quiet, that means they have a plan to counterattack, we will ruin their counterattack." Said Hercules. "I see where you're going with this, everyone listen to the robot." Said Falcon. All the Talon Soldiers remove their night vision gear to eyeball the darkness of the early morning. "Ah, I can't see shit now." Said Falcon. "It'll keep you alive sooner or later." Said Hercules. The Talon Co. are nearly on top of the Storm City Army. "Corporal Anderson, on my mark, pop the lights." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Yes sir." Said Corporal Anderson. "3, 2, 1, NOW!!!" Yelled Lieutenant Moore. The lights turn on, the sudden light still blinds the Talon Co., with or without the night vision. "Open fire!!!" Yelled Hercules as he shoots his M16A2. "You heard Hercules, engage, engage, engage!!!" Yelled Falcon as he shoots his M4. "Everyone, light them up!!!" Yelled Lieutenant Moore as him and the Storm City Army starts shooting back at Talon Co. "The fighting started." Said June. "We can still get there in time." Said Norman as they still head towards the forest camp. The Talon Co. quickly advance on the Storm City Army, the Storm City Army holds their ground against the rushing Talon Co. "Jason, behind you!" Yelled Ben as he kills a Talon Soldier running towards Jason behind him. "Thanks, what's our status?" Asked Jason. "We're being rushed at from the North and surrounded from all sides. This battle could go both ways." Said Ben. "We need get these wounded men out of here before it's too late for them." Said Corporal Anderson. "Fuck it, Anderson, get your team and the trucks, get the wounded the hell out of here, we'll cover you." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Yes sir, come on men." Said Corporal Anderson. Falcon sneaks up on Corporal Anderson attempting to open fire on some Talon Soldiers and tackles her down a ditch in the forest. Falcon gets on top of her and starts punching her in the face. Corporal Anderson grabs Falcon hunting knife, and stabs him in the abdomen. Falcon screams in pain and stops punching her. Corporal Anderson kicks Falcon in the stomach and then the face to get him off of her. Falcon pulls out the knife from his abdomen. 3 Storm City Soldiers appear from behind Corporal Anderson to hold off Falcon as Corporal Anderson grabs her M4 and climbs back up the ditch to finish her objective. "Corporal, the trucks are ready. We're good to move out." Said a Storm City Soldier. "Alright, Lieutenant, we're good to go, suppress Talon Co." Said Corporal Anderson. "Copy that, everyone, cover fire for the trucks to get out of here, Anderson, go to New Manhattan, closest allied city that can house and support the wounded." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Copy that sir, let's roll out people." Said Corporal Anderson as the convoy of trucks carrying the wounded of the current battle and the suicide bomber yesterday leave the forest camp. Norman, Sasha, June and Tyson get as close as they can to the forest camp. They spot the convoy of trucks carrying the wounded leaving the forest. "Corporal, wait, where are you heading?" Asked Norman. "New Manhattan, why?" Asked Corporal Anderson. "New Manhattan doesn't have any medical supplies left, take them back to Storm City." Said Norman. "We can't most of them won't make it." Said Corporal Anderson. "It's Storm City, or these soldiers die at New Manhattan, your choice Corporal." Said Sasha. "Dammit, ok fine, I hope your right kid." Said Corporal Anderson as the convoy begins heading towards Storm City instead of New Manhattan. Sasha, Norman, June and Mike Tyson meet up with Inferno Squad just south of the forest camp. "I see we our rendezvous took longer than anticipated, what's the plan?" Asked De'Marcus. "Storm City is being surrounded and rushed in, there is no plan, run in and kill them." Said Norman as he pulls out his PSG-10, and June and Sasha follow. "You heard him Inferno Squad, move in." Said De'Marcus as his mini gun and missile launcher retract out of the Exodus Armor. "Ben, Ben, do you copy?" Asked Norman as him, Sasha, June and Mike Tyson rush towards the fighting. "Norman, what happened?" Asked Ben. "We're coming from your South, watch you fire." Said Norman. "What, no, get out of here, Norman, I can't lose you here." Said Ben as a Talon Soldier runs at Ben from behind with a knife and his face soaked with blood. Jason shoots the Talon