The Leo Brig...

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William and Milena are captured in The Leo Brig, a Talon Co. prison/base. William is forced to be a worker for the prison, Milena is forced to be Darren's servant, both by Darren's order. A day passes by when Milena was raped in front of William. It haunts her that he had to watch. It was the most traumatizing moment in her life. The third day William and Milena are in The Leo Brig, Darren notifies the workers of their jobs. "Alright listen up, we got a job for you people today. There is a nearby town with people, they have guns, they have women, they have supplies, I expect most of you to die fighting them. Your orders are to raid their town, kill everyone, arrest those who surrender, capture everything they have. We will be watching to see you are doing your jobs. If we catch you not doing your jobs, you will be shot and killed on sight, no exceptions." Said Darren. The workers are given unmarked weapons, and are kept in their prison jumpsuits. Then the workers are loaded onto Talon Co. trucks and are dropped off at the town. "Remember, you do your job, or you die, us or them." Said Darren on a radio to all the workers, including William. There are a total of 327 workers, the town has 124 people. When the workers approach the town, they start firing on the townspeople, the townspeople quickly prepare to fight back against the workers. The workers outnumber the townspeople 3 to 1. While the workers kill and arrest the townspeople, some enter nearby homes and kill the people. William enters a home and he sees a woman, and 3 young children. She is begging for her and her children's lives. Instead of William killing them, he shoots a nearby wall, and cuts his hand to make it look like he killed the woman and her children. The raid took an hour to complete. "Well done, men, now, we're going to check the town to see who killed people, or arrested people." Said a Talon soldier as him and 4 other Talon soldiers enter the town to check the bodies of the dead, and the arrested. William is scared because he didn't kill the woman and her children, but did kill men, so he believes he is safe. "I'm not supposed to do this but, for those of you who are new to The Leo Brig, just say 'claim' to a casualty or arrested." Said a Talon soldier. All around William, he hears other workers say 'claim', but he hasn't said 'claim' yet. "How about this one?" Asked a Talon soldier. "Claim." Said William. Now he knows he is safe from death. Out of the 327 workers that attacked the town, 78 were killed in the fighting. After evaluating the results of the raid, the Talon soldiers begin the executions. Dozens of workers were called to step forward for their execution. The Talon Co. soldiers gave them a quick death, no pain, no suffering, a quick headshot. William was almost called, but that 1 man he killed saved his life. "Alright, the rest of you, get back on the truck, we're heading back to The Leo Brig." Said a Talon Co. soldier. When the workers get back to The Leo Brig, they're weapons are taken back to the armory, then they have to eat lunch. On the way to the cafeteria, William saw a vent near the floor. He also saw Darren and Milena walking the opposite way as him. "Where are we going Darren?" Asked Milena. "We are going to talk to my boss." Said Darren as him and Milena enter a room with a large computer screen. "Tony, what's up man?" Asked Darren. "How was The Battle of Arms-Town? I see you aren't dead, so we must've won. Right?" Asked Tony. "Yup, you got that right, I have 2 of Ke'Shawn's soldiers here at The Leo Brig." Said Darren. "2 of Ke'Shawn's soldiers at The Leo Brig. Who are they?" Asked Tony. "William Patton, Ke'Shawn's Military General. And Milena, Ke'Shawn's markswoman." Said Darren. "This is Milena Ward, yes?" Asked Tony. "That's right, and I've had my personal fun with her." Said Darren. "I didn't know you were into dirty blondes." Said Tony. "I thought everyone was." Said Darren. "Nah, I prefer redheads. I've noticed she has bruises and cuts on her face. What happened to her?" Asked Tony. "Well, I did say I had my personal fun with her." Said Darren. "You raped her and beat her, how many times?" Asked Tony. "5 times the day she got here, yesterday, I think 3 times, the beating is constant, doesn't matter how many times I do it." Said Darren. "Not bad, I'm going to go Darren, somethings in Hawks Nest I have to do." Said Tony as the computer screen goes black. "Why?" Asked Milena. "What?" Asked Darren. "Why do you brag about raping and beating me?" Asked Milena. "Because I can, and I like it, and you can't do anything to stop me from doing it." Said Darren. "Yes I can, when I get out of here, I'm going to kill you last." Said Milena. Darren slaps her, punches her in the stomach and pushes her to the ground. He rips the jumpsuit off her back and rapes her