The Talon Co. Plan

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The group at Storm City think of a plan to get Ke'Shawn, Kacey, Jordan, Kacey and Christy out of The Brewhouse, without risking another bloody battle. At the same time, Sasha, Private Henson, Lieutenant Moore and a small convoy of survivors from the forest battle return to Storm City. "Identify yourself." Said a Storm City Guard. "I'm Sasha Ortiz, and that's Lieutenant Moore. Let us in." Said Sasha. "Yes ma'am, open the gate." Said a Storm City Guard as the gate opens and the convoy drives through. "Lieutenant as she's helping Ben walk to Jason's house. "Corporal, take Henson, get him to a hospital, how's Ponce?" Asked Lieutenant Moore. "I'll tell you later, just help Ben get to Jason's house, I hear he's making a plan to get some prisoners out." Said Corporal Anderson as she take Private Henson to the nearest hospital. "This should be interesting." Said Sasha as her, Lieutenant Moore and Ben enter Jason's house. "Hey Ben, how are you feeling?" Asked Norman. "Better, and I'm going to live. I've heard your making a plan to get some people out of The Brewhouse. I want in." Said Ben. "No, I will not allow you to come with us Ben. You're recovering from a bullet wound. You're in no shape to be running around right after being fixed." Said Jason. "You're going to need all the help you can get Jason. All of it. Who do you have to help you on this plan?" Asked Ben. "Me, Nick, Emma, June, Norman, Milena, Alexander and if Vic allows it, The Night Brigade." Said Jason. "There's too many people in that group for a bail out plan to take on that many Talon Co. soldiers, do you have the Exodus Armor from New Manhattan?" Asked Ben. "Chances are Anthony won't let us borrow them or the same men that he sent to help us at the forest battle. The Exodus Armor are the first and best line of defense for New Manhattan." Said June. "Ok, I've changed my mind, I want nothing to do with this plan, Jason, I'm your friend and all, but this plan sounds like a suicide mission, and for only 5 people over 70,000." Said Ben. "The Night Brigade is like Storm City's version of US Navy Seals, except, not counter-terrorism." Said Jason. "Not like the Seals, like Delta-Force, or the Green Berets. Special Forces Infantry." Said Ben. "Doesn't matter what they're like, point is, The Night Brigade are highly trained Special Ops troops, plus, there is a pretty large number; 20,000." Said Jason. "Again though, if Vic allows it." Said Ben. "Jason, I'm with Ben on this one, if Vic doesn't authorize you to use The Night Brigade for this mission, then, those prisoners are on their own." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Lieutenant, you of all people should understand the need to get them out." Said Jason. "Jason, I'm a soldier, I get shit done, but this mission doesn't sound right. It doesn't sound likely that we'll walk away safe and sound from all of this." Said Lieutenant Moore. Meanwhile at The Brewhouse, the convoy for Falcon and Hercules arrives a week early. "The convoy is here Falcon." Said Hercules. "That means you 5 are lucky, I get to leave a lot earlier than I wanted." Said Falcon as he grabs Ke'Shawn's face. "Keep an eye on them, they've been known to fight back, like spiders and shit." Saud Falcon as he tells the room guards. Hercules and Falcon walk to the convoy outside the gate. "Falcon, Hercules, I'm-" Said Zachary Drake, a 37 year old man from Wisconsin. "Our driver?, info guy?, our informant second?, don't care." Said Falcon as he walks to the convoy and gets in one of the Humvees. "Info guy is something along those lines." Said Zachary. "Has Tony told you what he needed us for?" Asked Hercules. "This convoy is protected right?, armor?, air support?" Asked Falcon. "All of the above." Said Zachary. "Has he told you what he needs us for?" Asked Hercules. "Yes, he did actually, he said that he's tech team at Hawks Nest is building a device, none like any before." Said Zachary. "Is it sci-fi type shit?" Asked Falcon. "He didn't tell me the full details, he only told me that part." Said Zachary. "You got any smokes in this shit?" Asked Falcon. "Yeah, on the door." Said Zachary as Falcon he takes off his helmet and smokes to pass the time. In Storm City, Jason goes to Vic's office to ask him