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Levi's POV

Where am I, what is this place? It's seems so different then where I was. I'm in a building. Surrounded by a forest and I'm wearing some uniform. I'm in a room with a papers and items that look so old. Where am I!?

"You seem uneasy, the break in of the wall bothering you?"

The person who walked in had tied up, brown hair, and glasses. Carrying a tray as well. Shitty glasses.

"...What wall... Where am I, what am I doing here..?"

She put down some tea on a small table by me as I sat up looking around trying to figure out my situation.

"...Are you feeling okay? You don't have some kind of recent memory of what happened... Did you stay up all night again, you know that the paper work isn't that important not to not get sleep..."

"..Yes I'm fine I haven't gotten much sleep as well... Um.. I don't recall anything recently.."

"Ah well allow me to fill you in. Titans have invaded the Shigonshina district and we have to be ready in case things happen. The colossal seems interesting as well. And let's see what else, our comrades are cleaning here, everyone is here, Erwin, Petra, Gunther, Oluo, me, everyone!"

"I'm sorry I don't really know what's going on I need some time alone.."

Regardless of where I am I went outside of this building to the a field and trees covering the place.

Where am I, in this weird old looking place, what are titans, what is this uniform for?

It seems that everyone from my place I guess, is here, all of my friends. But is Eren here?

"Captain, we have been called in, we have no time let's go!"

I see Petra, pulling on my arm leading me to some horses. Everyone was there with some gear of some sort and other things.

"Well what are you waiting for, let's get going!"

I didn't know what was going on and regardless of what I would do, I would have to follow.

"...I don't know how to ride a horse.... Or what those things are...."

They all looked at me wide eyed.

"He's dealing with a short memory problem from lack of sleep. I'll take care of him, now get on behind me."

Following what she said I did. Looking around the place as we left to some other type of walls, with what I saw scared me. Giants, people like creatures who eat us humans I suppose as I saw.

She led me up the wall carrying me up even if I had this 'gear' thing. I didn't know what this is, of its even a dream or something else and my whole life was a dream.

"How do you not know what to do, this is something your supposed to do!"

"I don't know! I'm out of line today. Just tell me the basic of this gear and I should snap out of it!"

She sighed and explained it. I didn't really understand it but it was enough to hell at least.

"..Before I do anything... Do you know anyone by the name of Eren Jeager..?"

"....Im surprised you know him.. We weren't supposed to tell you until later."

"What about him, who is he here?!"

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