real quick after thoughts

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So now that is book is finally over I need to start getting ready for the second one.

Sorry if this ending seemed rushed or confusing but it is the perfect entrance to the next book.

So my thoughts on this book.....
It was hard sometimes, some chapters hated me and some loved me....heh its a nice feeling to not have a book open. This book has taken up exactly 8 months of my life. Today exactly today this book is 8 months

It started November 22
And ended June

Jeez.....almost a year

This book ended up more action or adventure than romance. I realized around chapter 13 that there was like no romance whatsoever so I started then and even on to the next book. It wont have to much romancey moments but you and Judy will have your moments. But it will mainly focus on story line because I have that set up in a perfect way.

I know the outline of the next book but not all the details. I am really excited to see what everyone will think of it.

I do kinda miss when I was in school and after a test in band the teacher would let us use our phones. Because that's when I would write my books 99% of the time. *le sigh*

I will probably start up a new book soon cause I have millions of ideas so yeah get ready for that guys

Its wont be magi tho. It will be Homestuck or YouTube stuff
I can definitely say that it will be labeled an X Reader

Real quick before I go
You guys can rando pick

Option 3


Option 4

That will decide the next fandom I go into

Thanks for staying this long in this book it means so much to this soulless ginger!!! Hehe

You know what's coming so say it with me and I will type back at ya later!!!!

Magi's Queen's Candidate |Au| (Judar X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now