Chapter 5: Mission gone wrong

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Hey guys and welcome to chapter 5 I hope you enjoy your stay and I will see you at the end :)

I finished calming my self down for the mission and walked back into the kitchen to wait for the others after a few minutes Julia and David came but no Sebastian which made me wonder where he was.

"Hey guys, where is Sebastian?" I asked they glanced at me then Julia said

"Oh you didn't hear? He was running around getting ready for the mission and he tripped and broke his arm." Julia said and I gasped

"Does that mean it will just be us three?" I asked

"Well actually-YYYYY/NNNN!!!!" Screeched a voice cutting her off. I quickly turned around to get tackled to the ground by a hug.

"Wha-" I started to say but then I realized who it was. It was another of my friends and her name was Trisha.

"Trisha what are you doing here?" I asked getting up slowly and sighing because it hurt my back a little.

"I am joining you guys team for this mission!!!!!" She yelled crazily flailing her pale arms around making her shortish red hair go crazy

"Okay cool its been a while since I saw you and worked with you so this is good." I said with a smile. She laughed and we all went over to the dinner table to tell Trisha the plan.


After telling Trisha the plan we grabbed our stuff again and walked up the ladder and out the door. We stealthily walked towards the castle listening to all of the citizens laughter and the music playing. When we made it to the castle we saw a few guards around the entrance having a couple drinks but, in the cover of the darkness we slipped past them. Making our way down the grand hall of the castle and going into one of the hallways towards the princesses room. We quickly picked the lock and tiptoed into the room. Looking around we saw tons of gold and other stuff we could sell. We grabbed as much as we could without making anything looks suspicious and ran out the door. We walked back out the hallway into the grand hall only to realize we had made a mistake. There were guards coming from the front entrance, at least 15 of them. But before we could go back into the hall to hide they spotted us.

"HEY THERE ISN'T SUPPOST TO BE ANYONE IN THE CASTLE GET THEM!" Yelled the one who I suspected to be the leader. We ran but to where, I don't have the slightest idea all I know was they were right on our tail. I realized we were probably not going to make it. We ran down another hall that had a dead end, a open window and to corridors one to the right and to the left. We ran towards the window knowing it was our last hope of escape. Trisha, Julia, and David jumped out the window and I was about to follow until guards came from the corridors that were to my sides and grabbed my arms. I tried to get out of their grasps but they wouldn't budge. They knocked me unconscious and dragged me away as I fell into a void of nothingness.


Hey so was that good? Well anyway theres another chapter done and I will see you in the next one buh bye!!!!

Q: On a scale of 1-10 how good do you think you are at writing books?

A: I think I am at least a 6, what about you? 

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