Beyond Words

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Eren's POV

I didn't understand anything. Not when I had experienced a vision I could say as. It confused me deeply, because I didn't know what it meant, or what it was. Especially now since it triggered a new ability of mine I didn't know I had, understand, or know how to use.

"Listen to me Eren, do not panic at the sudden change. It is merely only a change in chemicals in your body that have opened up more capacity in usuage of the human body. I'd like to see if your able to use this ability on your own."

I shook being afraid of myself. I didn't want to over react and cause something different to happen. I don't know what's going on between me and this other realm of dreams and visions, but it could well be my end if I don't use it carefully and correctly.

I looked over to the objects in the air. I tilted my head at books being opened to specific pages. Papers with notes taken on them and things to write with by them. That's all that was in here in the air.

It said something, reading it right, it says something. Unusual and different from what I understand. Ignoring the outside of me, I got up completely perplexed at the alignment of the objects.

"Leave..... Eren, what is it.... What do you see... What's on your mind...?"

I could only hear his voice and the footsteps of many leave.

I look and touched one of the books as it spun then stopped. I grabbed the book with my hands and scanned through the books page that was shown. Saying something like, the body can change when an imbalance of different cells enter the system.

I let go of the book as it fell to the floor. Taking the other books reading through them all. Saying different things on different subjects, all conected to the human body, a mortal, a being of life.

'The brain is controlled by the emotion and actions. The mind is what holds memories and past actions. One may forget or remember entirely. The body is able to withstand anything the being goes through, mentally and physically. The body will drastically change is the system detects something different, due to this, the body will do anything to change it back. Only because a danger signal is sent to the brain of a different chemical in a body.'

They all say the same thing on the topic of the body. The notes are about me, and other people. They've been through what I have been through but never where I am now. They all end in them ending the life they lived at where they saw something in a dream and wanted to go there. Ending their own lives or by natural cause, and that was all they could get from them.

Those few papers about me where about what had happened in the past, an empty page was there that only said; patient is unknowing from memories. Only one other person is also unknowing of his memories. The only thing I wrote on it was, I have no memories.

"...Eren... Is everything alright...?"

Startled by the voice I turned around to see the man by the door, closed. His face full of worry and care, he didn't seem afraid of what I could do like this, not even close.

"Why are these books on these topics here? Why are there notes of me and other people here? Did you leave them here? What's going on?"

"Slow down there, I'll answer them just calm down, and put the items down. Unless you think you can show keep how you used it."

"...I don't know how... It just happened... Now tell me why they're here..." I began to get a bit frustrated.

"..You asked for one book of that topic. The rest we brought to you for more understanding. The notes of you and other people were left here, and I can't tell you wants exactly going on if I don't know how you used it unless you tell me.." He got a bit closer careful of me so I don't hurt him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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