Leaving Behind My Future

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Eren's POV

How long has it been? How many days have gone by? How many tears have fallen down my eyes? How many drops of blood have left my body? How many voices have been tormenting me? How many times have these new things found themselves into me? How many thoughts of Levi popped into my head making me grow lonely everyday, making me question my existence, making me go insane?

Several... Several... Several!! But, can I ever question it if I already know the answers?

"Nothing much has changed, he's only gone through the same thing for the past two weeks, maybe this is the end of this?"

"Maybe so, but this is why we're doing it, slight changes have been having though, telepathically communicate with others as of well being able to cause emotions and physical changes in such people without touch.."

"So he's only in the starting the second part of this isn't he..?"

"Yes, we don't know what he could do so its dangerous to be around him, but don't worry, I've already started a way to keep an eye on him and his condition if we are even out of this room."

"Then what do we do with him now..?"

"We wait and look at every detail in his changes if they happen, anything other than that was recorded earlier in this task."

"Then taking notes and recordings have already started sir.."

"Thank you, you may leave now, I'll be the only one here for now.."

The doors slam shut making me flinch at the noise. Again I was chained up, most of the time anyways and kept in this isolated room that does its thing to torture me. The deep wounds I have gotten has already disappeared after an hour or so when I got them, even that scars of them are gone, nothing leaving a mark.

I have many thoughts in my head, none of which I can get rid of, except for one thing repeating.
How long has it been..?
How long has it been..?
How long has it been.

Why could I only think of that, how long of what, a unit, a measurement, an item? Why cant I think at all, of anything other than these terrifying thoughts.

I don't know. Nothing. Nothing involved in this. But why cant I change?
That's a lie, I have already, more than I should have, or at all.
But what is this, I can do something else now.
I can finally escape.
I only need him to come into this room and get close enough to him that I can get these off me.
To get me revenge at him, for taking me to this place I call hell.
But he's to smart to come in here, he knows what I'm capable of.
He'll get in here, I already planned this out when I knew I could escape, I just need him to get out of this horrible place and get him to live like this.

"So what do you even have planned today, another way of making my assistants go crazy, or making me mess up again so I cant ever inject you with this pure chemical that you cant even make?"

"....I have nothing anymore.."

"Gave up already? Well that was easy, I should have at least stopped it."

"...Nothing can stop this.."

"Of course not, every single cell in your body will fight for this, if they don't get it, they take the body and create more things to get it any way they can.."

"...Let this end.. please..."

"If I could have I would, its to late for that now.."

Pity. Only out of pity he would say that just to make me believe that he would care about anything that happened to me, but he's cruel inside for making me do this. Yet, I'm still stuck in here for doing all of his work just so he can bring himself the power he desires. The attention he wanted for only for his dared reasons.

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