Catching Up...

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William, Bryce, and the other prisoners escaped The Leo Brig. Unfortunately though, Milena didn't get out with him, he was forced to leave her back at The Leo Brig. "So William, this is where we part ways huh?" Said Bryce. "Yup, I suppose it is." Said William. "Alright, well, stay safe, and watch yourself. Hope you find your group." Said Bryce as him and the other prisoners leave William. "Now, if I was Ke'Shawn, where would I go?" Said William. "What in the hell is that?, 'William, if you're reading this, go to New Manhattan that's where Ke'Shawn and the rest of them are going, signed, a friend of yours, Marcus'." Said William as he read a sign written just for him on a road. "This sign tells me to go to New Manhattan, and that Marcus wrote it, but Marcus is dead, hell I'll be dead if I stay out here for too long." Said William as he goes to New Manhattan like the writing says to do. The 11 make it to a nearby truck stopped on their way to Point Alpha-Delta, and try to figure out what to do. "I thought about this, why not just go to New Manhattan?" Asked Jason. "Because we don't know if New Manhattan will give us up, Cletus Cox was a man who will do whatever he wanted to get his way and his way alone." Said Ke'Shawn. "Yeah, but Cletus Cox is dead, Ben and I killed him." Said Jason. "You and Ben killed Cletus?, then maybe we can stay at New Manhattan, for a while at least." Said Ke'Shawn. "Everyone is already familiar with us in New Manhattan, I was the President of New Manhattan, Ben was the Vice President of New Manhattan. The new President is Anthony Morris, June's guardian." Said Jason. "If he is familiar with someone in our group, I believe there is no risk." Said Ke'Shawn. "First we need to figure out if the rest of them want to go there." Said Jason. "Alright guys, we have an idea. Jason says we can stay at New Manhattan. He says the new President is Anthony Morris, June's guardian. Jason and Ben are responsible for killing Cletus Cox, the dictator." Said Ke'Shawn. "I say we should stay there. Until we're ready to go to Point Alpha-Delta." Said Jason. "When I left New Manhattan, it was nearly left in ruins, if they somehow managed to rebuild itself. I say we should go." Said June. "I say we should go in general." Said Norman. The others agree to go to New Manhattan. "Ok, let's go then." Said Ke'Shawn as him and Jason start driving towards New Manhattan. William finds a Ford Fusion, with a full tank of gas. "Well, whoever owns this car, hope they don't mind." Said William as he starts the car and drives towards. New Manhattan. When the 11 arrive to New Manhattan, they are greeted inside the city by none other, than Anthony Morris. "Welcome newcomers, to New Manhattan." Said Anthony. "Anthony." Said June as she approached Anthony after weeks of being missing. "Holy hell, June, Jason, Ben, Christy, and Norman. It's good to see you guys again." Said Anthony. "We need a place to stay for a while. My name is Ke'Shawn, that's Nikolai, that's Jordan and Kacey, we're from Arms-Town." Said Ke'Shawn. "Yeah, sure, I don't mind helping anyone from Arms-Town." Said Anthony. "Thanks, you got a bar?" Asked Kacey. "Yeah, Morris' Theatre, it's a Strip-Club/Bar, I own it. It's free for everyone, it's only optional to pay for anything." Said Anthony. "Thanks." Said Kacey as her, Ke'Shawn, Jordan and Nikolai go to the Theatre. "Where the hell did you go?" Asked Anthony. "I left after we were attacked to go find Norman. I went to Arms-Town which by coincidence, Norman was there." Said June. "I couldn't find you after the attack, I feared you were taken or killed." Said Anthony. "Well, now you know." Said June. The 11 enter Morris' Theatre. Jason, Christy, Ben and Norman for a second time. "You guys are new, what you want?" Asked the Bartender. "Give me Vodka." Said Nikolai. "How about you guys?" Asked the Bartender. "I want, Tequila." Said Kacey. "Me too." Said Jordan. "You got any Liquor?