A/n: Q & A

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Yeah, yeah, I can already hear the yells.


Me: I know I know I got sidetracked and I haven't even started the next chapter. So calm down, I am doing a Q & A  cause I can and I really don't feel like writing atm so ask meh questions guys. I will do my best to have it updated this week or some time early next week. Also say hello to the new addition to the once one girl crew, goingjules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

goingjules: Calm down. So yeah hey guys I'm going to be the editor for her story's and stuff.

Me: So yeah that's meh editor. She's nice and will be a good addition to the team. I will try to make her type in italics so you know it's her and not me. ANYWAY leave me so questions down below and I'll type back at ya later!!!!!!!!!

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