Chapter 9

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Josh pov

Riley had called her parents and Katie. They wanted to come but they agreed that it was probably a better idea that they stayed away. We couldn't risk Maya running away, she was still very weak from her coma and her injuries hadn't fully healed yet, it would take a while. Riley talked about the options of letting Maya live at her house but I knew that it would break Cory to not be able to even walk into his daughter's room. The thought of letting Maya stay here were circulating in my head. I could watch her and protect her. She wouldn't be afraid here.

Riley came into the room with her phone in her hand, she was tired but she had at least finally calmed down. She sat down on the floor, exhausted.

"This is harder than I thought it would be." She said and looked towards Maya's resting body. The connection between those two were so strong.

"I know Riley but we have to stay strong, for Maya." I said before dropping down on the floor next to my niece.

"You like her, don't you?" She asked me with a smirk.

"I love her." I answered and the feeling of telling someone felt so good. The hand crushing my heart finally let the go.

"I know you do." Riley said. For the rest of the day we just sat there, waiting for Maya to wake up.

Maya pov

I woke up to the sound of snoring. When I looked down, Riley was sleeping like a rock on the floor next to me. She had always been good at sleeping, she could fall asleep anywhere. Next to her, Josh was sleeping to. I chuckled at the sight of niece and uncle sleeping. They looked so much like each other in that moment.

I quietly got up from the bed and sat down next to them, touching Josh's cheek before I let myself once again go to sleep. In his sleep Josh laid his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. At first I froze but then I got calmer by it. I fell asleep.

Josh pov

I woke up to Maya sleeping in my arms. I didn't move. I just let myself breathe in the smell of her for a moment. Riley was awake, sitting on my bed with a smirk. I instantly but carefully let go of Maya.

"No, you don't have to do that. You are so cute together." She laughed and I felt myself blushing. When have I ever blushed before? Hearing my niece laugh was one of the best sounds I could think of, Riley was almost like my sister and seeing her the past days had been hard. Now she finally started to turn into the old goofy Riley that we all knew and loved.

Maya started to roll around, her arms punching and slapping around her. She mumbled and cried in her sleep. She was having a nightmare. Riley was immediately by her side, hugging her.

"It's okay peaches, it's only a dream." She whispered while rocking Maya in her sleep. Maya started to calm down but as soon that Riley let go she flew up with a scream. My heart was racing, her screamed pierced through my ears. It was heartbreaking to hear her so terrified. She had woken up and breathed heavily, her eyes flickering around the room.

"Maya? It's okay, you are safe." I said before she started crying and sat down on the bed.

"I'm sorry" she shakily said and wrapped her arms around her legs.

"It's okay Maya it's not your fault. None of this is your fault." I said and sat down next to her.

"It's not your fault Maya. It's the monsters that did this to you. You are strong, you will get through this." Riley said and sat down next to Mayas other side.

"I can't even look at Shawn or Cory without starting to panic. I can't even talk with my mother. I hate this!" Maya said. I did the only thing I knew and put my arm around her shoulders while Riley hugged her.

"Maya, you can stay here. Your mom will understand. You can live here and I will protect you." I said.

"You are not alone Maya. We're here for you." Riley said, her voice mumbled by Mayas hair.

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