Chapter 6: Dragged to a Torture room

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Hello guys and before I start this I wanna tell you guys some stuff. First off, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Okay now that that's out of the way...I just wanted to say thank you guys for letting me hit 300 reads and I hope you will stick with me all the way to the end. I guess that's it for now . I hope you enjoy the chapter and I will see you later :3


When I woke up I was laying against a brick wall. I looked around the room to see it looked kinda like when I first joined the group. (She calls them the group now bc she thinks of them as friends and bc when I say gang of thugs I cringe soooo much lolop) There was bars at the front of the room and chains clamped to my ankles . One of the only differences was the fact that I could hear the whispers of other people. They were all around me, in front of me beside me they were everywhere. They were saying things like 'Why is she here?' or 'What would a girl her age be doing here?'  But one sentence really got me it was: 'She won't live.'  I tried asking what it is that I wouldn't live through or if they were even talking about me. But, the voices kept getting louder and ignoring me. I put my hands on my head screamed for them to stop but they got even louder as if to block me out. I had given up all hope and hugged me knees against the wall. After about a minute, I heard foot steps clanking down a hallway which made all the voices stop. I looked up to see 3 palace guards in front of the bars at the front of the room. One of them took out a set of keys and flipped through them until they stopped at a certain one. Then he slipped it in the key hole of the bars, making the door swing open with a screech. The guard with the keys and one other guard walked in while the last one guarded the door. The guard with the keys flipped through the keys again and slipped one into the shackles that chained me to the wall. Then the other guard grabbed my arms and put them behind my back. Then they replaced the shackles on my wrists. The guard that was holding me before, grabbed my upper arm and dragged me out the the room. The other two followed and the one dragging me pulled me down a hallway towards a wooden door. When the guard opened the door it revealed a room that looked like a torture room. There was a table to strap people down if they struggled and some.............freakish objects in the corner of the room.......with blood on them. Also when I stepped into the room I smelt the metallic smell of blood. The place absolutely reeked of the smell. The guard pushed me into the room resulting in me falling on the stone bricks that were used for the floor.

"Get up!" He yelled at me in a deep, commanding voice. Which made me get up quickly then when I stood up he dragged me to the wall and chained me back to it. Then, the guard that was dragging me turned to the other guys with a grin on his face.

"Alright guys are job is done, all we got to do is go call that weird guy and then get our weeks pay!" Yelled the guard

"Well who should get him Fuhara?" Asked the one with the keys who have more of a nerdy voice

 "I say you should Ahrame." Fuhara said

"Me!?!? I think Tenchumei should do it." Ahrame said

"Fine if you guys will shut up." Said Tenchumei, after he said that the 3 guards left out the door. I sat there on the floor for about 10 minutes until a man with black hair and a devilish grin came in. 

"Hello I am here to get information out of you and if you don't speak well........" He trailed off while pulling out a knife. " Let's just say things will get colorful here........with your blood." He said saying the last part quietly but loud enough for me to hear him which made me shudder.

"So I was told that you had people with you..........what were their names and are you a part of a group?" He said playing with the knife like a sadistic killer. I thought for a moment..........

'Would I really tell off my friends to save my own life?'  

No, not in a million years. I know this is going to hurt but I don't care.

"No I.....wont tell you." I said with it coming out shakier then intended

"Oh well have just personally asked for what's coming." He said with his devilish smile never leaving his face and an expression saying that he knew what I was going to say and was going to enjoy what he was going to do.  But, for the longest time the only thing you could hear were my cries of pain bouncing off the walls. Fear, terror, sadness those were just a few of the emotions I was feeling...


okay so this is my last chapter till 2017 starts and to me its a monumental event. So let us all have a little moment and celebrate. *Little moment* OKAY PARTYS OVER anyway I hope you all know how happy I am that I hit 300 reads and only 5 chapters are real chapters {Sorry for a/n's had feelz and problems}  So the reason I started this ending authers note is 1. so I could say MERRY CHRISTMAS again 2. so I could say I am getting a tablet for Christmas so I will be able to update more often {yay} and 3. Because I have a book that I am going to put my ideas in and I want people to suggest stuff for it so go check that out. {Even though I already have like 20-25 ideas} so anyway merry Christmas and type back at ya next year :)

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