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Levi's POV

I honestly hate myself for everything that happened. Its been days, a whole month maybe, and nothing has gotten me close to what I'm looking for. I was so caught up on what I was thinking that I couldn't do anything I needed to do, or in my case, wanted to do.

"Sir. Sir, are you alright?"

I looked up from the item in my hand to look at the driver who looked back at me through the mirror.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you for asking.."

Everything isn't alright. Nothing is. I feel to weak and pathetic for not being able to get closer to this. And yet I have to tell the public about this. How could I if I cant even tell myself about it?

"It is my job to insure you are fine, even if I am your driver. But I am here, as we are approaching our destination."

After a minute or so, the car stopped. I looked over to my side petting Seth who stayed quiet the entire time almost making me think if I forgot to bring him. The driver came onto my side opening the car door as I got out along with Seth and thanked him. I looked at the building in front of me. I choked at seeing people and flashing lights. Everyone screaming at me about questions of who knows what and statements of which I'm to busy in my own thoughts to care about.

I walked down the isle of people entering the building afterwards. Meeting up with a group of people, dressed all formally. Must be the guards. Since what has happened to well known people, they thought I should be guarded. Not something I enjoy much, even if its for my safety, I don't enjoy walking around with these people making it seem like I'm a next target.

"Right this way sir, its about to start."

Another person who followed me and the people behind me walked along. Leading me to where I would have to speak. Along the way he gave me some tips on what I should be or act like, in front of the group of people so I don't embarrass myself. Honestly I wouldn't care, I'm to much into my own thoughts as it is to even care about such things.

Walking to my destination I took a deep breath and cleared my thoughts as I looked over to the people who silenced at my presence. The people still behind me, making sure on one would enter. All I saw for a moment of quiet, out to the people, I saw those with camera, mics, and other various objects I don't bother with. Looking to the side of me once more to make sure I had Seth by me as well. I cleared my throat.

Calm down Levi, its only people, people who need to know about this so they don't worry.

"Uh, hello everyone, I assume you all know why this is needed."

I stated with a bit of shakiness in my voice, testing the mic to make sure everyone hears me. I really am not up for this, but I need to do this. Even if I don't really know what to say at the awkward silence that goes by.

"I want to start off with a straight forward statement... As you all know, from keeping up with everything from anything... Eren Jaeger... Is missing."

The crowd began to speak within each other, screaming about anything they could possible have on their minds. I raised my hand getting their attention once again; silencing them.

"Yes I know how it is, I could probably answer some questions that have been going around about, this case, and as well state basic information about the situation."

I looked down for a moment at my hands still holding it. Recollecting my thoughts for reassurance for a moment, thinking about various things I could answer keeping my cool. Well, trying to keep my cool.

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