Chapter 2: One In The Same

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I sat there in the darkness for about 10 minutes with my eyes closed, laying against the wall until I heard the sound of shuffling foot steps and a loud klank of the door unlocking, making my eyes jolt open. Only to see a boy who looked to be about 13 with short black-ish, gray-ish hair and brown eyes.

"Mr. Ide told me to bring you some food....." He said shyly and quite a distance away from me

Long-ish silence

"Oh right, sorry I have some matches if you would like me to lighten the place up..." He asked while I nodded. He then put down a metal tray I didnt know he was holding and stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a box of matches. Then, he lit some torches that I didn't see before, that hung on the wall.

(A/n:btw this kid has a high British accent)

When it got lit, it was bright for a moment so I closed my eyes and then I opened to see the room looked more disgusting then it did before there were lights on. The walls were extra moldy and the floors were grimy. There was also two more sets of chains one to my left and to my right that were slightly rusty. My attention then snapped back to the boy who had picked up the metal tray and started walking towards me then gave me the tray. I looked at the contents of the tray which consisted of soup, bread, and a cup of water. I looked back at the boy who just smiled and then I asked....

"So.....who are you?"

"Oh yea, I guess I never introduced my self, my name is Travis and whats yours?" He asked me

"(Y/n)." I said slowly

"Cool so how did you get here." He asked me I sat there quiet no knowing if I should tell him

"Oh it is a traumatic experience if you got here the same way I did. I was walking back from my friends house about a year ago and some adults started following me home and then they kidnaped me." He said casually like it was a normal thing that happened everyday

"That's what happened to me too." I said quietly

"What did you say I didn't hear you?" He questioned walking closer to me and I started nibbling on my bread and sipping my water. There was a long silence until I finshed eating then I spoke up having more confidence.

"That's what happened to me too." I spoke a little louder. Then he smiled at me and said......

"Then I guess you and I are one in the same." He said grinning at me

I looked up and him and smiled. 'One in the same huh.......'

"If you don't mind miss (Y/n) you want to be friends?" He askes me still quite shyly

"Sure." I sure with a smile

Hey guys so I feel bad mentally because this chapter is legitly 100 words shorter then the last one but who cares sooooooo :) anyway buh bye!!!!!! Ps. Sorry guys I thought I updated this sunday oops

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