The Start of WW3

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Thomas Franklin takes this message and invasion in the only way he can, angry and vengeful. "General Jackson, what is the status of the US Army?" Said Thomas, "Ready to fight and invade sir, just say the word and it's a road to Japan." Says General Jackson. Thomas Franklin replies, "Good, I want Japan and that son of a whore Niko Nama- whatever the fuck his name to know what exactly happens when you pick a fight with our country." Said Thomas Franklin "Good choice sir, I'll send in the order. Men and Women of the US Army, you have been given orders to attack the Japanese Empire and invade the country of Turkey which was recently obtained by the Japanese fuckers you'll fight in a few months. It will be treacherous and deadly, I will not lie, Men and Women will die in this war against the Asians." Said Willis Jackson. General Willis Jackson sends 70,000 men and 3,200 tanks and armor to invade and take the country Turkey from the Japanese Empire. Emperor Niko is aware of the incoming invasion on Turkey from the Americans and sends a defense force ordered from General Daichi. 45,000 men and 4,300 tanks and other armor sent to defend Turkey from the Americans. Lieutenant Bill Moore is the man in charge of Alpha Company in the invasion on Turkey. "The Japs are bound to have a defense force to try and stop us from taking Turkey, so stay sharp people." Says Lieutenant Moore. "Lieutenant Moore, this is General Jackson, your orders are to liberate Kayseri just northwest of your position, be advised they're is a large force in the city." "Copy that, how many men are in the city?" Asked Lieutenant Moore. "I'm getting reports of at least 7,000 men and counting." Said General Jackson. "Copy that General. Alright guys, we're about to have a firefight, look sharp." Said Bill. While in the city a soldier comes up to Bill and says the areas all clear and then gets shot in the head by a sniper and the firefight is underway. "AMBUSH, OPEN FIRE ON THE MG NESTS, TAKE THEM OUT, THROWING FRAG." shouting out nearby soldiers of Alpha Company. "Holy shit, holy shit, this is the first firefight of WW3, I wonder how this will look on CNN news." Said Bill in his head. After saying that in his head, he looks up and sees Japanese Helicopters flying overhead the city, probably flying by to drop off more soldiers, and Moore looks to his left and sees a grenade go off near 6 men, 4 blow into pieces, 1 dies of shrapnel, and 1 is wounded, Moore shouts out for the medic but the medic was shot dead a few minutes after the fight started. Moores company is taking heavy losses but thankfully another US company is nearby to assist Alpha company. "Alpha-one, this is Delta-one, Delta company is near your location and we're coming to assist." Moore responds, "Delta-one, this is Alpha-one, we're taking heavy casualties and we're pinned down by Japs, how far are you guys from our location?" "Not far, at least 7 minutes, be advised we'll be coming in from the north of the Japs positions." Said Delta-one. Lieutenant Moore informs his men of the support of Delta-company, "We need to last from the Japs for 7 minutes, just 7 minutes." After just barely holding off the Japs, Delta-company arrives and takes out the Japs hitting Alpha-company. "You guys saved our asses back there, thanks." Said an Alpha-company soldier. "Command, this is Delta-company, we're with Alpha-company and we've taken Kayseri and are awaiting further orders." Said Delta-one. "Copy that, no further order for Delta and Alpha company." Said command. Delta-one responded saying "Copy that command, well, good news Alpha-company, neither of us have any orders left, I guess our mission is complete." Lieutenant Moore, being skeptical, questioned why there were no orders pending for either company, "Command, this is Lieutenant Moore, may I just ask why Alpha-company nor Delta-company have any awaiting orders?" Command responding why, "Other companies are dealing with large groups of Japanese in Turkey, you can assist Bravo-company if you wish, but, that's up to you guys." Lieutenant Moore replies, "Copy that Command, Alpha-one out." Lieutenant Moore knowing he had to either choose to assist Bravo-company, or wait for extraction. "Alright, Alpha-company, we're going to assist Bravo-company, Delta-one, you guys are welcome to join us if you'd like." Said Lieutenant Moore. "No thanks Lieutenant, I'm getting my boys out of here, it's been a long fight." Said Delta-one. After clearing out Kayseri, Lieutenant Moore arrived to the location of Bravo-company, and found them all dead. "Ah shit, search the area for wounded and survivors, if you find any Japanese, kill them." Said Lieutenant Moore. "Signal Command, tell them Bravo-company is down and we need extraction for wounded and dead." Said Bill. "Signal Command for extraction, we completed our mission." Said Bill telling a nearby soldier. 1 day later, General Daichi informs Emperor Niko of the loss of Turkey to the Americans. Niko is shocked by the news General Daichi gave him."so, WW3 has officially begun." Said Niko as he looks out a window with troops being loaded into ships and leaving Japan to fight the new war, caused by America's greed.

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