Soldier in the head before he was even close to Ben. "Talon Co.'s starting to get up close and personal now." Said Jason as he takes cover with Ben. "Yeah, they're breaking through our lines. Norman, Sasha, June and Tyson are heading our way from the South." Said Ben. "What the fuck?, why?" Asked Jason as he reloads his Marlin Model 22. "Don't know, don't really have the time to ask." Said Ben. "We need backup on the west flank, west flank." Said Lieutenant Moore as Hercules kicks him in the back. "Primitive being." Said Hercules as he walks towards Lieutenant Moore on the ground. Hercules tries to slam his foot on Lieutenant Moore's head, but Lieutenant Moore rolls away from Hercules and gets back up. Lieutenant Moore attempts to punch Hercules in the face, but hurts his hand instead. Hercules laughs then headbutts Lieutenant Moore. Lieutenant Moore grabs his M4 and starts using it as his hand-to-hand weapon against Hercules. Hercules grabs the M4, and throws it away and punches Lieutenant Moore in the chest. Lieutenant Moore is sent 5 feet away from Hercules. "Ah fuck, that shit hurt." Said Lieutenant Moore as he slowly gets back up. Hercules walks quickly towards Lieutenant Moore on the floor, grabs his head and points his face towards himself. "Humans, you all are weak, primitive beings." Said Hercules as Lieutenant Moore pulls out a knife and stabs Hercules in the chest and slashes his arm. Lieutenant Moore runs away from Hercules and grabs his M4 and continues the fight against the other Talon Co. "Lieutenant, what's your status?" Asked Jason as he runs towards the frontline of the northeast perimeter. "Kinda busy here Jason, southeast is holding, but the southwest is being beatdown. I sent Private Henson to support that area." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Ke'Shawn and his group are at the southwest perimeter too." Said Jason. "Good Chance Talon Co. is hitting them hard." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Yeah, Ben, meet up with Private Henson find Ke'Shawn and his group and support the southwest perimeter. "Got it." Said Ben as he runs to the southwest perimeter to meet up with Private Henson. Whiling going to cover, Jason gets drop kicked by Falcon and falls to the ground. Jason quickly get's back, but Falcon kicks him back to the ground. Jason rolls back and catches a kick from Falcon and uppercuts Falcon in the face. Jason attempts to throw a right hook. Falcon grabs Jason's hand, grabs his throat, and pushes him to a wall, still holding Jason's throat. "You're going to die Jason, all of you are." Said Falcon. Jason kicks Falcon off of him. "How the hell do you know my name?" Asked Jason as Falcon gets back up off the floor. "I know a lot of people, especially the ones of my victims." Said Falcon as several Talon Soldiers begin fleeing the battle. "Exodus Soldiers are closing in, fall back!!!" Yelled the Talon Soldiers as Inferno Squad starts firing on the Talon Co. However, while some Talon Soldiers are fleeing the battle, majority of the Talon Co. Army is still fighting and prolonging the battle. "Use the armor rounds!" Yelled a Talon Soldier as he gets punched in the chest by De'Marcus and dies. "Inferno Squad, advance, suppress fire for Storm City." Said De'Marcus. "What the hell are they doing here?" Asked Falcon. "Falcon, we must retreat back to The Brewhouse before it is too late." Said Hercules. "Negative, you go back to The Brewhouse, the rest of us will continue the fight." Said Falcon. "The Exodus Soldiers are tearing our troops to pieces Falcon, we will not win the fight, unless we go back to The Brewhouse." Said Hercules. "Eagle-1, your assistance is required." Said Falcon. "Copy that, enroute to your location." Said the Eagle-1 pilot. Eagle-1 lands just outside the forest battle and the troops inside Eagle-1 rush to the battle. One of the members of Inferno Squad finds Eagle-1 and pulls out one of the pilots. The gunners start firing on the Exodus Soldier. The Exodus Soldier punches one of the gunners off the Blackhawk, and shoots his mini gun at the other. The other pilot attempts to run away but is shot by the Exodus Soldier. "De'Marcus, I've secured a Blackhawk." Said the Exodus Soldier. "Copy that." Said De'Marcus. Norman, Sasha, June and Mike Tyson also arrive to the battle. Norman see's Ben on the floor being punched constantly in the face by a Talon Soldier. "Tyson!" Yelled