Chapter 1: Blackmailed by a Gang of Thugs

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"Peaches, apples and bread." I whispered to myself as I walked around the market of the (Empire/name) empire's capital city stealing glances at each stall trying to find the last few items I needed to get before I went home. I looked around until I finally found what I was looking for. Then, when I started walking home some shady looking men started walking a few feet behind me. So I started to pick up the pace and sprinted towards home. But I was to slow and they grabbed my hair making me drop my bags and fall to the ground. I let out a yelp then the men hit me up side the head knocking me unconscious.


I woke up in a room with gray brick, stone walls and from what I could see in the darkness some metal bars at the front of the room making it look like a jail cell. I stood up and tried to start walking to observe my surroundings only to be pulled back down by chains that were clamped to my ankles. Then a deep voice from within the darkness spoke....

"So your finally awake I see..." I turned to my right to see a shadow of a man in the darkness

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?" I yelled at the man who I assume is the one who captured me.

"You are going to join our gang called The Jaded Dagger." He said in a matter of factly voice while slowly stepping towards me letting me get a better view of his brown hair and amber eyes.

"I WILL DO NO SUCH THING!!!" I screamed at the man. He let out a chuckle then closed the small gap between us and back handed my face

"I didn't say you had a wouldn't want anything to happen to that dear family of yours would you??" He asked while a devilish smirk was growing on his face.

"Well would you?" He asked again I was slightly trembling and scared to death but I managed to squeak out a no. He nodded seeming to be amused by my actions. I then put my head down thinking about my family I had my parents and my little brother to look after. I slightly smiled as tears slid down my cheek.

'I will miss'

"So you will join us?" The man asked in an impatient tone, I quickly nodded a yes but that seemingly wasn't enough for him. So he kicked me in the gut and I gasp as the sharp pain made me begin to cry.

"I DIDN'T HEAR YOU YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH." He yelled in my face. I answered but added something that helped a lot.

"Y-yes, sir" I said to his face which now had a smile on it

"Good job kid you learned fast to call me sir just for that I have changed, my mind you will get dinner" He ruffly patted me on the head like a slave and walked towards the cell door saying...

"I will send someone with your food and try not to do anything rash while I am gone." With that, he took out a key, unlocked the door and walked away slamming the door and locking it back behind him.

So I was  left alone in the darkness to pick up the pieces of everything that has happened in one day.

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