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The forest battle was bloody. Bodies were flown and blown by mortar fire and grenades. The victor of the battle is still to be determined actually, due to the fact that majority of the Storm City Army was captured and taken prisoner by Talon Co. Ke'Shawn, Kacey, Jordan, Nikolai, and Christy were among the majority of the Army that was taken prisoner and sent to The Brewhouse. Falcon returns from the quarry to see a large group of the many prisoners they have. "Falcon, you ok?" Asked Hercules. "Yeah, never better actually. Wait, I know these people." Said Falcon. "Which ones?" Asked Hercules. "Those 5, especially the nigger with the antique SMG from WW2. I want those five for personal interrogation, noone else but me, do you understand?" Said Falcon. "Yes sir." Said a Talon Soldier. In the distance, Milena and Alexander watch as Falcon, Hercules and Talon Co. take the Storm City Soldiers to The Brewhouse. "We need to get back with Storm City personnel. Now." Said Milena as her and Alexander head back to the forest camp and from Talon Co. until they go back to The Brewhouse. Jason, Ben, Norman and June are not taken prisoner however. "I got 4 more in the quarry I came back from, I want you 3 to bring them back here." Said Falcon as 3 Talon Soldiers head into the quarry. "Is everyone ok?" Asked Jason as he slowly gets up off the ground. "No, we're not ok." Said Norman. "Not surprised, come on, we need to get out of here and get back to the forest camp." Said Jason. "I might need some help getting there." Said Ben. "Why?" Asked Jason. "He has a bullet wound." Said June as she helps Ben off the ground. "Ben, what the fuck?, why didn't you tell me?" Asked Norman. "Doesn't matter now Norman, we just need to get the fuck out of here." Said Ben as he holds his hand on his left side, where his wound is located. "He's right, come on." Said Jason as him and Norman start climbing out of the quarry. "June, if you can, lift Ben to us." Said Jason. "No, June, you go first." Said Ben. "Are you sure Ben?" Asked June. "Yeah, I'm sure." Said Ben. Ben gets on his knees and June climbs on his shoulders. Jason and Norman grab June's hands and pull her up. "Alright Ben, your turn." Said Norman. When Ben tries to climb, they hear cracking in the forest. "We need to hurry, come on Ben." Said Jason. Ben fights through the pain and climbs up to Jason and Norman, where they pull him up. "Come on, we need to rally at the forest camp." Said Jason as they run to the forest camp. The Talon Soldiers arrive at the ditch site, where noone is found. "Falcon, they're not here." Said a Talon Soldier. "Son of a bitch, ok, get back here, we're moving the prisoners to The Brewhouse." Said Falcon. "Copy that." Said a Talon Soldier as they return to the Talon Co. Army. Jason, Ben, June and Norman meet up with Milena and Alexander at the forest camp. "Jason, Norman, Ben, June?, how did you survive?" Asked Milena. "We could ask the same of you two, where's Ke'Shawn and everyone else?" Asked Jason. "Ke'Shawn, Kacey, Jordan, Nikolai and Christy got captured by Talon Co." Said Milena. "What?, we have to help them." Said Jason. "We can't, we're severely outnumbered and outgunned." Said Alexander. "Guys, we need to get Ben to Storm City." Said June. "How long has he had that wound?" Asked Milena. "a little before the mortar fire." Said Ben. "I heard Inferno Squad secured a Blackhawk, hopefully, it's still secure, come on, this way." Said Alexander. They make it to the Blackhawk without incident. "Ok, does anyone know how to fly one of these things?" Asked Alexander. Everyone is silent. "Thought so, Milena come, I'll show you what to do." Said Alexander. They all get in the Blackhawk, Jason and June are the gunners, Norman is securing Ben to the Blackhawk, and Milena and Alexander are the pilots. "Ok, all you have to do is lift this thing off the ground, after that, I'll take the stick and you'll contact Storm City." Said Alexander. "Ok, sounds easy enough." Said Milena as the Blackhawk starts to rev up the rotors. Milena gets the Blackhawk off the ground and into the air. "Ok Milena, my stick." Said Alexander as they fly towards Storm City. "Well, look at that, they actually managed to steal a Blackhawk, and escape. Not bad, not bad, come on, pick up the pace." Said Falcon as the Talon Co. Army and the prisoners walk faster to The Brewhouse. The Blackhawk gets close to Storm City. "Milena, contact Vic, tell him we're inbound in an enemy chopper." Said Alexander. "Copy, Vic, do you read?, it's