Norman as Tyson runs to the Talon Soldier and attacks him. Tyson's weight and size cause the Talon Soldier to get off of Ben. Ben grabs his Colt 1911 and shoots the Talon Soldier in the head while Tyson was biting his neck. "Ben, you alright?" Asked Norman as he rushes to Ben. "I thought I told you not to come here." Said Ben while bleeding through his nose and has a massive black eye. "Yeah, you did." Said Norman as he picks Ben up. "Norman, get Ben to cover, Tyson and I will cover you." Said Sasha. "Find Christy...and, and Jason." Said Ben as he coughs up blood. "Where are they?" Asked June. "Northwest perimeter...opposite side of the camp." Said Ben. June goes to find Jason and Christy. "Private you copy?" Asked Ben as he coughs more blood and Norman gets him into cover. "I read you Ben, what is it?" Asked Private Henson. "Find Lieutenant Moore, he's at the southeast perimeter." Said Ben. "Understood, going there now." Said Private Henson. June finds Jason and Christy taking cover behind a log. "June?, what the hell are you doing here?, is Norman and Sasha here too?" Asked Jason. "Yeah, Norman and Sasha are here too, they're taking care of Ben, he's really beat up." Said June. Falcon, Hercules and majority of the Talon Co. Army head east, deeper into the forest to attack again. "General, I want a mortar barrage just west of our location." Said Falcon. "Copy that, danger close, repeat, danger close." Said the Talon General. "Copy danger close. Hercules, throw smoke to mark the positions for the barrage." Said Falcon as he grabs his M4 and reloads. Hercules throws 5 smoke grenades into the forest camp, along with other Talon Soldiers throwing more smoke grenades. "Smoke?, what the fuck are they doing?" Asked Christy. "Targets marked, firing mortars, danger close." Said a Talon mortar man. "What was that noise?" Asked Norman. "Ah shit, they're firing mortars at us!, clear the area!, now!" Yelled Lieutenant Moore as he runs towards Jason, Christy and June. The mortar shells start impacting near, and in the forest camp. "Go!, go!, go!" Yelled Lieutenant Moore as him and Private Henson run east into the forest with Jason, Christy and June to avoid the mortar rounds, without knowing Talon Co. is waiting for them. A mortar round hits in between Private Henson, Jason, Lieutenant Moore, Christy and June. Norman, Ben and Sasha run west, away from the Talon Co. and away from the rest of their group. The Storm City Army scatters between going north, south, east and west. Private Henson, and Jason end up being pushed into a ditch by the radius of the mortar shell. "Jason!?, Jason!?" Yelled Christy as she looks for Jason. "I'm ok Christy, we're ok." Said Jason. "Lieutenant, my leg...I can't move it, I think it's broken sir, I don't think I can walk. Not like this." Said Private Henson. "Christy, June, you 2 go on ahead, I'll radio you guys if anything, go!" Said Lieutenant Moore. "Yes sir." Said Christy as her and June continue to run away from the mortar shells. "De'Marcus, it's June, we need Inferno Squad to takeout the mortars hitting us." Said June while running behind Christy. "Copy that, we've located the mortars and are moving to take them out." Said De'Marcus as him and Inferno Squad move towards a warehouse to the right of The Brewhouse. While Christy is running ahead of June, Falcon appears from behind a tree, grabs Christy by the throat and throws her down to the ground. June automatically runs to the left of the Falcon's visual, across a small quarry. "Go kill the other Storm City Soldiers, she's mine." Said Falcon. "What about her?" Asked Hercules. "Put her with the other prisoners. Simple as that." Said Falcon as he grabs his M4 and starts following June and Hercules puts handcuffs on Christy and throws her in with a large group of prisoners, including Ke'Shawn and his group, except for Milena and Alexander. "Ow, ah, this shit hurts." Said Christy as she touches the wound on her head. "Christy?, Christy over here." Said Ke'Shawn. "Ke'Shawn?, how did you end up here?" Asked Christy as she crawls towards Ke'Shawn. "Our perimeter got flanked from the east and we had no choice, but to surrender." Said Ke'Shawn. "And Milena, and Alexander?" Asked Christy. "They left their post, which is what caused them to flank us." Said Kacey. "Do you know what's going to happen to us?" Asked Christy. "No, but I believe, we're going somewhere out of the state, hell