if he can use The Night Brigade to rescue Ke'Shawn, Jordan, Nikolai, Kacey and Christy. "Vic, I need to ask you something." Said Jason as he enters the room to find Vic looking at a picture of Amanda White. "Are you ok Vic?" Asked Jason. "Yeah, it's just, today would've been Amanda's birthday, and if it wasn't for Antonio and his aggressive temper, she would be my wife and still be alive." Said Vic. "I'm sorry." Said Jason. "What was it that you needed to ask me Jason?" Asked Vic. "I need authorization to 'borrow' The Night Brigade." Said Jason. "For what exactly?" Asked Vic. "To get prisoners out The Brewhouse." Said Jason. "I would let you borrow The Night Brigade, but I sent them to New Manhattan." Said Vic. "What?, why?" Asked Jason. "Anthony, said New Manhattan was running low on troops and supplies to the point that they might be pulling out as our ally and this war soon. So I sent them to take supplies and fresh troops." Said Vic. "Damn, so what are we going to do with the prisoners?" Asked Jason. Vic stays silent and turns his back on Jason. "No, no, no, no, we are not going to just leave them there to be tortured and imprisoned." Said Jason. "WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO JASON?!, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!" Yelled and Asked Vic. "I want people to come with me to get them out of The Brewhouse, we are at war with Talon Co., we need to free them." Said Jason. "WELL I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU JASON, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF!" Yelled Vic. "Fine, I'll do it myself." Said Jason as he leaves the Capitol Hall. A week later, Falcon and Hercules arrive at Hawks Nest, the Talon Co. HQ. Hawks Nest used to be a military base, it has tall reinforced concrete walls, the base is next to a city in Nevada near Las Vegas. "So this is Hawks Nest." Said Hercules. "Why?, what'd you expect it to be?, Hawks Nest is a city for civilians and Talon Co. soldiers, it's our HQ." Said Falcon. "I knew that, I expected it to change from 2 years ago when I last visited for my last paycheck." Said Hercules. "Right, let's go inside the city now, shall we." Said Zachary as him, Falcon and Hercules enter through tall reinforced steel gate to enter Hawks Nest. Hawks Nest is similar to a 1920's New York, with Slums, rich communities, poor communities, market shacks and shops. The economy is roughly the same of New Manhattan; Strip-Clubs/Brothals, Ammo/Gun Shops, Water Treatment and Markets and Restaurants. 4 Guards and 1 M1A1 Abrams Tank stand outside the main building of the actual HQ of Talon Co., the building is called Eagle Crater. "Identify." Said a computer pad on the wall of the building. "Falcon, extreme badass of Talon Co." Said Falcon. "Access denied." Said the computer pad. "The access pads have been acting up throughout Hawks Nest, the IT guys have been trying to fix it for 3 months by now. Go in, Tony's been waiting for you two." Said one of the Talon Guards as Falcon and Hercules walk in Eagle Crater. "Not you, you're not needed by Tony, you will not enter the building." Said one of the Talon Guards as he stops Zachary from entering Eagle Crater. "I'll have you know, I am a ranking officer for Talon Co., I am Sergeant Zachary Drake, Special Ops Division." Said Zachary. "Falcon, is this true?" Asked one of the Talon Guards. "I don't know about the Sergeant part, but the name yeah." Said Falcon. "Ok, you may enter Eagle Crater with them." Said the Talon Guard as Zachary enters Eagle Crater with Falcon and Hercules. The inside of Eagle Crater is that of the Pentagon. It also has the same role as the Pentagon did. Falcon, Hercules and Zachary approach 2 Talon Guards that stand outside an elevator. "State your intended location." Said a Talon Guard. "Tony's Penthouse." Said Falcon. "And you are who?" Asked the other Talon Guard. "Oh my fucking god, Falcon, Hercules, and Zachary Drake. I want everyone to know our fucking names." Said Falcon. "Ok, you're clear to go, you're late by the way." Said a Talon Guard as Falcon, Hercules and Zachary get in the elevator to go up to Tony's Penthouse, which is the very top floor of Eagle Crater. They reach Tony's Penthouse to find him topless with 5 naked whores in his Penthouse. "You know, when those guards told us we were