Chapter 7

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Maya pov

I heard a story, it was the same story that my mom told me. Sleeping beauty I think, but it wasn't my mother that read it. It was a man's voice but it was associated with safety. Josh. I heard voices, something about a coma. Did they talk about me? Was I in a coma? No, I would have noticed. I couldn't move. I feel like I am on clouds. What is happening?

I felt Josh sitting down next to me. I think he is touching my hand. I know that I can trust Josh but it still feels scary. I shouldn't be scared of Josh. He saved me.

"Maya, it's me, Josh. I don't know if you can hear me or not but... We need you. I need you Maya. Please keep fighting." Josh needed me? I felt him leaning in, I tensed up but he just kissed my forehead before pulling back and standing up. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't react before I grabbed his wrist. I was weak I could feel that. I hadn't opened my eyes yet.

"Maya, are you awake?" He asked, his voice was breaking from what I think is tears. It hurt as I carefully nodded my head. I didn't have any energy. I was exhausted from just those small movements.

"Maya, can you open your eyes for me? Please?" He asked, trying to stay calm. I opened my eyes slowly, trying to adjust myself to the light. The first thing I saw was Josh, towering over me. I reacted instantly by curling together and trying to push him off me.

Josh immediately stepped away. Giving me space to calm down He looked hurt. I did trust him, it was just a little unexpected.

"Josh, I'm sorry..." I started before he interrupted me.

"It's okay Maya, I shouldn't have done that." He said, clearly feeling bad for it.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked confused. I only remembered parts of it, the horrible parts.

"You don't remember?" He asked worriedly, approaching me slowly, making sure to not scare me.

"I-I only remember parts of it, the men... and you. You saved me." I shakily answered not wanting to remember that horrible night. Please Maya, I love you. Josh loves me.

"Maya are you awake!?" I heard Riley, shifting my focus from Josh to my best friend. Riley looked horrible, she had dark circles under her eyes like she hadn't slept in days. Her hair was dirty and she looked like she was about to fall apart any minute but still, she was smiling. I put her through all this. Riley crawled up in my bed, careful to not touch the wires I was attached to. She hugged me and it felt good. I hugged her back.

"Ms. Hart, good to see you have woken up." A doctor said while walking in, a male. I reacted by rolling out of my bed and starting to run towards the door before Josh stopped me and pulled me behind him. My adrenaline pumped through my veins and I started to hyperventilate. My brain was focused on escape routes.

"Maya, it's okay. He's gone." Josh said, turning towards me and gripping my wrists, leading me to the bed. I followed him. I trusted Josh.

"Peaches?" Riley asked worried. I don't know why I can't trust the male doctors. I just can't.

"I'm alright Riles. I just got scared." I said quietly, my heart was still pumping fast.

Josh pov

Maya didn't trust any males. She didn't even trust Cory and Shawn. She only trusted me. I tried to help her as much as I could but it was clear that what happened that night hadn't just left scars on her body. It had also left scars on her soul. Even though they hadn't managed to break her completely, they almost had. If I hadn't stopped them they would have. They had still abused her badly, punched and kicked her. Touched her in places she absolutely didn't want to be touched.

She only told me and Riley, she couldn't tell the others. She only trusted us. I know she wants to be able to trust the others, but she just can't, at least not yet. She has only spoken with me and Riley. Whenever another person comes into the room she gets quiet and prepares herself to run if she has to. She doesn't do it with Katie and Topanga but she doesn't talk to them. She tries sometimes but the word just doesn't come. I know that Riley this breaks Riley's heart, seeing her best friend not being able to talk, to just freeze. It hurts Maya to know that this hurts Riley.

The day came when it was time for Maya to go home. She was scared. She knew she could trust Katie and she truly wanted to trust Shawn. I went home to my dorm for the first time in weeks, trying to keep my mind occupied with school so that I didn't worry about Maya. It didn't work. I finally gave up when it knocked on my door. Outside my door were Riley and a panicked Maya.

"She doesn't calm down!" Riley cried. She was starting to panic too. Without hesitating I took Mayas hand and kept her tight in my arms. She sobbed into my shirt and hugged me back.

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