maybe." Said Nikolai. Lieutenant Moore manages to get Jason and Private Henson out of the ditch amongst all the chaos of the mortar fire. "Jason, I've got Henson, go on ahead of me." Said Lieutenant Moore as he helps Private Henson walk. "But Lieutenant?" Asked Jason. "Don't worry, I've got him. Go." Said Lieutenant Moore as Jason heads deeper into the forest to find Christy and June. "Come on Private, pull it together." Said Lieutenant Moore. "AAAHHH, YES SIR!" Yelled Private Henson as he goes with Lieutenant Moore. "Jason, Jason, It's Norman, do you read?" Asked Norman on Jason's radio. "I hear you Norman, where are you?" Asked Jason. "Sasha, Ben and I went west, where are you guys?" Asked Norman. "We went east, the opposite direction, if you can, rush back towards us." Said Jason. "Copy that, we're heading towards you." Said Norman. After 25 minutes of barraging the forest camp, Inferno Squad reaches the mortar pits at The Brewhouse. "Use your grenade launchers." Said De'Marcus as him and the other Exodus Soldiers use their grenade launchers to kill the Talon mortar crews and destroy the mortar pit. "June, mortar pit is out of action, Inferno Squad is heading back to New Manhattan. Over and out." Said De'Marcus as Inferno Squad flies back to New Manhattan using their jetpacks. "Copy that De'Marcus, thanks for the assistance." Said June as she hides behind a tree trunk and reloads her P90. Falcon is near her, hiding behind another tree trunk. He shoots at the tree to scare June out into the open for a clear shot. June runs away from the tree in fear, but as she's running, she turns around and shoots towards Falcon. "I've got you!" Yelled Falcon as he fires at June, missing all the shots. Jason hears the gunshots and runs towards them. Norman, Sasha, Ben and Tyson rally with Lieutenant Moore and Private Henson. "Lieutenant, where did Jason go?" Asked Norman. "He went looking for Christy and June, they went deeper into the forest." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Ben, can you walk?" Asked Sasha. "Yeah, I can walk now, I'm good." Said Ben. "Alright Sasha, go with Lieutenant Moore and Private Henson, Ben and I will look for them. Take Tyson with you, he'll protect you guys." Said Norman as him, and Ben go find Jason, June and Christy. Jason finds June, being chased by Falcon. Jason tackles Falcon over a small cliff, both tumble down it. June notices and follows Jason and Falcon down the cliff. "Norman, Ben, do you read?" Asked June. "June?, where are you?" Asked Norman. "I'm near a small cliff, deep in the forest. Lock on to my tracker and you'll find me and Jason. Hurry though, he's fighting Falcon." Said June. "Copy that, we'll be there in a moment." Said Norman. When Falcon and Jason stop falling down the cliff, they get back up slowly. "Oh my fucking god, why can't you people fucking die already?" Asked Falcon. Jason throws a right hook at Falcon. Falcon recovers by punching Jason in the abdomen. Jason falls to his knees, and looks up at Falcon. "I can do this all day." Said Jason. "Bet." Said Falcon as he pulls out a Glock 17 at points it at Jason's head. June pulls out a knife in the knick of time and stabs Falcon in the back of the abdomen. Falcon turns around at June and punches her in the face. "Fucking bitch, ah, right in the back too." Said Falcon as he pulls out the knife from his back. "June!!!" Yelled Norman as him, and Ben see June on the floor and Jason on his knees. "Ah, Norman and Ben fucking young, look Jason, it's your boyfriend." Said Falcon as he kicks Jason in the stomach and the face. Ben and Norman rush to Falcon. "2 guys, only 2 guys, you really think that's really going to kill me?, more or less beat me?" Asked Falcon. Ben and Norman run at Falcon to fight him. Falcon punches Norman in the face, knees his chest and pushes him down to the floor. Ben gets Falcon in a headlock and tries to choke him. Instead, Falcon throws him over to the floor and punches him in the face 3 times. "You guys are pussies. All of you. Hercules, what's the prisoner count?" Said Falcon. "We have 79,245 prisoners and counting." Said Hercules. "Fucking A, send them all to The Brewhouse." Said Falcon as he returns to the Talon Co. Army. "Alright men, the battle is finished, and we've won the day." Said Falcon as Talon Co. gathers their prisoners and sends them to The Brewhouse.

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