Milena, we're inbound in an enemy helicopter, be advised, we have a wounded man on board." Said Milena. "Copy that Milena, we'll have a medic team on standby until you arrive, for security reasons, we need you to land outside Storm City, in the outskirts." Said Vic. "Copy that." Said Milena. "We have to land in the outskirts of Storm City, they'll have a medic team on standby until we get there." Said Milena. "What?!, I thought Storm City didn't have any supplies left!" Yelled Jason. "Apparently not, we're coming up on the outskirts now." Said Alexander as the Blackhawk lands. They reach the gate of Storm City. They're greeted by the medic team, Vic, Knick Knack, Emma and Nick. "What happened out there?" Asked Nick. "What didn't happen?" Asked Jason. "Vic, have you heard anything from Sasha?, is she here?" Asked Ben. "No Ben, we haven't heard anything from anyone, you're the first and only group to make it back here from The Brewhouse." Said Vic as Ben taken to the hospital with Corporal Anderson. Jason, Norman, June, Milena, Alexander, Emma and Nick meet up at Jason's house. "What the fuck happened out there?" Asked Emma. "You want the long story, or the short story?" Asked Jason. "Long." Said Emma. "Ok, we stopped on this road in the middle of a forest, one of the cars that was parked had an old woman, she was carrying 50 lbs of C4, she was a suicide bomber. We lost 1290 people in the explosion, and 590 were wounded, including Private Ponce." Said Jason. "Jesus christ. What happened afterwards?" Asked Nick. "We set up a forest camp. We waited until nearly 4 in the morning for Talon Co. to attack. They did, eventually, and a full on battle went on until sunrise.They even fired mortars to drive us out of the forest camp." Said Jason. "Do you know what happened to anyone?, Ke'Shawn, Nikolai, Kacey, Jordan,...Christy?" Asked Emma. "Alexander and I saw them taken prisoner. Chances are their being sent to The Brewhouse." Said Milena. "And, with now more than half of our Army imprisoned, we can't get them out." Said Alexander. "Unless, we use the Exodus Armor." Said June. "Anthony told us why he has those men out at the gate instead of anything else. The first line and the best defense for New Manhattan are 5 men in the Exodus Armor. I don't think he's going to let us borrow them." Said Norman. "June, Norman's right, Chances are Anthony isn't going to let us use them." Said Jason. Some people are still at the forest camp, waiting for others to come to them, such as Lieutenant Moore, Sasha and Private Henson. "This leg isn't getting better anytime soon, we need to get back to Storm City." Said Sasha. "Yeah, but I don't see any bleeding, so, you'll live Private." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Thank god for that." Said Private Henson. "How much ammo do you have left in the AK74u Sasha?" Asked Lieutenant Moore. "3 full mags, plus this one, which makes 4, and you Lieutenant?" Said Sasha. "2 mags left in total for my M4." Said Lieutenant Moore. They wait at the forest camp for 4 hours until finally someone from the Storm City Army finds their way back to the forest camp. "Are you...are you Storm City?" Asked the soldier. "Yeah, us 3, we're from Storm City, it's ok, how many are there?" Said Sasha. "21,455. More or less around that number." Said the soldier. "Ok, you can have them come out now. What's your name?" Asked Sasha. "Joseph. My name is Joseph." Said Joseph Mcquire, a 30 year old man from Pittsburgh, and a veteran of WW3 in the Yemen Campaign. "Ok Joseph, tell them to come out the woods, and we're all going back to Storm City. How does that sound?" Said Sasha. "What about the people being taken prisoner?, what about them?" Asked Joseph. "We can't do anything for them right now Joseph, we don't have the numbers or the firepower to take Talon Co. head on right now. It's best we get back to Storm City." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Ok, come on, we're going back to Storm City to regroup. We're going back home." Said Joseph as people start appearing out of the forest behind. "Thank god some people actually managed to get away." Said Private Henson. "Alright people, we're going home, get in the trucks." Said Lieutenant Moore as everyone starts getting in the trucks to go back to Storm City. The prisoners and Talon Co. arrive at The Brewhouse without any incident. "Hercules, watch them here, I've got the gate." Said Falcon as he puts his hand on a small pad to open the gate. "Alright, gate's open, bring them in." Said Falcon. "Stay alert, any small detail could be