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Eren's POV

"H-Hey are you alright..?"

I felt some slight shakes and tugs. I opened my eyes seeing something blurry. All I could feel was pain at the moment. I heard some screams of brutal pain by me making my vision more clear at the sudden noise.

"What's going on, what is he doing!?"

I looked around a bit seeing a young man on the floor holding his body shaking, he was pale, brown hair, and had a bracelet on his arm the color of blue. What, why is he like that, did I do something. I could see people standing by the window looking, at what was going on. I don't even understand this myself as much as they are confused.

"I'll ask some questions, so listen up." What seems like the leader of this, walking to me. He seemed familiar, the eyes, a blue color. I realized who it was, the person who kidnapped me. I wanted to attack him right now, if I wasn't chained, I would have.

"No.. I don't need to answer anything, you got what you needed.." He kneeled by me. He looked at every inch of me, as I didn't move.

"You're willing to go through pain again or just ease through with some questions?"
"Do it your way, I'm not even able to do anything.."
"Very well. How do you feel then?"
"Sick and awful, like throwing up as my insides are being torn out."
"That's just the toxins doing its work. Are you able to feel anything, something at all?"
"Besides pain... Feelings from the past.."
"Like what, be clear."
"I could feel the scrapes of falling as a kid, the itching feeling of grass against my skin..all at once."
"Do you remember anything you should have forgotten?"
"Little things like what my neighbors house looked like, what small things I found on the ground."
"Alright, that is all."

The man walked out locking the door again. Some of the questions were too precise, like he know what was happening to me. I want answers, why me, mostly circles my head. He said I'm the only person who can withstand these conditions, what does that mean? I'm mostly worried about me being here than what's happening inside my body.

"It seemed that when he looked at the man, he inflicted pain at sight from his condition."

"Used in telepathy I'm assuming. The beginning stage of his condition is developing to quickly, faster than normal people, let's see if he's alive after it, I know most of them were dead at that point."

What!? People before me died after this!? If what ever he's talking about is developing so quickly wouldn't I be dead in no time? I only have to wait until then if I cant do anything.

It was only an hour when I felt pain again, after they kept bringing me food as I refused to eat. The took blood from me and occasionally shocked me with something, only lasting momentarily. Only to get what they wanted when I refused. Someone else walked in with some more food once again.

"I'm not eating if that's what your here for." I looked up seeing that man from earlier again.

"You have to if you want to keep alive, this is different from regular food anyways." He sat on the floor looking at me.

"Don't care, I refuse to eat.. You cant force me." He chuckled a bit as he sat on the bed with a container sitting me up.

"If I have to I will, it'll help with keeping your body stable from the serum, now open up.." I only turned in response. He grabbed my chin squeezing the sides of my cheeks opening my mouth with his fingers stuffing some food in my mouth.

"Now swallow." I was about to spit it out when he pinched my nose tightly causing me to swallow and take a breath through my mouth. It tasted awful, like eating your own vomit. I began to cough trying to get the bad taste out of my mouth.

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