An Unexpected Turn of Events

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The guards found Cletus Cox's body and started searching for who killed him, just like Ben and Jason knew they would. Now they have to hide from the law enforcement and the New Manhattan military for killing Cletus. "We have to stay here until everyone forgets about this." Said Ben. "We're being hunted by the military and the law enforcement. We have nowhere to hide too." Said Jason. "Do we really have a choice Jason?, we all have to stay. Wait, where is Norman, Christy, where is Norman?" Said Ben. "He told me he was going out for a while." Said Christy. "Shit, we have to find him and bring him back. If the military or the law enforcement finds him first, they might use him to lure us out of hiding." Said Ben. "Shit, you're right, let's go. Christy, don't let anyone in, unless it's us." Said Jason. Ben and Jason start looking for Norman, but they don't know that Norman is at the market with June. "June, would it be possible to, I don't know, grab a drink with you sometime." Said Norman, nervously. "Yeah, it would, I'd love that." Said June. June and Norman are still having a conversation when 4 law enforcement officers approach them. "Norman Young, come with us at once, your brother has done something." Said one of the law enforcement officers. Norman doesn't know what Ben and Jason did, assassinate Cletus Cox. "We will not hurt you or him, we just need you to bring him in." Said one of the law enforcement officers. "Norman, what are they talking about, what did he do?" Said June. "I'm sorry but it doesn't concern you June." Said Norman. Norman is completely unsure of the officers, but goes with them either way. "This is a message for Ben Young and Jason Reed, we found Cletus Cox dead in his bed. We wish you turn yourselves in. If you don't, we will hurt your brother, Norman. Make your choice." Said one of the law enforcement officers on a speaker in the city. "FUCK, THEY GOT NORMAN." Said Ben. "Calm down Ben, I can't believe I'm going to say this but, We need to turn ourselves in, for Normans safety." Said Jason. "I know we're friends Jason, but Normans safety is my concern." Said Ben. "It is my concern if we're friends." Said Jason. Ben and Jason decide to turn themselves in, for Norman. "Are you Ben Young and Jason Reed?" Asked a law enforcement officer. "Yes sir, we are. We're here to be executed for the assassination of your dictator." Said Jason. "The fuck you mean executed?, we want to congratulate you two." Said a law enforcement officer. "What the hell?" Asked Ben. "Cletus Cox was a human being that didn't deserve to live, and he ruled us out of fear, no one was on his side." Said a law enforcement officer. "He burned my family publicly because they were 4 days late on that damn tax payment. I wanted to murder him for it." Said a law enforcement officer. "We, didn't expect this, we thought we were going to die for it." Said Jason. "Fuck Cletus and his ways on dealing with things. Now that he's dead, things can get back to normal. And here is your brother, Norman" Said a law enforcement officer. "Thank you officers." Jason, Norman and Ben went back to their apartment to contemplate what just happened. "Can someone please tell me what the hell just happened?" Asked Ben. "I think they let us get away with killing Cletus." Said Jason. "They did, they told me everything, they even showed me Cletus' body, and let me feed it to Tyson." Said Norman. "Holy shit, Cletus must have been fucking crazy to another level to deserve that with his dead body." Said Jason. "Christy, did anything happen here when we were gone?" Asked Jason. "Yeah, a guy left a message for us, it's from Devin Watson, he's in the hospital due to his cancer, and he wants to see us." Said Christy. The four get in the hospital and find Devin. "Devin, it's Jason and Ben. How you doing?" Said Jason. "Never better Jason, never better. You two finally killed Cletus, I'm proud, and happy I lived long enough to hear about it" Said Devin. "Yeah, but you can't see the body, Normans dog ate it." Said Christy. "I don't mind, why would I want to see a demon in a mans body again." Said Devin. "Do me a favor, one of you, put me down, please." Said Devin. "What, why Devin, you deserve to live." Said Christy. "It's not what I deserve, it's what I want, and it's what I've wanted since I heard I had Lung Cancer. Please, put me out of my misery, you don't know what it's like to be hooked up like this." Said Devin. "I've got a surprise for you two Jason and Ben. The legal age for presidency is 15 years old. I've put the two of you as the candidates for the president of New Manhattan, after one of you is president, please, fix this city when I'm gone. Now who will be the one to put me down." Said Devin. "I'll do it." Said Christy. "Thank you Christy." Christy injects Morphine, a medicine that can kill a man if overdosed, into Devin's blood system, a slow, but quick at the same time death for any man. "That's it, he's gone guys, let's go." Said Jason, as the four leave the hospital.

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