The Battle...

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Jason, Ben, Norman and Christy are carrying Emma onto a truck, where she's been shot in the chest and is unconscious. Nick gets stabbed in the hand fighting a Talon Co. soldier, while trying to cover Jason, Ben, Norman and Christy getting Emma in the truck. Vic almost gets blown up by a grenade, just 2 feet from him. Ke'Shawn and his group are already out of action, they left in a separate truck because Nikolai, and Kacey got knocked out, and Jordan broke his arm. Milena stayed behind to assist anyone. Knick Knack had his ear skinned by a passing bullet, while fighting 2 Talon Co. soldiers. Lieutenant Moore is shot twice; 1 in the arm, 1 in the abdomin. Corporal Anderson is trying to cover, and patch up all the wounded she can. Private Ponce is nowhere to be found on the battlefield. Private Henson runs out of ammo while fighting a Talon Co. soldier and kills him by smashing the soldiers head with his helmet, a Talon Co. soldier comes up behind him to stab him in the back, and Henson pushes that soldier to a rebar pole coming out of debris. In all of the chaos, they hear something coming, in the sky. They see it, and find out Talon Co. has aircraft too. The sound they heard is an Apache, fully loaded, fully equipped and aiming right at them. It fires rockets to kill everyone at once, even their own soldiers if they get caught in the crossfire.

2 days before 'The Battle'...

2 days until Storm City attacks The Leo Brig, and begin their war against Talon Co. Vic has received intel from several scouts about the forces of The Leo Brig. The intel says The Leo Brig has little to no forces. The scouts even had dash cams on their clothing, used them to get the intel. It was also a way for Vic to see if they were lying. Vic showed the 12, Ke'Shawn's group, and Knick Knack this newly added intel he has about Talon Co. and The Leo Brig. "It has no soldiers protecting it?" Asked Ke'Shawn. "According to the intel, yes, almost no soldiers are protecting that bigass prison base." Said Vic. "I call bullshit on that." Said Ke'Shawn. "Look, dash cam, this is how they got the intel about it." Said Vic. "It checks out, there's no Talon Co. soldiers anywhere." Said Ke'Shawn. Over at The Leo Brig, Falcon tries to get Tony to send him some reinforcements to counter Storm City. "You don't know if Storm City will even march your way Falcon, you don't." Said Tony. "We attacked them just days ago, I think if I was Storm City, I'd at least try to get back at them." Said Falcon. "But your not Storm City, are you? Fine, you want me to send reinforcements, we got a base in Indiana and Southern Pennsylvania, which one do you want them from?" Asked Tony. "Both of them." Said Falcon as he turns off the transmission. "Both of them...alright, better be worth it." Said Tony.

1 day before 'The Battle'...

The reinforcements Falcon wanted from both bases have arrived at The Leo Brig. Most of the soldiers from them are now at The Leo Brig, some soldiers had to stay behind and protect the bases. "Alright, Tony pulled through, look at all this fresh meat! *laughs*. Said Falcon as he watches the reinforcements enter The Leo Brig. "Falcon, final reinforcement report, we got armor." Said a Talon Co. soldier. "Is this right?, has this been verified?" Asked Falcon. "I checked in 3 times, even personally looked at all of it. Why?" Asked the Talon Co. soldier. "Nothing bad, I just wanted to know if this was correct, so that when we need it, we can punch the shit out of Storm City." Said Falcon. At Storm City, they make final preparations of their attack on The Leo Brig. Vic doesn't want the tanks at The Leo Brig, if they get hijacked or destroyed, and Talon Co. heads towards Storm City, there'd be no defense. Vic believes his plan for the tanks will bring more casualties, but will be worth it in the end.

Present in 'The Battle'...

The Apache finished it's job, to try and kill the Storm City soldiers. It did kill many soldiers, even some of their own soldiers were killed by the Apache. But it turns out, more Talon Co. soldiers were killed by the Apache than Storm City soldiers. The 12, Ke'Shawn's group, Vic and Knick Knack were not killed by the Apache. "Is everyone good?, Christy?, Ben?, is everyone good?" Asked Jason. "Yeah, we're good." Said Christy. "Uh, yeah, we need to get out of here, we're going to die." Said Ben. "I agree, we need to get everyone out, first the wounded, then us." Said Vic. "It doesn't matter who we get out first, point is, we need to leave now." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Yeah, come on let's go." Said Jason as they get all the wounded onto trucks to get them to leave. After all the wounded leave The Leo Brig, everyone else leaves The Leo Brig. Unfortunately, not all of them could make it back to Storm City, for Private Ponce, was nowhere to be found on the battlefield after they arrived at The Leo Brig. Vic, Knick Knack, the 12, Ke'Shawn's group and most of the soldiers arrive back in Storm City. Vic, Knick Knack, the 12 and Ke'Shawn's group enter the Capitol Hall to discuss what just happened at The Leo Brig. "No, no, no, no, I know we didn't just go into a slaughter, I know we didn't." Said Vic as he pours a bottle of Whiskey into a glass. "Knick Knack, how many men did we lose?" Asked Jason. "A quarter, we had 48,000, now we have 36,000, for our first battle against Talon Co., those numbers say something." Said Knick Knack. "They say we're going to lose the war in 3 or 4 battles." Said Vic. "Chances are, Talon Co. is following us back to Storm City, and they're going to hit us hard, so be on high alert for the next couple of days." Said Vic as he takes a sip of the Whiskey. At The Leo Brig, things aren't going as hoped for Falcon. "What do you mean I can't follow them!?" Asked and yelled Falcon. "Exactly what I said, I deny you to follow them and attack them at Storm City." Said Tony. "Come on Tony, it'll look just like Arms-Town when I'm done with it." Said Falcon. "No Falcon, not this time, and if you disobey me, the bounty that is on Jason and Ben, will double, and have your name and picture on it, so let them go. My decision is final." Said Tony. "Fuck!!!" Yelled Falcon as he throws a knife at a wall.

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