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "I'll take a Beer." Said Emma. "Give me a Beer too." Said Nick. "Yeah, Vodka, Tequila, Beer and Liquor coming right up." Said the Bartender as he gives Ke'Shawn, Jordan, Kacey, Emma, Nick and Nikolai their drinks. Jason, Christy, Ben, and Norman get their drinks as well, Beer, the same drink they got when they first got in New Manhattan. "What the hell happened after we left?" Asked Jason. "It was all good, the people responded well to you 4 leaving. June didn't respond as well as the people did. She was depressed for 3 days. Then we were attacked a few weeks ago, by Talon Co." Said Anthony. "Talon Co.?, why?" Asked Jason. "They said they were looking for you and Ben, for a murder. They wanted your head and have a bounty on it: $18 million." Said Anthony. "Seems like everywhere we go, Talon Co. is involved and wants my head and Ben's." Said Jason. "I told them we hadn't seen you, but they knew you were here. We fought, we fought hard. And fortunately, we won the battle, but New Manhattan was nearly destroyed, it took everyone we had to rebuild all that was destroyed." Said Anthony. "Talon Co. attacked Arms-Town just a few days ago. We lost the battle, only a few of us managed to escape and survive." Said Jason. "After that, we managed to see no more attacks from Talon Co. So what brings you back?" Said Anthony. "We were on our way to Point Alpha-Delta. Then I told Ke'Shawn we should come here instead, we already know you people, we have connections to the new President, you." Said Jason. "Plus, you have my support." Said Anthony. "Why is that?" Asked Jason. "Norman is June's boyfriend, so he has my support, and you and Ben killed Cletus Cox." Said Anthony. "Yeah, I've noticed everytime someone mentions New Manhattan, they say me and Ben killed Cletus Cox." Said Jason. "We have a problem, I think it is something you should look at." Said Anthony. "What kind of problem?" Asked Jason. "A very big one. A kind of problem, I think you'd want to see it for yourself than me telling it to you." Said Anthony. "Alright then, show it to me." Said Jason as him and Anthony leave the Theatre to go to the Capitol Hall. "Hey, where's Jason and Anthony going?" Asked Ben. "I don't know, I'll follow them. Stay here, I'll be back when I can." Said Christy as she also leaves the Theatre to follow Jason and Anthony to the Capitol Hall. Jason and Anthony enter the Capitol Hall, where Jason will soon find out the problem Anthony told him about. "Anthony, who is this?" Asked Valerie Morris, a 26 year old latina from Cuba. "Valerie, this is Jason Reed, the former president of New Manhattan. Jason, this is Valerie Morris, my wife." Said Anthony. "Hi, yeah, I don't think we've ever met before, neither has Norman." Said Jason. "Yes, we haven't met before, at all. And Norman, that name sounds familiar, isn't he the brother of the former Vice President, Ben Young?" Asked Valerie. "Yes he is, he is also June's boyfriend. Both of them are at the Theatre, if, you'd like to see them." Said Anthony. "I haven't seen June since the Talon Co. attack, I'm going to see my daughter." Said Valerie as she leaves the Capitol Hall to go to the Morris' Theatre. "Anyway, back on track of the problem, follow me." Said Anthony as Jason follows him into a secret room, designed to be a bunker. Christy is still following Jason and Anthony in the Capitol Hall and enters the bunker room. "Anthony, who the hell is this?" Asked Sebastian "Warlord" Sanchez, a 39 year old man from Virginia, he is the Military General of New Manhattan. "This, is Jason Reed, the former President of New Manhattan." Said Anthony. "Well, former president, you picked a hell of a time to come back to us." Said Sebastian as Jason punches him. "Damn, how old are you again?" Asked Sebastian. "19." Said Jason. "Shit, for a 19 year old, you hit fucking hard, names Sebastian, the people call me Warlord." Said Sebastian. "Does it matter which I call you?" Asked Jason. "Hell no, not to me anyway. I assume Anthony told you the problem we have." Said Sebastian. "Yeah, he told me something, he said he wanted to show it to me rather than telling me." Said Jason. Sebastian stares at Anthony with a certain glare. "He would believe it if we have proof." Said Anthony. "What the fuck is the problem?" Asked Christy as she emerges from behind a wall in the bunker room. "Who