Surprise Photo Shoot

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Eren's POV

How long has it been? I looked over to the clock on the side of my bed seeing it was 7:44. Oh no I'm going to be late! I quickly got up only to fall over my covers and getting in somewhat of a tied up present in my blanket. Again, I tried to get up leaving my room all messy; If I only could have left early for work, I would have gotten enough sleep. I got up looking through my closest for something decent, a suit or so should work. I picked out some dress pants and some white long sleeve shirt, along with, a vest and tie. I honestly didn't care what colors they were, messy is just better looking on me. I quickly put the clothes on, carefully examining it so I don't put it backwards or inside out again; and ran out to the living room getting my backpack and a bag.

"Oi, Eren! Lets get going, we're going to be late!" I heard some loud knocking on the door. Must be Levi picking me up again, did he come late too?

"I'm going, I just need to put my shoes on!" I put my shoes on, multitasking, adjusting my bags and grabbing my glasses on the way out. Honestly I just got used to wearing my glasses now, I don't really need them but it makes me see thing much better than I usually do, I have perfect vision so I don't know why I keep them. I got out the door greeted my Levi who had a sly smile.

"Woke up late yet again, did ya?" I laughed through my nose and nodded. I looked at him a bit before walking a bit with him to his car. He looked a lot like me, messy looking and just, young.

"You didn't need to pick me up, I would have just took a train or rode my bike." He shook his head taking his glasses off as well and putting them onto his head. He took out some keys and took one of my bags putting it in the trunk along with other things.

"You would have been late, I'm not taking the blame this time. Now come on get in, we have a meeting with some photographers who want to take a photo shoot before we get to the lab." I got into the car along with him and he started the car and drove off quickly.

"Before you even say anything, yes I did check in with the boss and they said it was okay, good thing you wore something professional." He started to drive faster passing cars.

"You can even read my mind sometimes... What's the photo shoot for anyways?"

"Some kind of magazine for fashion, I don't know why the boss was okay with it but we have two magazines to pose for."

"Seriously? I thought it would be something other than this, that's just another day of fame. People don't even care that we do science, its just the looks and creditability that charms the people or such."

"More or less, but its not such a bad thing to take a break from experimenting on things or with things, its good to be doing other things once in a while."

"Since when did you start being all wise?"

"Since you just barely noticed idiot, now lets go we're about to be late." Levi pointed to the clock in the car, 7:58. Why didn't anyone tell me about this, I would have been more prepared!

"Alright, lead the way since no one decided to tell me about this in advance." He chuckled slightly getting out of the car, locking it after I got out closing the door. He began to run as I followed behind. He opened the door to quickly it ended up hitting me on my forehead.

"Watch out next time!" He shrugged and kept running, he's to quick that I actually have to try to run to catch up with him. We ended up running for a minute or longer, going up stairs and through doors and riding up on elevators. We even bumped into some fans and they ended up following us a bit. We ran into the top floor that was blocked off for some reason so others couldn't get in without clearance.

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