Chapter 9: Telling the Royals

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I'm just going to say it now, I'm sorry. The rest of the book is going to be crazy. Only because I haz no idea wut ima do for it. Like if you looked you could notice last chapter how weird it was. 1. I didn't really know what my mind was telling my fingers to type 2. I was on the school bus going to school so I was tired and annoyed about school 3. I was like a day late. So yeah kinda sorry for all that now sorry fer da rant and onwards to the new chapter!!!!!!!!


Just as I was about to search around some more I heard footsteps and the door handle turning to reveal a man dressed in some kind of black and white robe, with white cloth covering his face. A silence washed over the room until (my mind is completely blank right now lol) a man that I didn't see behind the man in robes bumped into him.

"Hey, why the hell did yo-" He cut himself off when he realized the situation. After a.....Pretty long silence the man in robes asked...

"So what should we do with her?"

Judar's pov

"So what should we do with her?" Asked the Al-tharmen member. 'Damn, what do I say....'

"You can go, I'll deal with her." I say casually with my arms behind my head.

"As you wish." He said, then left out of the door shutting it on the way out.

Real quick Al-tharmen member's pov

I leave through the door smirking. 'You may think I did see that Magi, but I did and I know that one black rukh can make a huge difference....' I thought as I walked back to the room we use as a home base in the Kou Empire.

Back to your pov

After the man with robes left it was just as quiet. All I could hear was our breathing and quiet chatter of maids that were a distance away from us. I was the first one to speak.

"So.......who are you?" I asked and he smirked.

"I am the Kou Empires Magi Judar." He said still smirking as if he was the king of the world.

"Cool....." I said and he looked mad.

"You Moran you should be bowing, there's only 3 of us Magi in the world." He yelled like he was better than everybody else. (He hasn't met Aladdin yet) Once again the silence was present. (Omg I can't think of anyway for this to end)

"So what did you do?" He asked with a smirk. "Because they beat you pretty bad." My mind flashed back to the unbearable torture that they put me through and I shivered. I looked into he's eyes to see, blood red eyes that are filled with nothing. I looked back down at my feet and sighed.

"I...umm.....stole from the castle....." I said trailing off as if I thought I was going to get in trouble. I looked back to to see he was still smirking. 'What is with this guy?' I thought

"And I'm guessing they exiled you from the country?" He asked and I nodded. "Well your not going to hide in my room forever. You could go talk to the king...." He said suggestively. (By saying king in my mind I'm meaning Kouen. Which I know doesn't make much sense since the king is still alive....) I thought over my options, I couldn't go back to my country and there's no other country's for miles because Kou owns pretty much the whole area.

"I don't think I have a choice now do I?" I asked

"Nope." He said chuckling. I sighed and and looked at the door.

"Do you think.....He would let me stay here?" I asked my words kinda shaking.

"Well it depends, what do you have to offer him?" He asked. His question filled my mind. What could I possibly have to offer someone of such noble status? I did get a decent education and there was a man in the neighborhood I lived in who taught me Tran.

"I know Tran and I got a good education. Do you think that will do?" I asked again

"Well maybe, the king is fascinated with Tran. So, I would say it's your trump card right now." He replied. "But you can't go in looking like that." He finished and I looked at my self. He was right my clothes were torn and red with blood stains. My hair was probably the messiest part.

"I'll get ya something to wear." He said and walked out of the room.

Judar's pov

'WHAT IS WITH ME. Why am I being so nice to this girl. It makes no sense. Something's probably wrong with me. I'm probably sick, I don't even know. All I DO know is that there's something wrong with me.' I thought while walking over to the maids like laundry room.


Done done done done..D-O-N-E. God I thought I was going to explode writing this chapter. Because his character is so wrong. Man I'm just going to rewatch Magi for then millionth time. Or every part with Judar in it like I usually do. Btw 2x 1. I'm going to stop trying to has such long author notes because I know nobody cares and 2. In my spare time I'm working on a Toshiro X reader (bleach) but it won't be released for a while. Thanks for putting up with me and I'll type back at ya later. ❄

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