for a second time today. The end of the day arrives and Milena and William are escorted back to their rooms. "Milena, he did it again, didn't he?" Asked William. "Yes, William, I'm tired of it, when you have a chance, kill me, please, I'd rather die than be raped or beaten again, anytime soon." Said Milena. "No, I won't, you don't mean that. We will get out of here, we will burn it to the ground, and we will kill Darren for what he has done." Said William. Milena cries, and all William do is watch, like he did when the 4 Talon soldiers and Darren raped her in front of him. He couldn't do anything, and he still can't. The next day, William and Milena are in the cafeteria when another worker approaches them. "How's the food?" Asked Bryce, a 32 year old from Georgia. "It's alright, it needs salt. Like, a lot of it." Said William. "Alright good, ok, me, and couple of other prisoners are planning to escape. I wanted to know if you were Talon Co. soldiers in disguise, only a Talon Co. would answer saying, 'good.'" Said Bryce. "When are you guys planning to escape?" Asked William. "Today, you 2 in or what?" Asked Bryce. "Hell yeah, we're in." Said William. "Alright good, meet us back here at 4 o'clock." Said Bryce as he left William and Milena's table. "This is it, we finally have a chance at leaving this place." Said William. "Speak of the devil. Here he comes." Said William. "Milena, darling, I need you to come with me. Now." Said Darren. "For what, so you can rape her some more." Said William. "If I were you I'd back off William, you see this, this is a similar model, to the knife I stabbed Marcus in the throat with and watched him die. Be thankful I gave him a quick death. Now Milena, let's go." Said Darren as Milena gets out of her chair and follows Darren. Darren takes Milena to her room "Get undressed." Said Darren. "Why?" Asked Milena. "Because I fucking said so. So do it, get undressed. I will rip the jumpsuit off if you're unwilling to undress yourself." Said Darren. Milena turns her back on Darren to undress herself. "There we go, you're doing it yourself, about fucking time." Said Darren. "I've unzipped the jumpsuit all the way. Is it good enough?" Asked Milena. "No, it isn't so, face me, take off the jumpsuit, and walk towards me." Said Darren. Milena turns towards Darren, completely takes off her jumpsuit and walks towards him. "It's a good thing I've only beaten your face, your tits are, nice. That pussy too, now it's probably stretched out because of me and my men. But hey, that was all on William." Said Darren as he puts one of his fingers in Milena's vagina. "What do I do now?" Asked Milena. "Put your hands in the chains, and bend over." Said Darren. Milena puts her hands in the chains, and bends over. "I don't have any new orders, so I just rape you all fucking day." Said Darren as he rapes Milena for a fourth time today. William, eager to escape with Bryce and the rest of the want to be escapees at the cafeteria at 4 o'clock. "It's 3:47, where the hell is she?" Asked William. "Who?, the woman you were with?" Asked Bryce. "Yeah, she wanted to come with us." Said William. "Maybe she changed her mind." Said Bryce. "No, she wouldn't. Not with what she is going through here." Said William. "It's almost time, we have to go, if she can't come, she can't come." Said Bryce. It's 4 o'clock, Bryce, William and other prisoners get to the cafeteria, where they go over the plan to escape again. "Ok, let's go over the plan. We head to the armory, kill the guards, gather our weapons and gear, and fight our way out this place." Said Bryce. "Sound good?" Asked Bryce. "Yeah, I got a question, this is for me only, the woman I was with, she isn't here, what if I want to go and find her after we get our weapons and gear?" Asked William. "Me personally, I wouldn't risk trying to find her." Said Bryce. "When are we doing this?" Asked William. "Tonight, 9 o'clock." Said Bryce. "Alright, where do we meet to begin?" Asked William. "Back here, simple as that." Said Bryce. "Do you even know where the armory is?" Asked William. "I've been in this prison for 7 months now, pass by it everyday, I know where it is." Said Bryce. "Alright then, I'll meet you all back here at 9." Said Bryce as all the prisoners including Bryce and William head back their cells. When William returns to his cell, he finds Darren raping Milena, again. "Hey William, where the hell were you? Who let you out of your cell?" Asked Darren. "The guard outside, I had to take a fat shit." Said William. "You missed the fuck of my life. Milena, didn't scream, cry, or even try to fight back. That's it, I broke her William. I broke your friend." Said Darren. William stays silent as he just stares at Darren. "Alright beautiful, I'm going to go for a while." Said Darren as he leaves Milena's room. "What did I miss?" Asked Milena. "The plan, on how to escape The Leo Brig." Said William. "How is it?" Asked Milena. "Kill the guards to the armory, gather our weapons and gear, and fight our way out. Those were literally Bryce's words." Said William. Milena looks down and stays silent. "Milena, look at me. We will escape, both of us, together." Said William. "What time?" Asked Milena. "9 o'clock, tonight" Said William. 