On Instinct

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Levi's POV

"Stay still, I know it hurts but it'll help!"

I was already at work with the dog I brought and started to heal its wound on its leg that made it limp. It was pretty bad, seems like some one did it to the dog than itself. I was able to get it bandaged calming the dog down giving it some food and water. It seemed pretty happy that I took it in and cared for it, at least it isn't on the streets.

"What should I call you, you'll need a name if I'm keeping you."

The dog looked up at me tilting its head and slightly wagging its tail. I chuckled petting it as I thought of a few names.




"Ruff, ruff, ruff!!"

"I'll call you Seth then, you'll be a great companion!"

I ruffled its head as it panted looking like it was smiling. I already love this dog. I put it on the floor letting it walk around a bit getting used to the bandage and making sure it would withstand him. I cant honestly do anything at the moment.

Well, anything to look for Eren, I don't even know where to start even if I have some clues. I cant even think straight without thinking of something else unrelated.

All I know is, Eren was taken somewhere by someone without a trace and could be anywhere at the moment. Anything that was left behind is already taken as well, his necklace with blood on it, his broken bike, and the dog that so happened to see Eren and probably knows where he is.

I slammed my hand on the counter in frustration.
Damn it, why cant I just get him back, I didn't even get to tell him. Nothing, he doesn't know.

I felt the dog rub against my leg whimpering a bit. I sat down by it petting it a bit.

"Don't worry, we'll find him, with you I know we can." I smiled at the dog.

"Ruff!!" Seth got a bit closer to me panting. Man he's a big dog, he doesn't seem like it but he could be bigger than me if he stood up.

"Ruff!" It began to lick my lips a bit causing me to cringe at the saliva. Seth than pushed me down onto the floor and licked me all over my face.

"Seth.. Down dog, come on stop!"

Seth stopped sitting on my chest making me take deeper breaths. He sure is heavy. I laughed a bit wiping the saliva off my face with my shirt, sitting up looking at Seth who got off me and sat by me and wagged his tail.

"You sure are going to be hard to handle, come 'on Seth, we have things to do."


I went out for a walk with Seth hoping he would find something. Not exactly what I meant, he ended up following some random person from across the street for a bit. I went to question the man who didn't seem like anyone connected to this, just a messy looking young adult late for something. What was odd is that he kept messing up his words and said something about a isolated prison. Couldn't mean anything unless its something else than just that.

I stopped to look around after spacing out a bit. I seemed to be in front of a tech store, quite big these days, for a down town area, the main street. How did I get this far exactly? I only took a bit of a walk; spacing out, that's how.

I looked inside seeing the new, about Eren. Nothing new, just about the photo shoot a few days ago and some kind of teaser of him doing something else that I don't even care about at the moment. Seeing his face made me just miss him more. Where is he, what could be happening to him, what is he going through?

"Ruff, ruff... Borf, borf!"

I look up from my thoughts seeing Seth barking at something that doesn't seem visible, or even exists, well from my sight. I followed Seth as he ran without warning, running faster by the second as I tried to keep up.

"Seth slow down!" He kept running on, until he stopped. I stopped by him catching my breath. Seth began to walk a bit sniffing around the place stopping at a building. A jewelry store. I walked in as Seth followed, I really don't care if dogs are allowed in or not, he's helping me.

"Hello, welcome to Golden Jewelers, how may I help you?"

The man didn't seem to stand up from where he is from, doing whatever he was doing under the counter. I looked around a bit trying to see if anything looks a bit off that might have made Seth stop by here.

"I'd just like to ask a few questions if you don't mind."

"Sure, may I ask about what exactly?"

"Something on my case, that's all."

The man stood up closing the counter door. He was quite young to be working in a place like this, and by himself if he even is. He was a bit taller than me, had pale like skin, brown hair, and a bracelet on his wrist, covered with a stain that looked like blood. I should start with some simple questions without him just questioning me at any point.

"I'd like to know a few simple things... Have you been involved in anything lately?"
"Not really, other than helping a friend of mine nothing else."
"Have you seen anything suspicious lately, maybe around the area or heard something?"
"No, everything seems to be normal."
"Alright, final question... Where'd you get that blood from..?"
"On my bracelet? It was just a nosebleed, I forgot to clean it off."
"Don't you think keeping yourself sanitary in a place like this would be a good idea?"
"I do know about that, I just forgot at the moment."
"...Thank you then, that is all. It was nice you meet you by the way."
"It was nice to meet you to, seeing a new face around here lifts the mood."

I shook hands with him thinking for a bit. A new face? I often come around here walking and sometimes walk in to talk with someone in here or just take a look with one of my friends. He probably just started working here and saw me only today.

I let go of his hand taking his bracelet as well without him noticing as I walked out along with Seth. I began to walk back in the direction we came from hoping I could at least come up with something about this.

Since I have that man's bracelet I could take a test on the blood to see if it really is his or someone else's. I tried not to smear the blood off holding it with my finger.

Seth should know about Eren if he's leading me on this path, seemingly going in a way where I'm only going to know he's gone, but I'll never see him again, or even be able to help him in some way.

"....Seth, I hope we find him. It'll be great if you meet him, he'll be a great owner for you as well."

Seth got closer to me rubbing his head on my leg for a bit in a comforting way. I smiled at him petting him a bit and kept walking.

No matter how many times I repeat it in my head, I hope I do find him. No matter what I don't really care what happens as long as I find him. I want to know everything, where he is, what happened to him, and if anything changed, so see if he still is like I know him. For a moment.


A/N: Finally writing shorter chapters, I don't know if that's good but you tell me I just feel like I need to improve and the only way I can do that is with you guys telling me and such. And again all the story line might sound familiar to some of you but I just changed some things in it to make sense and go In a certain way and it might sound repetitive in some way but I could fix that later or something. Channe!

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