Chapter 3: Questions, Answers and a Time Skip

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Okay so this chapter is dedicated to @AkumaxTenshii for being my first comment those (at least) 2 weeks ago and yea my grandpa is doing ok and stuff. So anyway onwards with the chapter. Btw I lost my paper that had this chapter written down on so I am yoloing it lel FOUND IT


We sat there in a long, comfortable, silence until the fact struck me. I wasn't anywhere closer to getting out of here. I also had some questions to ask about this place. So I looked up and asked Travis all of my questions.

"So.......where are we?" I asked

"We are under the market." He said cheerfully "From what I heard, some people used this as an underground bunker because they were going to revolt against the old Empire. But, before the people revolted the (E/n) empire showed up and took over." I nodded showing that I understood, because I remember my dad talking about something like that.

"So what does your 'gang' do?" I asked

"Well, we mostly steal from our country's noblemen and the market stalls. Even the occasional traveler if were lucky enough. We recruit people from the slums and kidnap them if necessary." He said

"When will I get out of 'here'?" I asked emphasizing the 'here' a little to much

"Sometime tomorrow depending on how you act is what Mr. Ide told me." He answered

"And who is this Mr. Ide you talked about?" I asked

"He's the man who you met earlier." He stopped talking and shifted his weight of the other foot and continued. "He is the leader of our gang." He finished

"I have one more question........will I ever be able to see my family again?" I asked feeling the tears start to come

"Well that depends on how loyal you stay to the gang. I get to see my family on a daily bases. So I am sure you will be able to soon." He said with a smile and for once since I got here I genuinely smiled back.

-Le 3 years time jump-

I turned over in my hammock and sighed. I was never going to get any sleep because of that stupid mission that we are doing in a couple days. I sighed again and got up out of my hammock. I walked towards the door and quietly walked out of it. Then I walked down the hall way until I got to the door that went up into an alley. I silently climbed up the ladder and moved the board that blocked the hole to go down into the base. Then I climbed the rest of the way up and put it back in it's incognito place. I walked out of the alley and leaned up against the brick wall letting the cool winds of October breeze past my bare arms. I shivered as I looked up into the night sky. There was a full moon tonight with little twinkling stars dotting the rest of the sky. Then I remembered about the mission again. We are going to steal from the castle. I have a feeling it is going to go completely wrong. The fact that our mission planner is pretty bad at his job doesn't give me hope eather. I mean don't get me wrong David is my friend and all but...........he is bad at his job. Just as I was getting deeper and deeper into my thoughts I heard a voice behind me.

"I thought I would find you out here." Said the voice who I recognized as my good friend Julia.

"Yea." I said back not talking my eyes off the sky

"So why are you out here?" She asked

"The mission, what about you?" I asked back

"Same." She said walking over next to me and leaning on the brick wall as well. We both sat there and silence for a few minutes until we started talking. We talked for about 30-40 minutes then we both went inside because we got tired. We went our separate ways to our rooms and went to sleep.

'Saturday was going to be a long day' I thought


Sorry for taking sooooooo long but that was it I hope it was good enough. Well ill see ya later buh bye!!!!!!

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