Kept Secrets

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Levi's POV

Ring. Ring. Ring.
Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Thank you for calling, how may we be of assistance?"

"Yes, hello. May I have information regarding the account number, 378 738 082?"

"Account 378 738 082, yes the account name should be, Jaeger Eren, correct?"

"Yes that's correct; I'd like to know the information about the recent payment in the house renovation."

"Recent payment made on May seventeenth. Payment was not made by owner of apartment but the closest information to the payment..... Names and other registered information are, Levi Ackerman, Armin Arlert, and one last name that's private information that I would need permission from."

"Alright, thank you for your assistance, that's all I needed, thank you again..."

I hung up after that and thought a bit. That private information was probably part of his family and was kept there for various reasons.

But Armin could have probably made that payment so it's no use in calling. And that private information would be from his family, and that's impossible because they. They. I don't even want to think about it, it causes me trouble...

I looked over at the table in the living room. The huge box, and the envelopes. I honestly don't want to open them, but knowing what it says would help me.

Walking over to the table, I looked at the box; seeing a note attached to it. Pulling it off the box opening it.

By the time you get this box, you'll be wondering why it's also addressed to you. Inside is something that I've wanted to give you for a long time. I should have gave it to you but I wanted to save it for the right time. Please don't open it yet, I want to be there by you when you do. And I don't know how you will react but I want to be there to comfort you when you see it, don't open it just yet, for me.

Reading that, I put the note on top of the box and picked it up putting the box aside into my room. It gets really lonely here. The big space with no one but me and Seth here. I get occasional visitors but no one actually stays here.

Yet this box I'm not supposed to open for Eren's wishes. I'm not going to even though I never did, but it must be important from Eren saying it.

Walking back out I went to the envelopes looking through them and opening some that interest me.

Most where about things from work and from my friends; basic things. Right when I was about to put things aside and just relax for the day right when Seth started sniffing one bigger envelope. Reaching for it Seth grabbed it and made a run for it.

"Hey, Seth, bring that here right now!" I ran after him through the vast house into almost every room; it's harder like this when the house is huge and bigger than a normal one.

"That's not a toy, that's not something you can play with, Seth!!" I kept running after him getting close to grabbing him but kept hitting something in the way as he turned.

"Borf! Borf!" Running a while in the house I tripped over something. I gave up not even trying to get back up and chase him.

"You win... Now why did you take it!?" Seth came back placing the envelope a bit far from my reach; and snorting at the envelope.

"....Is it something bad, anything bad in there...?" He slightly wagged his tail and pawed at lump in it.

"Hand it over...." He pushed it with his nose to my reach as I sat up petting him; grabbing and opening the envelope.

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