vital." Said Ke'Shawn as they walk in The Brewhouse. "Welcome to your new home you fuckers." Said Talon Soldiers as the prisoners walk past the guards at the gate. "Hercules, take the 5 I wanted to my quarters. The rest of you, throw them in the cells." Said Falcon as him and Hercules head to Falcon's quarters. "Ok, cuff them up to the ceiling, and wait for me to come back." Said Falcon. "I'm not one of your men Falcon, and I'm not a slave, have some of your guys do it, or you're doing it with me." Said Hercules. "Fine, if you insist." Said Falcon as he grabs Jordan and Kacey and cuffs them to a wall while Hercules grabs Nikolai and Christy and cuffs them to the same wall. Falcon grabs Ke'Shawn last and cuffs him to the wall. "Have a nice day." Said Falcon as he cuffs Ke'Shawn and punches him in the face. "You 3, keep an eye one them, Hercules and I will be back." Said Falcon as him and Hercules leave the room. Falcon and Hercules go to a tech lab in The Brewhouse. "Hey doc, what goodness do you give us today?" Asked Falcon as he hops on a table and sits down. "What do you people do here?" Asked Hercules as he grabs and flips a wrench while looking around the room. "We recreate or build technology and weapons for Talon Co., simple as that." Said the main Talon Doctor. "So doc, what's new?, enhanced cloaking?, creature cerebral manipulator?, anti-armor rounds the size of a 9mm?, come on, what do you have for me this time?" Asked Falcon. "None of that, we've been focused on recreating the lost and late technology of the exo suits." Said the main Talon Doctor. "Exo suits, too bad they're already embedded in me already." Said Hercules. "So, how does an Exo Suit help exactly?" Asked Falcon. "The exo suit would allow you to jump farther, due to thrusters, punch and kick harder, plus, if our troops ever die with one of these on, the exo suit automatically and internally self-destructs. Only authorized personnel are able to use the exo." Said the main Talon Doctor. "Interesting. Question, how much harder will I be able to hit things?" Asked Falcon. "Like a freight train." Said the main Talon Doctor. "How many troops have these?" Asked Hercules. "All of Hawks Nest, and many other Talon Co. bases and outposts." Said the main Talon Doctor. "Alright doc, I think these exo suits are pretty interesting, start supplying and distributing them to the men and women here, come on Hercules, let's go interrogate these pricks." Said Falcon as he shakes hands with the Talon Doctor, and Hercules and him leave the tech lab. Falcon and Hercules return to the room to find that nothing has changed. "We're back, did you miss us?" Asked Falcon. "Nah, not really." Said Kacey. "Good, you 3 guards can leave now, we've got this trust me." Said Falcon as the 3 guards that were watching the 5 prisoners leave the room. "Ok, let's see. Boss man, do you copy?" Asked Falcon as the screen turns on to Tony. "What is it Falcon?" Asked Tony. "Look what we have brought you out of the failed Brewhouse attack." Said Falcon as he turns Ke'Shawn's face towards the screen. "Ke'Shawn." Said Tony. "That's right, and 3 of his top peeps and the girlfriend of the wanted man, Jason Reed." Said Falcon as he also turns Christy's head to the screen. "How did you get them?" Asked Tony. "For Ke'Shawn and his ragtags, we flanked them and they surrendered, for the wanted man's girlfriend, I choked her and put her on the ground, Hercules put her in with the prisoner group." Said Falcon. "Very good Falcon, you've done us a great favor. Hercules, I'm doubling your pay from us, you fought amongst my men and women and survived." Said Tony. "I'm not sure if I survived because of shit aim or your troops were human shields in terms of need, maybe both, not entirely sure." Said Hercules with his arms crossed behind Falcon. "Fair enough, Falcon, I want you over in Hawks Nest, I need to show you something." Said Tony. "Show me now." Said Falcon. "No, that is a risk I can't allow. If somehow these 5 escape The Brewhouse and tell anyone of this information, we will be at risk of everything." Said Tony. "Fine, when do I have to be there?" Asked Falcon. "At least 2 weeks. I already have a convoy enroute to The Brewhouse. Hercules, I'd prefer if you'd come to Hawks Nest, see it for the first time." Said Tony. "If I come to Hawks Nest, then who will be in charge of The Brewhouse?" Asked Hercules. "General Willis Jackson will be in charge until you and Falcon return to The Brewhouse." Said Tony. "Understood." Said Hercules.

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