Back to Work

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Eren's POV

I was looking around the place again, while I held my bags following Levi. The place was a bit empty, a lot of people took the day off. From my pocket I took out our room door keys as we got to our room. I unlocked it walking in leaving one of my bags on the floor and taking the other to the bathroom. The bathroom is a bit weird, enough for two people, with a lot of space to decontaminate our bodies from chemicals.

"I'm going to change, you can get some things ready if you need to." Just when I was going to close the door for privacy, Levi flung the door open hitting me on the head again.

"OW! Geez what's with you and hitting me in the head!?" I rubbed my forehead exposing the mark from rubbing the make-up off from earlier.

"You're just always in the way.. Maybe I should start giving you a heads up before I enter a room after you."

"Ya think!? ..You're just having fun with this aren't you?" Levi shrugged. He got to one of the stall like baths and started taking off his clothes. I tried to keep the pain off and did the same as Levi. I took some of my old clothes out of my bag placing them on the side before putting them on.

"Not bad.." I heard the door close at those words. Without a reasoning, my face flushed red at that. I didn't know weather or not Levi was looking at me and 'complimenting' me or just at him self. It still made me blush, as I quickly put on my old clothes and washed my self a bit. I walked out trying not to look Levi in the eyes from embarrassment putting my lab coat on.

"Looks like we still have to continue the Rosa experiment. Give me the keys and I'll get the things." I handed him the keys as me walked over to another room with the materials. I took a few deep breaths before he came back with the items.

"What are you so worried about, you know how to do this."
"I know, its nothing though, just taking a breather from earlier today."
"Alright then, the last measurements were... four thirds of the reduced decimal of NANO."
"Liquefied or in solids?"
"The first run is liquefied and then we do solids."
"Its a good thing I payed attention in math."
"Or you would have messed up now mix it into a liquid while I make the stabilized neo toxin H6"

I put my gloves on grabbing some NANO in a bag from the drawer below me. I grabbed some beakers and measured and equal amount in two different containers. I melted some hydrogen along with some drops of lukewarm water mixing it in the beaker as it turned into a thick paste.

In the other container I did the same but added some grams of salt and sugar that were dipped into some other chemicals. I mixed both of them together carefully making sure I wouldn't over do the amount. I took a drop from it onto a paper, it stayed stiff, I did it perfectly.

"You have the stabilized neo toxin H6 ready yet or is it still stabilizing?" As I was about to turn around popped out in front of me scaring me almost knocking down the liquefied NANO.

"Yea I made two for the solid one, if you made that one." I took the H6 setting it on the table and took another beaker adding a few millimeters of the liquid NANO and mixed it in with a bit of the H6 to make pure solid NANO.

"Now I did. Now I'll start first while you take note and we switch." He nodded and took some papers and started writing a bit and watched me do the experiment.

"Alright, I'm going to mix these, watch carefully." I took off my glasses and put on my goggles carefully picking up the beakers and mixing them in a different container. I stood back setting the materials down waiting for a reaction. Within seconds it began to bubble up and smoke a bit, I backed up a bit more just to be safe but I wasn't. The formula we experimented on bubbled up at an outrageous amount exploding, making it go almost everywhere.

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