late, I thought you'd at least wait just a little bit longer." Said Falcon. "You came late to the party, I wanted to pass time while I continued to wait for you 2, although I wanted 2 of you, not a 3rd wheel." Said Tony. "He's chill, you can let him fuck at least one right?" Asked Falcon. "As long as he doesn't cum in any of them, I'm good, these 5, these 5 are my favorite. They don't even get paid by me, and they're ok with that." Said Tony. "So what did you want to show us Tony?" Asked Hercules. "Calm down robo man, you just got here, have a drink." Said Tony as he sits down on a chair near Falcon with a glass of scotch in hand. "Oh, right, you're a machine, you can't drink, I forgot." Said Tony. "I can't drink, but I at least I can live underwater drownable fucktard." Said Hercules. Tony spits his scotch out of his mouth out of laughter and cracks up with Falcon. "That's one reason why I like you Hercules, you can always talk shit, and I know you can back it up." Said Tony. "Anyways, Hercules is right though, what was it you wanted to tell us Tony?" Asked Falcon. "You know how the best tech team in Talon Co. is here right?" Asked Tony. "Yeah, so." Said Falcon. "They went out to find the very last thing that America was building during WW3." Said Tony. "What was the last thing America was building?" Asked Hercules. "America attempted to build an EMP based weapon. It would've been the most powerful weapon in the war, it was called The Blackout Emitor. It wouldn't just knock out electrical systems of one area, it was able to knockout an entire countries electrical system. Best part is, you don't have to move it to get it to active on a target. Just aim, and fire." Said Tony. "Take us to it." Said Falcon. Tony, Falcon and Hercules go downstairs to a large basement, the basement is literally an additional structure to Eagle Crater called Osprey Ground. "This, is The Blackout Emitor. Beautiful isn't it?" Asked Tony as Falcon and Hercules look at an enormous platform with 4 corner pylons and a roof, making the look of a room. "How is that, The Blackout Emitor?" Asked Falcon. "Guys, power it on." Said Tony to one of the doctors working on The Blackout Emitor. "What target sir?" Asked one of the Talon Doctors. "No target, just turn it on, and show our friends the potential power it contains." Said Tony. The Blackout Emitor powers on slowly with 4 red lightning bolts merging in the middle to create a red lightning ball that grows exponentially. "Take it to 100%." Said Tony as The Blackout Emitor charges faster and the lightning ball grows quicker. All of a sudden, the lightning ball disperses into a shockwave of electricity, but nothing is knocked out, not even Hercules. "What the fuck?, how am I still operating?" Asked Hercules. "If The Blackout Emitor has no target, it will go off either way, but nothing be affected." Said Tony. "Interesting." Said Falcon. "The thing is, I'm not planing on using this device as The Blackout Emitor." Said Tony. "Hold on a second, I could've sworn you said that was completely retarded, can you repeat that?" Said Falcon. "The Blackout Emitor will be turned into something else." Said Tony. "Even when I was younger, I've always felt sympathy for the mentally challenged. Why do you want to change, the biggest game changer you have as the moment?" Asked Falcon. "The Blackout Emitor requires a large amount of energy to even activate. This thing drains Hawks Nest's power to knock out electrical systems. We had to Helicopter lift this thing from Washington D.C., in President Franklin's private bunker. My plan is to turn this machine into a platform that can access other worlds, other dimensions." Said Tony. "Other worlds and other dimensions. Sounds nice, but sounds crazy." Said Falcon. "We've already started on it, only thing is, it's not complete, not easy to change a machine's purpose of this size." Said Tony. "Is that all you wanted to show us Tony?' Asked Hercules. "Pretty much." Said Tony. "Thanks for showing us, the true meaning of life and power, and fuck you for showing us your plan to kill it." Said Falcon as him and Hercules leave Osprey Ground. "You're welcome." Said Tony as Falcon sticks the middle finger at Tony.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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