Chapter 14: Going back to Kou

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Hello its been a while. I have been dealing with friend problems....don't ask...its weird. So anyway I am going to start the chapter now.....


Your pov

I open my eyes quickly to see I am in a large hole of some sort. I slowly stand up, and dust myself off. I look beside me to see a smirking Judar, sitting on a bag of gold. I smiled as I remember what happened. All the memory's of the dungeon came back quickly as I looked down at my sheathed sword. I looked back up at Judar.

"Looks like we did it." I said happily, looking at him.

"Yeah, as a team. Um......thanks Y/n....." He said, his cheeks getting a little red while he scratched the back of his neck. I felt my face getting hot.

"F-for what?" I asked stuttering a little.
'God stutter whyyyy!!!!' I thought as he looked into my eyes.

"Just thanks for savin my ass back there......." He said as it came back.

The Tran inscriptions on the wall.

"Heh, it's no problem at all...." I said and he outstretched his hand to me. I looked at him and smiled.

"Come on, let's get back home." He said with a nice smile on his face. I took his hand as he lifted all the gold onto his carpet with gravity magic. Then we were on our way, our way back to the Kou Empire.

*Toime Skep*

As he lowered the carpet towards the plaza, I saw two figures that resembled none other than, Kouha and Kougyoku Ren.

"Greeting Judar and Y/n." Said a smiling Kougyoku.

"Hello to you too, Kougyoku, Kouha." I said nodding towards them and they nodded back.

"Your not gonna ask how it went?" Said a smirking Judar and Kouha shook his head.

"If it wouldn't have gone well, you wouldn't have made it back." He said and Judar sighed

"I guess you're right......" Judar said and looked up into the sky. The prince seemed confused about why he didn't snap at him, but he didn't ask. We all walked inside towards Kouens's office in silence. I fiddled with my swords handle as we walked into the room. He looked at us with that look we all knew well. I saw his hard look falter when he realized we had made it back. He even slightly smiled.

"So I see you two made it back in one piece......good job." He spoke in his deep voice. He sounded genunally pleased at our return.

"Y/n...." Kouen spoke to me

"Yes?" I asked

"Since you have.....acquired a dungeon. You should be promoted to a general of the Kou Empire. You will have your own group of troops and will be able to lead them into battle. So what do you say, do you want to become a General of Kou?" He asked me and I got wide-eyed. I tried speaking but nothing came out.

"Of course she does." Judar said for me and I nodded.

"Then it is official, I will announce it and we will get you some men you will be in charge of. For now you can have some time off." Kouen said to me and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and bowed. We all scattered out of the room and headed our separate ways. As I headed to my room, I was stopped by Judar.

"Hey Y/n....." He said trailing off

"Yeah?" I asked and looked at him.

"Tomorrow we are visiting your country, is that okay with you?" Judar asked and I nodded. "Okay well, goodnight." Was all he said and then casually strolled out to the plaza. I smiled shaking my head, then headed off to the room Prince Kouen provided me when I came here those months ago. I plopped down on my bed and quickly fell asleep.

*Another Toime Skep* (sorry not sorry for what's about to happen)

I woke up to see small bits of dark light shining through the window. Meaning it must be early in the morning. I leaned up and stretched a little, then rubbed my eyes. I slowly got out of bed and grabbed some (clothes of your choice), then headed to the bathroom for a shower. I stripped and hopped in the shower. While adjusting the water I remembered where I was going today. It's gonna be fun to visit them again, I've missed them so much. I cleaned myself while thinking about my family and friends. Then I thought about how they'd react to Judar.

Would they think he is my boyfriend? I blushed at the thought. I finished up my shower and hopped out. I wrapped my self in my towel and walked back into my room. I put on my undergarments and then all of a sudden the door to my room swung open by non other than, Judar. His face instantly turned as red as a tomato as he very quickly left the room. My face was probably redder than anyone's has ever been. I quickly put on the rest of my clothes and walked towards the door. I didn't open it, but started talking.

"J-judar?" I called out to him. I heard shuffling behind the door.

"Y-yeah?" I heard him stutter.

"I-it's okay n-now y-you can come I-in." I stutter the sentence as the door opened slowly. He was still red in the face which made him look cute. He rubbed his face as if to pull himself together, then looked at me.

"I just came to see if you were ready to go." He said and I smiled

"Yeah, I am good." I replied trying to get over my embarrassment.

"Then let's go!"

I finally finished this for you guys.  I am not gonna promise that I am back, but I am gonna publish a few chapters. This book is so close, I am just giving it an extra push. Well I guess I will type back at ya later!!!!

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