Chapter 8: Looking around

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Lol the multimedia is a part of a chat that my group had. Its kinda true tho americans be fryin everything. Anyway to the chapter!!!!!!!!


Judar's pov

When I woke up, it was about 4:40 pm and I groaned. That ment I had to go to that stupid meeting soon and had to do what ever Kouha wanted. Ugh sometimes I hate being a part of this empire. I got up and stretched trying to help my stiff back. Then I directed my attention to the girl who was still sound asleep. What was I going to do with her until I get back? I thought for a moment, I could put her in the closet and leave her there with a note on the door....but that's pretty risky. I pondered what I should do for a good 3 minutes before just ending up leaving her on the bed. Hopefully she doesn't go anywhere......I grab my wand and walkout the door. When I shut the door I facepalmed to the max. My door has a lock on it, I can't believe I was really that dense. After I recover from my stupidity, I lock the door with my key and started running off to the meeting room. I walk in the room a couple minutes late which earned me glares from Kouen. I walked to my place and sighed.

'This was going to be a loooooooong meeting.'


Your pov

I woke up and looked around drowsily expecting to see the  outskirts of the empire, but what I saw was not what I expected. I saw a nice room, with a huge bed. I looked over to see a pillow and blanket on the floor as well. Maybe it was from the person who saved me. I sit up in the bed and try to think back to what happened, then maybe I could figure out where I was. I remember them dropping me outside the borders, then I passed out. Then I remember waking up slightly once to see........A person with black... Butterflies? Flying around them...So I need to figure out who that person is.....I lift my legs over the side of the bed and stand up wincing a bit. I still have a little pain around my stomach and head. After getting used to the slight pain, I walk towards the door and turn the knob only to be rejected. I look around the room for another way out and I saw a balcony, but the door doesn't let me through eather. As I was about to look some more I heard foot steps, then a knock on the door.

"Lord Judar, your dinner is here...." Said a angelic voice from the other side of the door. I looked for a place to hide only to walk into the closet. After a minute, I heard another voice saying........

"Oh didn't you hear?? The Lord is in a meeting with the king."

"Oh I didn't hear, thanks for telling me!" She said in a happy go lucky voice

After I heard them walk away, I let our a sigh I didn't know I had been holding. I slipped out of the closet and thought about what those girls said.

'Who is Lord Judar....That name sounds familiar......' I thought about everything I have ever been told about other country's, of just people of high status in general. Then it hit me.

*Flashback 5 years*

"Mom, do you know where any of the  Magi's are?" Asked a 17 year old Y

who had just got done being told another tale about the great sorcerer's of creation.

"I know where two of them are actually....One of them is in the Reim empire, her name is Scheherazade, and the one in the Kou empire, his name is Judar." She said her eyes just as full of wonder.

"Wow I wonder what kind or people they are...." Y

said gazing off in wonder.

*Back to the present*

"That's where I have heard his name!!! Mom told me about him...." I said quietly to my self. Just as I was about to search around the room some more I heard footsteps and the door handle turning to reveal.....


Okay sorry for being late I kinda for got to post and I didnt  have anything done. Sorry again and I hope you enjoyed!!!!!!

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