5 hours past, it's 9 o'clock. "Guard, guard." Said William. "What is it?" Asked the Talon Co. guard. "I need to take a shit." Said William. "Another one?" Asked the Talon Co. guard. "What the fuck man, I can't go and take another shit if I have to." Said William. The Talon Co. guard let's William take his shit. "Guard, I have to take one too." Said Milena. "What, a shit?" Asked the Talon Co. guard. "Yes, is that a problem?" Asked Milena. "Alright." Said the Talon Co. guard as he also let's Milena take her shit. William and Milena walk past each other, and William winks at her. When Milena is alone with a Talon Co. guard as her escort, Darren appears. "Hey Milena, what are you doing this late?" Asked Darren. "She said she had to take a shit." Said the Talon Co. guard. "Ah, well, I'll take it from here." Said Darren. The Talon Co. guard leaves, and it's just Darren and Milena. "Come on, go take your shit and go back to your room, I'll be in there too." Said Darren. William is with his Talon Co. guard escort on the opposite end of the building. When William has a chance, he jerks back towards the Talon Co. guard, grabs his knife, and stabs him in the head. William heads to the cafeteria where Bryce and the rest of the prisoners are waiting. "Hey, you made it." Said Bryce. "So I did." Said William. "And the woman?" Asked Bryce. "She is coming, I don't know when." Said William. "Well, if she wants to come, she better come quick, we're getting ready to begin." Said Bryce. Darren is taking Milena back to her room, when he see's a body on the floor, a Talon Co. guard body. "What the hell?" Asked Darren as he pulls out his Glock 19. Milena grabs his knife, and stabs him in the side, near the ribs and runs towards the cafeteria. "She's taking too long, my men should be at the armory by now. I'm sorry William, but we're going to have to leave without her." Said Bryce as Milena rushes into the cafeteria. "Milena, how'd you get here?" Asked William. "I stabbed Darren and ran here. Where's our weapons and gear?" Asked Milena. "Bryce's men are getting here as we speak." Said William. "So, you finally managed to get here after all. Milena right, I overheard William say it." Said Bryce. "I can't stay here. I know no one can, but I specifically can't." Said Milena. "And why is that?" Asked Bryce. " 'Why is that?', Darren has raped me, everyday god damn day, for the past 4 days I have been here for. And I'm fucking tired of it." Said Milena. "Fair enough." Said Bryce as several prisoners enter the cafeteria with weapons and gear. "Alright, let's load up, and get the hell out of here." Said Bryce as he gathers his weapons and gear; a Scar-H, and a Glock 17. William and Milena also gather their weapons, Williams M4 and .44 Revolver, and Milena's M14. "Let's move out people." Said Bryce as the prisoners rush out the cafeteria and kill 3 Talon soldiers. They can't afford to get pinned down in such tight spaces, and are having firefights while moving. The prisoners kill at least 35 Talon soldiers while trying to get out of the building. "There, the exit, come on, the courtyard is this way." Said Bryce as the prisoners rush out the exit, to enter the courtyard. Once outside in the courtyard, Talon soldiers try to stop them, but still, the prisoners firefight while moving towards the exit. The prisoners are almost at the exit of The Leo Brig, when the M1A1 tank from Arms-Town is brought out to try and stop the prisoners. The tank fires and kills 5 prisoners, thinning the prisoners group. To make matters worse, Darren exits the building, and shoots Milena in the leg, specifically choosing her to shoot. Milena falls to the ground, looks back, and see's Darren running towards her, and tries to shoot him but Darren is too fast and knocks the M14 away from her, gets on top, and punches her 3 times in the face, turns her over to her back, pulls out the knife she stabbed him with, and puts it to her neck. "Milena!" Yelled William. "Let her go!" Yelled William. "No, you know what, I'm going to be fair here, how about...a deal." Said Darren. "What kind of fucking deal!?" Yelled and asked William. "You leave, right now, Milena lives, you live, and those prisoners. If you don't, I slit Milena's neck, and the tank blows you all to hell. It's that simple." Said Darren. William stays quiet to think about it. "Come on William, it isn't that hard." Said Darren. "Shit, I'm sorry Milena." Said William as him and the prisoners leave The Leo Brig, and Milena stays behind.

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