Chapter 4: Rude Awakening and The Plan

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-Another time skip 3 days (Saturday)-

I woke up to hear a really loud voice next to me telling me to wake up. I turned over to try to ignore the perpetrator. But they seemed persistent to wake me up so they kept yelling loudly and shaking me. After a few minutes of shaking, yelling, and stupid noises I jolted up and started yelling at the person.

"Will you shut up like, my god your so annoying. Jeez just keep your mouth shut. Some people need there beauty sleep, god." I yelled turning back over and laying down now almost fully awake.

"Fine then I am sorry for waking you but I will send Julia to wake you back up in an hour." Said the voice which I now recognised as David. My eyes went wide as my face heated up because of the embarrassing scene I just created. I heard his shuffling foot steps go towards the door but before he opened the door I lean up and said........

"Okay, okay I get it I am up. I am sorry I yelled at you a minute get out so I can change." I said while taking off one of my socks and throwing it at him. He ran out the door and slammed it on his way out. I giggled at his childish behavior. Then, I got up and put on some clean clothes. After that, I put on my belt that had my sword sheath attached to it. Which made me remember that I needed to get my sword from the weapon master today. I sighed and walked towards the weapon master's room which was a couple rooms down. I stood in front of the weapon master's door. Then when I knocked a oldish man came out and asked...

"Are you the girl who brought in this lovely sword yesterday." He asked gesturing to my sword that lay on a wooden table in the corner of the room. I nodded looking at my sword it looked sharper and the silver looked polished as well as the blue gem in the middle of the handle.

"Well your in luck, I heard you have a mission today so I stayed up all night to finish it." He said with a smile while I mentally groaned because I forgot about the mission I had to do today.

"Thank you sir." I said bowing a bit. While he nodded and went to get my sword from the table. He gently picked it up and handed it to me. I took it by the handed and glanced at it. Then I put it back in the sheath that was to my left. I thanked him again and left. After he shut the door I stood there dumb-founded.

'Crap I forgot to ask David where we were going to meet!'

I thought about where he would go and then it came to me.

'Of course the kitchen!' I thought as I walked off that way. I stopped about 12 feet till I got to the door when I heard loud laughs and weird noises. I sprinted towards the door hoping they didn't break anything. But when I opened the door all I seen was David laying on the ground and Julia standing there and they were both laughing. While Sebastian in the back ground looking as unamused as ever. I sighed in relief as I realised nothing was broken. Then, I walked past the two laughing idiots toward Sebastian to ask what happened.

"So what happened?"

"Dunno, but I think David was messing with her and she hit him." He answered as I shivered we all know how hard Julia punches. 'Man he's an idiot.' I thought while I walked away from Sebastian and toward them.

"So guys remember the fact that we have a mission that needs to be done today?" They both looked up at me as if I had just walked in the room.

"Oh hey Y/n, when did you get here?" Julia asked me between breaths because she had laughed so much

"Oh me well you know I have been here for like 3 minutes. But you would know that if you would have been paying attention." I said trying not laugh my self about the fact that David is still laying on the floor.

"Okay well let's start talking about the plan then we will leave tonight at 8:30." David said with the most seriousness I have ever seen. After he got up off the ground we walked over to the dinner table to discuss the plan.

"Okay so I will start. Tonight is the celebration because of the recent war we help fight in. So everyone will be away celebrating in town so there will be no one at the castle and they will probably give the guards the night off and thats when we move in." David said with determination in his eyes

"Sounds ok I guess...."-Sebastian

"Good job little timmy you made a good plan."-Julia

"Well its all we got." -Me

"All right then, agreed, now everyone go get ready for the worst case scenario just in case any thing does happen." David said in a tone of voice that sounded like he doubted his own plan.

"Alright then meet back here at 8?" I asked they all nodded and we went out the door and went out separate directions.

'I still have a bad feeling about this though........'


This is legit my friends I based all these characters off my friend except Travis that's the name of this boy who sits in front of me in language arts and math. Then Julia is in my 4th and 6th and David is in my 6th and I don't have any classes with Sebastian but I see him in the hall ways so shout out to them and BUH BYE

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