the fuck is she?" Asked Sebastian. "I'm Christy, Jason's best friend." Said Christy. "You told your best friend about this?, I will tell you about this now, this problem we have, it will concern everyone that lives in New Manhattan. Everyone." Said Sebastian. "I didn't tell anybody about this problem. She must've followed me and Anthony in here." Said Jason. "I did, so what is the fucking problem? And who are you?" Asked Christy. "I'm Sebastian, the Military General of New Manhattan." Said Sebastain. "Wait, you're, the Military General of New Manhattan?" Asked Jason. "Yes, and the problem Anthony is talking about, has to do with war." Said Sebastian. "War?, the problem is war?, how long have you been here first of all?" Asked Jason. "Since you and Ben Young killed Cletus Cox. Fuck it, I'll just tell you, New Manhattan is at war with another city, in Indiana." Said Sebastian. "Indiana?, how long has this war been going on, and how did it start?" Asked Christy. "It started when Cletus Cox became president. He wanted to expand New Manhattan to Ohio, make New Manhattan a state and try to rebuild society itself. But he ran into a group from another city, Storm City, the city we're at war with. Cletus spoke with the President of Storm City, Vic Bennett. Vic also wanted to expand into Ohio, but Cletus didn't want to share the land, so Cletus attacked Storm City, and failed. Vic revolted and attacked New Manhattan, just 2 days before the 4 of you arrived in New Manhattan. Just like Cletus' attack on Storm City, Vic's attack also failed and the war was started. Vic, doesn't know Cletus is dead, truth is, it was Storm City that attacked us a few weeks ago." Said Sebastian. "So if Storm City doesn't know Cletus is dead, why haven't you tried to send them a message?" Asked Jason. "We can't all radio channels to Storm City have been cut off. And they cut off all channels to New Manhattan. Cletus told me to keep this to myself, and only myself, he said if I told anybody about this war he'd kill me in my sleep." Said Sebastian. "Ironic." Said Jason. "So, if you want to tell Storm City and Vic Bennett that Cletus Cox is dead, you have to tell them in person." Said Sebastian. "I know, I should've told you after you became President Jason, but, I wasn't familiar with you or your group. But first thing I did after Anthony became President was I told him about the war." Said Sebastian. Suddenly, on a radio, one of the New Manhattan gate guards call out for Anthony. "Anthony, we have a newcomer, he says his name is William Patton." Said the guard. "Keep him outside, Jason, Christy, get the rest of your group. They're going to wanna see him again, I'll bet money on it." Said Anthony as he goes to the gate to see William. "I'm sorry sir, we can't let you in without clearance from our President." Said the guard. "Are you fimilair with Arms-Town? Because if you are, the President is in New Manhattan, Ke'Shawn, I'm his Military General. Now let me in." Said William. "Yup, that's William." Said Ke'Shawn as he approaches William. "Ke'Shawn, tell them to let me in." Said William. "Let him in guys, come on. That's my man." Said Ke'Shawn. "Yes sir." Said the guard as the guards let William in. "William, what the hell happened to you?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "The Talon Co. sent me to The Leo Brig, it's a big ass prison/base. Darren is there." Said William. "Darren is there?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "Yeah, and so is Milena." Said William. "Milena?, how did she survive the tower falling?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "I don't know how she survived, but she did. While I was there, Darren...Darren...Darren raped Milena." Said William. "Darren raped Milena?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "More times than one, he even made me watch a few of them." Said William. "We will get her out of there. We will, soon." Said Ke'Shawn as him and William enter New Manhattan, and catch up on a few things. Jason and Christy gather their group together including William and tell them about the war between New Manhattan and Storm City.

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