Chapter 7: Black Butterflies?

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Okay before I start I just wanted to ask if any body is addicted to a game called vlogger go viral. I LOVE it, it's a really simple game but I have this feeling to upgrade EVERYTHING or I don't win and the fact is that it doesn't even have a system where you can win!!!! Other than that I have nothing to say, except the pic in the multimedia is my vlogger. So onwards with the chapter!


Your pov (As always)

Red, that was what was clouding my vision. Bright, red blood, it was everywhere. Streaked from my head down to my toes was just blood. I didn't move because of the fear of hurting worse than I already was. I felt the whip strikes on my back, I felt the cuts on my arms, I felt it all. I sat on the ground still unmoving, tears steaming down my face, listening to the ringing in my ears. Then, I heard footsteps and out of more fear than ever I tried to cover my head with my hands only to regret it when a burning sensation spread throughout my body. I let out a quiet yelp, then I heard the footsteps stop outside my door. I heard two men start talking so I strained my ears to listen.

"So what have you learned?" Asked a man with a rasped voice which I didn't​ recognise

"No, she wont talk. What do you want me to do with her? I could finish her off...." The 2nd guy who recognised as my torturer said

"No, just throw her out of the country. Knowing you and what you do to your victims, she'll be dead by the night." He said stressing the word victims. The torturer sighed and said "Fine". Then he came, unlocked the cell door and walked in with an older guard who I assumed the captain.

"We are gonna need a least one other guard to get her out of here." The torturer said towards the guard. The guard nodded and walked out to get a couple more people.


When two guards picked up my arms, I felt the burning pain that I felt earlier when I covered my head. They let my feet drag across the stone brick floor, which hurt just as bad. They pulled me down hallways that looked endless. Until we finally made it outside, when I got outside I squeezed my eyes shut because the light from the sun was so bright. When I thought I had adjusted to the light, I opened my eyes to see we were at the country's gate. The guards made a signal and the gate opened with a screech then they took me about a mile down the dirt path and dropped me. Then, they left without saying a word.

'Am I really going to die here?' Was all I thought before I passed out


Judar's pov

"Lord Judar, you have a meeting at 5 pm." Said one of the Al-tharmen members we have scattered around the palace.

"Yea, Yea. I'm going on a walk i'll be back soon." I said annoyed at them always bugging me.

"As you wish, Lord Judar." He said as I grabbed a peach from the peach tree we had growing in the plaza and walked out the door. I ate the peach as I walked out of the palace and down the streets of Kou. 'Man I need to get out of this place, at least for now' I thought walking out of the city on the west side towards the neighboring country. The (E/n) Empire, it was my favorite place to go to get my mind off of things. They also have an alliance with the Kou empire which makes it easier to visit. I was walking down the path when I saw a girl laying on the road to the city. She was covered in cuts that were leaking pools of blood. I looked at her and felt a different emotion then I had ever felt was concern?!? Why would I be concerned about this little moran...Just as I stopped my thought I saw something come from her, it was....a black Rukh?

'Hmm, maybe she's not worthless after all.'

I walked over to examine her wounds more closely only to see it would probably take days to heal her up. Wait what am I doing!!!! Since when have I been concerned about the welfare of others!?! Also, Kouen would probably kill me for bringing someone into the castle without him being notified before hand......but since when have I cared what Kouen said. Oh well, I will probably get yelled at but who cares. Kouha said he needed me to use a lot of magic later, so how am I going to get her back to the palace without using a magic transportation circle? I weighed my options and chose to carry her back. I picked her up as gently as I could then, carried her back. When I was about​ a mile away she started to wake up. I tried to walk a little faster so I could get her there with out her noticing it was me. I walked quickly into the palace and towards my room without being spotted. When I made it in there I laid her on the bed and started healing her. While I healed her she looked around the room confused of where she was, but before she could notice anything or ask questions I put her back to sleep with a spell that doesn't use up that much magoi. After I was done healing her I grabbed one of my blankets and a pillow, then I went into a deep and quick sleep on the floor.


Your pov before he knocked you out

I looked around the room trying to take​ in my surroundings. But, the only thing I noticed was that the pain I was feeling was getting lesser and little black......butterfly's? Fluttering around what I imagined was my savior. Just as I was about to say something I randomly fell back asleep.


So how was dat? I wrote it all in one day. Not in one sitting but one day. It was fairly easy, easier than I thought it was going to be. So anywho I hope you enjoyed and I will type back at ya later!!!

I am gonna have random questions like every chapter now by the way.

Q: Who is your favorite YouTuber or YouTuber(s)?

A: Mine is Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and Pewdiepie. What about you?

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