Chapter 12: Y/n V.s. Kouha

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So hey, I'm just now starting this on Thursday at exactly 11:42 my time. I will do my best this chapter. Because I have been very out if it with Magi lately, but I won't leave this fanfic to rot and die because I care about it. Btw if you didn't know its 3 weeks instead of months now.


We both raise our swords into a stance that we are comfortable with and have a stare down. All of a sudden, we both snap back to reality and start running at each other. I slow down and smirk as Kouha falls into my trap. He slices his sword through the air and I quickly move out of the way making him tumble losing his balance. He quickly turned around and our swords clashed as we jumped back. We run at each other again, but this time I did a flip and landed on the other side of Kouha. I slowly put my sword to his neck and he sighs.

"Well Y/n, looks like you have won this round." He said clearly unhappy that he lost.

"Yeah but you did good." I said praising him and he looked bored.

"Well I have some things to attend to." He said formally and I nodded.

"Well bye then." I said

"Good bye." He said and walked away. 'Well I guess I need to get back to work' I thought walking towards Kouen's office.

~L3 T1m3 5k1p~

"Oh my god. I can't believe I'm finally going into a dungon...." I mumbled to myself as Judar and I were flying on one of the Kou Empire's carpets.

"Are you scared?" He asked me and I shook my head. 'It's because your here with me.' I thought while silently wishing I could tell him. Even I don't understand and understand what exactly your asking? Well it's how I don't understand how I like Judar. I know it's wild but, my mind has grown feelings for him over the course of the four months I have been here. I snap back to my senses when the carpet lands In front of a really tall building.

"So this is a dungeon?" I asked

"Yeah, but just wait till you get inside." He said and started dragging me over to a blue light, which I assumed was the door.

"Are you ready?" He asked

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answered as he dragged me in to the blue light and everything went black. It lit up again and when it did I saw what looked like a planet with lots of beams of light coming from it. A second later one of those light went over me and once again darkness clouded my vision. When I was able to see again, Judar and I were in a room with white flames covering the walls.

"So this is a dungeon?" I asked

"Yep but they are all different." He said "Well, let's start heading to the treasure room." He finished and we started walked down a corridor of white flames.

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